The Fall Guy - Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt

33,624 Views | 250 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by FriendlyAg
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I enjoyed the Phil Collins sequence as well. The soundtrack is great overall, even though it *is* inexplicably "from someone born in 1968," as I heard it described yesterday.

And yeah, parts of the movie are definitely smart/clever as well. I genuinely liked a lot of it.

I think I was just thrown by how long it took the plot to get going, how long it took me to understand who the henchmen/bad guys were, how much could have been trimmed, and how goofy it was in general, especially in the third act. For me, it went from a heightened reality, which was mostly fine, to something so batsh*t, over-the-top, and filled with holes that I just kind of checked out by the end.
Ag Since 83
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RE: the move lines, there was one (from the scene in Ryder's apartment) where as soon as Winston Duke said it I was like "wait, I know that line, what do I know that from?" and I realized what it was just before Gosling said it, and it's such a great movie that I was genuinely thrilled they referenced it

One other random thought I had during the movie: Can't believe they put Hannah Waddingham in a karaoke bar and then didn't have her sing
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Just saw the movie Friday, took awhile to speed up but ended on a fun note.

Then ran across Action chronicling the David Leitch stunt teams working on Violent Night and Fall Guy - interesting but also pacing is not what I expected… maybe I'd call it chill; like as if an action movie were turned into elevator music.
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TCTTS said:

I don't mean to be the lone party pooper, because it's definitely a fun movie, and I had a decent time overall. But it's waaaaay dumber and a lot more random than I was expecting too. It's also bloated as hell, weirdly paced, and almost ridiculously over-the-top at times. The latter of which being the point, one could argue, and I wouldn't push back, but some of the goofiness just wasn't for me.

With all the good buzz, I was disappointed it's having such a bad weekend, box-office-wise. I was really hoping the summer would kick off on a more positive note. But now? I totally get it, and $28M sounds about right. Despite all the charm Gosling and Blunt bring, this thing is pretty damn sloppy, doesn't feel quite worthy of the first-weekend-in-May slot, and would have been better-served back in March, when it was originally set to release.

If anything, I'm now really glad David Leitch had "creative differences" with Spielberg & co over the next Jurassic Park, and won't be directing that movie. As bad as that franchise has been at times, Leitch's sensibilities just aren't a good match at all.
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If you enjoyed the Fall Guy as a kid (or you want to enjoy a fun, family-friendly, comedy/action flick), go see the movie. You won't be disappointed.

I'm not sure TCTTS ever watched the TV series, b/c the show was filled with silliness and over-the-top humor.

But there is also a lot of real stunts and action scenes that you don't get in a lot of CGI action movies. They seemed to want to give the "Fall Guy" / stuntman line of work is proper due which was great.

And there were a lot of clever scenes with nicely placed movie references and music.

Rotten Tomatoes scored it very well too. I think this will pick up in theaters as the word gets out.
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Haven't seen an old one in forever, but I almost forgot about the silliness in the old series. I hope there's a cameo with Lee in there somewhere.
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aggierogue said:

If you enjoyed the Fall Guy as a kid (or you want to enjoy a fun, family-friendly, comedy/action flick), go see the movie. You won't be disappointed.

I'm not sure TCTTS ever watched the TV series, b/c the show was filled with silliness and over-the-top humor.

But there is also a lot of real stunts and action scenes that you don't get in a lot of CGI action movies. They seemed to want to give the "Fall Guy" / stuntman line of work is proper due which was great.

And there were a lot of clever scenes with nicely placed movie references and music.

Rotten Tomatoes scored it very well too. I think this will pick up in theaters as the word gets out.

This was actually big issue for me, to the point where it feels like we saw two completely different movies.

For a blockbuster that centered/prided itself on stunt work, it was shockingly full of CGI at nearly every turn. Not a single "stunt" felt or looked 100% real to me.

I was expecting something more akin to a Mission: Impossible movie - not in tone or plot, obviously - but in the "Look at this actor actually doing this real stunt" department, where the camera wouldn't cut away, we would see the stunt in full, from only one or two angles, with the only CGI being wire removal or something along those lines.

But we never got any of that.

Instead, it was all edited to hell and either supplemented with bad CGI or completely comprised of bad CGI. Yes, a car flip here and there was real, but when you were in the car, or the helicopter, or wherever, it was all so obviously green screened or shot in a way to hide how no one was actually doing any of the "stunts" themselves.

