Can somebody show how the fact that base animals, who lack reason and rationality and morality, occasionally screw homosexually, how this is some kind of stamp of approval on homosexual marriage?
No one is saying it approves or disapproves. We are simply denying the ignorant claim that homosexuality is a human invention. And by the way it's not simply occasional. 10% of sheep are exclusively gay. And furthermore, animal reason and rationality plays no role. If we are to call male and female animals having sex heterosexual we have no basis not to call male and male animals having sex homosexual.
Or because of this it is reasonable that human homosexual behavior is natural?
There are many reasons to believe that human homosexual behavior is natural, including witnessing the same behavior in other species. There is a reason psychiatrist will no longer attempt to treat homosexuality.
And why isn't cannibalism natural and good or eating excrement natural and good because animals do that too.
It's natural for some creatures, but not good for us since it does harm. Not all natural things are good, no one is arguing that. You however, are arguing it's not natural. However, it is commonly accepted that natural behaviors that don't do harm should not be discouraged.
And how, exactly, science had read the minds of animals that attempt to mate with animals of the same sex to prove that it is 'homosexuality' that they are after and not simply animals doing what animals do since they lack reason etc - such as when dogs try to hump your leg.
How about you google for 5 damn minutes instead of continuing to embarrass yourself. Is learning that much of a chore for you? Many animals can readily identify the males and females of their species. It's not simple blind humping. Further, how do you explain animals that are exclusive in homosexual behavior, like sheep?