*** UAP THREAD ***

453,954 Views | 5326 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by TCTTS
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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So inveterate is their appetite for Heaven that our best method, at this stage, of attaching them to earth is to make them believe that earth can be turned into Heaven at some future date by politics or eugenics or 'science' or psychology, or what not.

C.S. Lewis
The Screwtape Letters
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Joes said:

The very idea that the method and timing of the big reveal would be influenced by or has any connection to the next election is so bizarre as to be comical to me. It's still one of the most shocking things to me that the people most passionate about all this are so absolutely unaware of the magnitude of it. I saw someone on YouTube recently say that the reluctance to acknowledge the coverup is because the scandal "could be bigger than Watergate!!" What????!

So when I read commentary that paints the context as "Yeah yeah yeah, ok so there are transdimensional.time-traveling hyper-advanced aliens that are flying around our planet, but the main thing is... how will this affect the Republicans' polling and how should we handle it so that it helps us defeat Biden?" then it's clearly not to be taken seriously. It's like being told a nuclear warhead is going to hit your city in 15 minutes and the person next to you says "Aw man, I'm watching the game, what if the TV goes out for a while and I miss part of it?" I mean...,. hello?????

People will use ANYTHING for political gain, not sure why you're surprised at that. Just look what happens anytime there's a major shooting.

Anyway, turning back to the issue at hand, any notion that humanity "is not ready" or some ish is childish. That's not for our government overlords to decide, and we have a right to know. I'm actually EXCITED for the philosophical and religious questions such a reveal would ask.
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
Mr President Elect
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BenFiasco14 said:

Joes said:

The very idea that the method and timing of the big reveal would be influenced by or has any connection to the next election is so bizarre as to be comical to me. It's still one of the most shocking things to me that the people most passionate about all this are so absolutely unaware of the magnitude of it. I saw someone on YouTube recently say that the reluctance to acknowledge the coverup is because the scandal "could be bigger than Watergate!!" What????!

So when I read commentary that paints the context as "Yeah yeah yeah, ok so there are transdimensional.time-traveling hyper-advanced aliens that are flying around our planet, but the main thing is... how will this affect the Republicans' polling and how should we handle it so that it helps us defeat Biden?" then it's clearly not to be taken seriously. It's like being told a nuclear warhead is going to hit your city in 15 minutes and the person next to you says "Aw man, I'm watching the game, what if the TV goes out for a while and I miss part of it?" I mean...,. hello?????

People will use ANYTHING for political gain, not sure why you're surprised at that. Just look what happens anytime there's a major shooting.

Anyway, turning back to the issue at hand, any notion that humanity "is not ready" or some ish is childish. That's not for our government overlords to decide, and we have a right to know. I'm actually EXCITED for the philosophical and religious questions such a reveal would ask.
He's not surprised. He feigns interest in UAPs but it's thinly veiled mockery. "I'm willing to consider UAP's could be real, but look at this cloudy sky. That alone debunks their existence."
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BenTheGoodAg said:

benchmark said:

Redstone said:

EXCLUSIVE: CIA's secret office has conducted UFO retrieval missions on at least NINE crash sites around the world, whistleblowers reveal
Begs the question .... how do UAPs defy the laws of physics and travel light years to reach us ... yet crash this often upon arrival and don't seem to care about retrieving their crash debris?

I can't even imagine how bureaucratic an intergalactic FAA would be if there are crashes.

Hell, think about the alien conspiracy theories they have about the Roswell incident. Right now, some family of Celopods is watching a documentary on how the IGTSB (inter-galactic transportation safety board) performed extensive experimentation on ignition sources in Helium-3 grav drives.

And no - I'm not trying to poke fun at anyone and their beliefs on this topic. I just find the thought of our bureaucracy in a galactic setting extremely funny. Douglas Adams nailed this.
roswell could be their version of the Amelia Earhart mystery
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I know I am a big skeptic, so take my comments as you will, but the fact that congress and the media are suddenly so willing to talk about this stuff is really fascinating.

Fascinating and fishy. Why is it so mainstream, seemingly overnight?
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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Fascinating and fishy.

This is where I'm at.

Although I'm leaning a little more towards fishy given the last 3-5 years.
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redline248 said:

I know I am a big skeptic, so take my comments as you will, but the fact that congress and the media are suddenly so willing to talk about this stuff is really fascinating.

Fascinating and fishy. Why is it so mainstream, seemingly overnight?

For a number of us this feels like anything but overnight. To try and explain it, though...

- Around the time of the 2017 New York Times article, too many pilots/military personnel began privately coming forward to the powers-that-be about the sightings/encounters they were having, due in part to the efforts of Lue Elizondo, Chris Mellon, and yes, Tom Delong, to pull back the veil, destigmatize the subject, and give military personnel an official means through which to report their sightings/encounters. Over the years, many of these reports ultimately made their way to Tim Burchett, Anna Paulina Luna, Marco Rubio, et al, who have seen/heard far more than we have in that regard.

- Around the same time, David Grusch began his deep dive into the subject, interviewing witnesses close to/in what he and many others claim are UAP crash retrieval/reverse engineering programs. Grusch took four to five years to conduct his research and collect his data, which he then presented to the ICIG in 2022, along with the testimony of the 40 government/contractor witnesses who corroborated his claims, which the ICIG eventually deemed as "credible and urgent."

- All of this (pilot/military personnel reports + Gruch & co), plus whatever other unknown factors, was convincing enough to the powers-that-be to ultimately lead to the drafting of the Schumer Amendment, beginning at some point in 2022.