Nor was there any sense of build up to or awe in a stunt being pulled off. It was all just highly edited, slow motion bullsh*t that felt more like a Fast & Furious movie me.
Lee Van Cleef
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Saw it with my wife tonight and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. It's just nice to go to the show and have fun.
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TCTTS said:

aggierogue said:

If you enjoyed the Fall Guy as a kid (or you want to enjoy a fun, family-friendly, comedy/action flick), go see the movie. You won't be disappointed.

I'm not sure TCTTS ever watched the TV series, b/c the show was filled with silliness and over-the-top humor.

But there is also a lot of real stunts and action scenes that you don't get in a lot of CGI action movies. They seemed to want to give the "Fall Guy" / stuntman line of work is proper due which was great.

And there were a lot of clever scenes with nicely placed movie references and music.

Rotten Tomatoes scored it very well too. I think this will pick up in theaters as the word gets out.

This was actually big issue for me, to the point where it feels like we saw two completely different movies.

For a blockbuster that centered/prided itself on stunt work, it was shockingly full of CGI at nearly every turn. Not a single "stunt" felt or looked 100% real to me.

I was expecting something more akin to a Mission: Impossible movie - not in tone or plot, obviously - but in the "Look at this actor actually doing this real stunt" department, where the camera wouldn't cut away, we would see the stunt in full, from only one or two angles, with the only CGI being wire removal or something along those lines.

But we never got any of that.

Instead, it was all edited to hell and either supplemented with bad CGI or completely comprised of bad CGI. Yes, a car flip here and there was real, but when you were in the car, or the helicopter, or wherever, it was all so obviously green screened or shot in a way to hide how no one was actually doing any of the "stunts" themselves.

Nor was there any sense of build up to or awe in a stunt being pulled off. It was all just highly edited, slow motion bullsh*t that felt more like a Fast & Furious movie me.
BS. There were a ton of stunts and they gave you some of them at the end of the movie after the credits. Of course there are blue screens and special effects to hide things and do what is impossible (like the fighting scene on the truck). But there were also a ton of stunts to build those sequences. There were a ton of fight scenes, falls, and car stunts. Gosling really did fall 12 stories in the movie. The boat and car scenes were real albeit digitally enhanced for the movie.

And they were supposed to be making a movie about space aliens in the movie. Of course some of that is going to be fake!

It sounds like you knew little about the real Fall Guy tv show and therefore unable to appreciate all the references. And it sounds like you were expecting a real, more serious action movie and less comedy.

I just find it interesting that you seem to like some pretty bad movies and you are sh**ing all over this one for not living up to your misplaced expectations. Yet the audience scores are great.

It was supposed to be fun, and it was.

Finally, here's an excerpt from Gosling in a Men's Health interview that outlines the stunt work they put into this film:


MH: Ryan, you did a 12-story fallhow did that feel?

RG: I'm told that I did that, yeahI think I blacked out for at least nine of those stories. I have a fear of heights and I knew it was coming. . . . The movie's called The Fall Guy. We worked into the story that I would take a fall at the beginning. As we started to block it, it just felt more and more exciting to us that it be a part of this long one-take where you start in the trailer with the character, you follow him through set, up an elevator, up 12 stories, get harnessed in, and then dropped off the building. That that would be the best way to have the audience experience what a moment in the life of a stuntperson is like. It was also important for me to experience what a moment in a stunt performer's life might be like if I was gonna play one.


MH: Why did you need five stunt performers to double Ryan?

DL: Because of the level of stunts we were doing, it just made sense: Let's just bring in the best person and do something epic that celebrates stunts, whether it's driving a boat, jumping a car 225 feet, cannon--rolling a car a world-record eight and a half times, doing practical high falls into airbags, using air ramps to do somersaults without wires. In Fall Guy, we used more stunt performers because we were trying to elevate the level of practical stunts we were doing as a celebration of our industry. Some filmmakers are inclined to want to lean toward visual effects, but my upbringing has always been practical, practical, practicalas much as possible.


MH: Do you have a favorite stunt sequence from The Fall Guy?
DL: I don't want to name favorite stunts; that's like naming your favorite kids.
RG: Logan's cannon roll, where he breaks the world record [by doing eight and a half rolls on a beach], is a day I'll never forget. I'd gotten to know Logan, and I was trying to get my head in his headspace of what he might be going through, because I was going to have to get out of that car. As Logan explains it, you know you're going to wreck. It's not like with the car jump, where you're hoping you don't wreck if you've planned it right. You know you're gonna wreck this car, and not only do you know it, you're hoping to wreck it harder and faster and in a more insane way than anyone has ever wrecked before. That's your goal. I love that scene as well because Logan also plays the guy that puts me in the car for a stunt he's about to do. He breaks the record and then he pulls me out of the car and pats me on the back for the stunt he just achieved! [Laughs.]
Atreides Ornithopter
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So TCTTS didn't like it? Does Redstone?
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You sure are being combative toward someone who...

