The link that I cited is not a joke. By saying so, you prove that you are not a serious intellectual, but a just God hating atheist only pretending to be honest. This is why I will not take your arguments seriously, because finding truth is not your goal.
As to Tysonbam:
You first pretended to be neutral, but then when shown potential evidence (that you first claimed didn’t exist), you appear to ignore any evidence for, always doubting it, and putting your faith in anything that would be against any of it being true. A truly honest person would see merit in all of the evidence, and not simply dismiss it wholesale.
That is the difference between an honest seeker of the truth, and someone simply committed to disproving, or not believing.
It’s a faith disposition, or in your case (And Aggrad also) an anti-faith disposition, or approach to everything. Even if you had doubts it was true, there still should be some of the evidence that make you go “hmmm…”, or that you should be willing to admit could be true, or at least corroborated in the ancient text of the bible. That is what a real scholar, or real scientist does. He is usually at least partially uncertain when looking at evidence… especially the mystery of tiny fragments of historical evidence.
Your first answer was more the right attitude, where you kind of admitted that there were no slam dunks either way… That approach will lead you more often to the truth, at least if it’s only empiricism you rely on, and not a faith/anti-faith.
That’s my point. You and Aggrad are exhibiting a faith, not a purely scientific method. Yet the typical argument is that you both would pretend that you are. While you both commit to that dishonest state, it is a waste of time to engage you, though you both might make some good empirical points.
Ultimately my position is I don’t appeal to an evidence apologetic. I deal in presupposition apologetics, because I consider it useless to argue evidence to someone who is committed to faith (an anti-faith), but dishonestly pretending to look only at evidence.
I post this from the link I gave you to show it was not a joke link:
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