- Has twice now called it a "fun" movie.

- Said they had a good time.

- Agreed that parts of it are smart/clever.

- Expressed loving the soundtrack.

- Found both Gosling and Blunt incredibly charming.

But because I thought the end result was goofier/dumber than the already goofy/dumb trailers portrayed, and because I felt that the stunt work didn't feel as tangible/practical as I would have wanted it to be, you're coming after me as if I'm sh*tting all over this thing, when I'm simply not. At all.

Also, as weird as you're being toward me for not having seen, nor having been able to appreciate references to a 40-year-old TV show, I could keep bringing up the fact that the in-world movie making in this thing so little resembles how movies are actually made, to such a comical degree, that it took me out of the movie numerous times. But you don't see me trying to hold you to that same standard, because, ultimately, who cares? All I know is that I shouldn't have to have seen a 40-year-old TV show to fully appreciate a movie, just like you shouldn't have to know exactly how movies are made to understand why I found that aspect so needlessly inconsistent and dumb at times.

On top of all of that, you're so amped up that you're also making it personal by insulting me for liking movies *I* consider good that YOU think are bad, which is just the height of hypocrisy, given the circumstances here.


I enjoyed the movie!

But that's not going to stop me from also expressing what slightly negative personal opinions I had about it as well.

I swear, the reading comprehension on this board gets lower and lower every day.
maroon barchetta
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Those were some good interview excerpts. Thanks for sharing. I didn't know any of that and hope to see the movie next weekend.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Yeah, TC is just wrong on this one.

There was more awesome stunts in this than just about any modern day blockbuster.
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I didn't know any of that and hope to see the movie next weekend.
Hang on…a lot of us saw the attacking drivel that you posted that staff cleaned up.

You posted all of that…not having actually seen the movie???

Tell me you don't have a vendetta without telling me…
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It's genuinely psychotic behavior.
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Like we can all speculate about things sight unseen, for various reasons. And have opinions about how it may or may not go.

Once it's available to be seen- you've got no voice until you've seen the product.

Attacking people who have seen it, and have opinions, ain't the move.
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My reading comprehension is fine. I was laughing at you b/c you're making this far more complicated than it needs to be. It's a fun comedy/action flick. No need to read us your film credentials..

On one hand you said you enjoyed the movie. On the other you said:
  • Hate to be the party pooper on this thread!
  • waaaaaay dumber than I expected.
  • bloated as hell
  • weirdly paced
  • ridiculously over the top
  • pretty damn sloppy
  • not worthy of a May slot
  • stunts sucked and looked fake
Make up your mind Siskel. You sound confused. "Hey guys, I enjoyed it, but let me tell you all the reasons it sucked ass."

And yes, the movie should be able to stand alone without Lee Majors and the tv show references. But if you're going to watch The Fall Guy, at least understand the history behind it if you're going to play faux movie critic. It might help when you see the cameos, the throwback to the television intro song, etc.

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Brian Earl Spilner said:

Yeah, TC is just wrong on this one.

There was more awesome stunts in this than just about any modern day blockbuster.
what movie was he watching?
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You have issues, dude.

That, and this movie's not going to f/ck you.

The way some of you react to a simple opinion about a random action comedy truly is mind blowing.
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TCTTS said:

You have issues, dude.

That, and this movie's not going to f/ck you.

The way some of you react to a simple opinion about a random action comedy truly is mind blowing.
Lol. Okay Siskel. Anyone who disagrees with you has issues it seems.
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To be clear, this movie very much disappointed all of the tracking, projections, and opening summer expectations.

So acting like one person was critical, out of line, all the etcs…

People just weren't into it. That happens. It will happen again this year.
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YOU came at ME for expressing the slightest bit of dissent in regards to my opinion of this movie. A movie I said I ultimately liked! I wasn't talking to you, and I have no f/cking clue who you are. Yet you've been relentlessly busting my balls for not liking it as much as you, across like five or six posts now. I simply defended my opinion in return, and now you have the audacity to say I have "issues" with anyone who disagrees with me??? Ha, you can't be serious right now. Holy sh*t, man, look in the mirror.
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20ag07 said:

To be clear, this movie very much disappointed all of the tracking, projections, and opening summer expectations.

So acting like one person was critical, out of line, all the etcs…

People just weren't into it. That happens. It will happen again this year.
People weren't drawn to the theater to watch it. It's getting great reviews from those who did see it.

I guess that matters to the cinema nerds who are afraid this will affect future film making.

I was simply commenting on the movie itself.

No need to white-knight for TCTTS. He went into a deep dive of criticisms and said the stunts looked fake. I just disagree with do many others. I provided proof that they weren't, and suddenly "I want to f/ck the movie" or some weird *****

And of course everyone who disagrees with him has issues. Always a solid response.

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TCTTS said:

YOU came at ME for expressing the slightest bit of dissent in regards to my opinion of this movie. A movie I said I ultimately liked! I wasn't talking to you, and I have no f/cking clue who you are. Yet you've been relentlessly busting my balls for not liking it as much as you, across like five or six posts now. I simply defended my opinion in return, and now you have the audacity to say I have "issues" with anyone who disagrees with me??? Ha, you can't be serious right now. Holy sh*t, man, look in the mirror.
slightest bit of dissent? Lol. Again, maybe reread your posts. Wtf would want to watch this movie after reading your initial response? You were simply wrong on much of what you wrote.
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TCTTS will be the first to tell you I don't "white knight" for him.

I simply think reasonable discourse is warranted.

Discourse on product that hasn't been released is one thing. Discourse on product that has been released, by those that haven't seen it, is certainly another.
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I thought it was a fun movie with plenty of great stunts.
Sure there was CGI, but it wasn't that bad - nothing as terrible as I Am Legend or some of the recent Marvel offerings.
I never saw a single "Fast & Furious" movie, so not sure how it compares to those.

I don't think it was necessary to know about the "Fall Guy" series as they set everything up in the first 10 minutes nicely. (Coming from a guy who had a Fall Guy lunchbox back in the day)

This movie reminds me of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor among Thieves. Obviously the subject matter is different, but the comedy, action & fun overall tone of the movie make it enjoyable.
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TNNCS and I have been allies since the aliens thread, of which he is OP. I have decided to make the thread my chosen vehicle of "I Told You So" at Disclosure.

Therefore, I'm on his side in this dust up.
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Saw it in imax last night. Thought it was awesome.

My old roommate was Jean-Marc Vallee's stunt coordinator and would frequently have over guys like Diz Sharpe and Roy Taylor who do rigging and fights for BIG movies. Roy was the stunt coordinator on Argyle. Diz was the head rigger on the Jordan Unit of Dune 2 and was also the head rigger on Interstellar and Inception.

Having those connections I thought about switching careers to stunts, but I was already 34 or 35 and they talked me out of it.
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Haven't had a chance to see this and probably won't but that sucks cause it looks really fun….to me it seems to fall in line with True Lies and Mr and Mrs Smith….

That said is anyone else surprised at its performance at the box office? Unofficially it's at 28 million domestic for its opening weekend….
Brian Earl Spilner
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Definitely surprised it wasn't bigger. I thought the star power of Gosling+Blunt would lift it quite a bit, but I guess not.

It definitely wasn't getting any help from the name. It might as well be an original IP.
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No desire to see this one and watch TFG as a kid and loved it.

The fact that the director doesn't want the stuntman in the movie reminds me of Cliff Booth being blackballed as Rick Dalton's stunt man.
Brian Earl Spilner
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You mean that he didn't hire a stunt guy to star in the movie?

Cause that's a very weird thing to criticize him for. A movie still needs star power to sell it, and the best part of this movie is exactly that, that charm and chemistry between the two leads.

Only time I can think of where a movie starred a stunt person is Death Proof.

Edit: Just realized you probably meant the story in the movie, lol. Carry on.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

You mean that he didn't hire a stunt guy to star in the movie?

Cause that's a very weird thing to criticize him for. A movie still needs star power to sell it, and the best part of this movie is exactly that, that charm and chemistry between the two leads.

Only time I can think of where a movie starred a stunt person is Death Proof.

I think he means Emily Blunt's character didn't want Ryan Gosling's character in her movie.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

You mean that he didn't hire a stunt guy to star in the movie?

Cause that's a very weird thing to criticize him for. A movie still needs star power to sell it, and the best part of this movie is exactly that, that charm and chemistry between the two leads.

Only time I can think of where a movie starred a stunt person is Death Proof.

Edit: Just realized you probably meant the story in the movie, lol. Carry on.

No role for Douglas Barr in this thing?
Logos Stick
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I read it bombed. $25 mil. Woke or Bidenflation?
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