- Grusch then went public in June of this year (ultimately testifying before Congress), and the Schumer Amendment was officially submitted/made public in July. These two back-to-back events are essentially what "supercharged" interest, and made congress/the media so willing to talk about this stuff. The 60 Minutes piece in 2021 didn't hurt either, and helped to grease the wheels as well.

Of course, again, there are behind-the-scenes aspects at play that we don't yet know, which no doubt spurred all of this as well, but the above is the best us common folk can do to explain it.
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Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:


Fascinating and fishy.

This is where I'm at.

Although I'm leaning a little more towards fishy given the last 3-5 years.

I'm still in the camp that the most plausible explanation is that there's nothing to any of this and the only conspiracy started 3-5 years ago when the Pentagon started stating that yes strange objects are in our sky and we don't know what they are. Reasons for why they'd do that?….who knows.

I open to the other possibilities though. There is no natural explanation however. There is no previously unknown phenomenon that looks like a silver sphere or 40 ft tic tac that maneuvers in impossible ways. Either these pilots are full of **** or they're seeing something real.
Jugstore Cowboy
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He feigns interest in UAPs but it's thinly veiled skepticism.
What does this mean, and when did skepticism become a bad word?

You're basically describing the vast majority of the population, who find the topic somewhat interesting, but aren't going to get overly excited without proof. And a lot of people genuinely believe in aerial phenomena without automatically jumping to the conclusion of intergalactic visitors.
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There's absolutely nothing wrong with skepticism. It's healthy and necessary. "Skepticism" in this instance, though, probably should have been traded out for "need to question every last aspect of the subject in ways that go beyond typical doubt and into the realm of the obsessive, mixed with a hint of fear mongering and a refusal to see the subject and the world through anyone else's perspective but his own."
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The skepticism should have been worded veiled condescension
Mr President Elect
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DustysLineup said:


He feigns interest in UAPs but it's thinly veiled skepticism.
What does this mean, and when did skepticism become a bad word?

You're basically describing the vast majority of the population, who find the topic somewhat interesting, but aren't going to get overly excited without proof. And a lot of people genuinely believe in aerial phenomena without automatically jumping to the conclusion of intergalactic visitors.

I changed skepticism to mockery in my post as yeah, skepticism was a poor word choice. He tries to act open mined on this thread to get engagement, but uses any dumb reason to cast doubt on it. All the while, it is just an act.

here is a quote from him from another thread, where he doesn't sound quite as open-minded as he presents himself of here:

Joes said:

There is no "disclosure" coming that aliens are flying around us or blinking in and out from other dimensions and there's no rapture coming either, there are just a huge number of people on this planet that can't function without magical thinking of one kind or another and need to feel that some Big Thing is almost here. It's all the same.

Coming any day now. You just wait. It's almost here..

Watching the different camps argue over which fantasy is real is certainly good for a laugh though. Now we just need some lefty environmentalist extremists to come on and tell us that the world itself will wipe us all out next year. Or the next. Or the next. Don't doubt them, the evidence is everywhere. Just like with UFOs and angels/demons and everything else. All you have to do is "believe" and you'll see it. Ugh..

Heck, I wish aliens were real so they could give me a ride off this nutty planet.
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Wow, yeah, that's pretty revealing. I also think some it comes from a genuine place of fear that this might all actually be true. He seems legit disturbed by even the possibility, and its implications, so I'm sure that plays into his denial as well.
Algorithmic Epiphany
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Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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@SenSchumer may have fought bravely.

This *should* be your giant red bull**** flag.
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Mr President Elect said:

DustysLineup said:


He feigns interest in UAPs but it's thinly veiled skepticism.
What does this mean, and when did skepticism become a bad word?

You're basically describing the vast majority of the population, who find the topic somewhat interesting, but aren't going to get overly excited without proof. And a lot of people genuinely believe in aerial phenomena without automatically jumping to the conclusion of intergalactic visitors.

I changed skepticism to mockery in my post as yeah, skepticism was a poor word choice. He tries to act open mined on this thread to get engagement, but uses any dumb reason to cast doubt on it. All the while, it is just an act.

here is a quote from him from another thread, where he doesn't sound quite as open-minded as he presents himself of here:

Joes said:

There is no "disclosure" coming that aliens are flying around us or blinking in and out from other dimensions and there's no rapture coming either, there are just a huge number of people on this planet that can't function without magical thinking of one kind or another and need to feel that some Big Thing is almost here. It's all the same.

Coming any day now. You just wait. It's almost here..

Watching the different camps argue over which fantasy is real is certainly good for a laugh though. Now we just need some lefty environmentalist extremists to come on and tell us that the world itself will wipe us all out next year. Or the next. Or the next. Don't doubt them, the evidence is everywhere. Just like with UFOs and angels/demons and everything else. All you have to do is "believe" and you'll see it. Ugh..

Heck, I wish aliens were real so they could give me a ride off this nutty planet.

And I stand by that. This is no different than the Creationist Ministries who put out video after video and book after book with all their "solid evidence" showing that the Earth is only 6000 years old. Or the countless testimonials and videos of ghosts and demons and whatnot. It doesn't make it any more real. And no, there is no alien disclosure coming, this is fantasy, not science. But hey, carry on and best of luck. I have no bad feelings toward anyone here and I've never attacked anyone here, just the claims.
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Not getting full disclosure from our government.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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The world would know all about aliens except for a handful of pencil-necked dorks.

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So glad there are those here who feel the constant need to put the rest of us dumb-dumbs in our place.

What would we ever do without your wise yet condescending remarks!
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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TCTTS said:

So glad there are those here who feel the constant need to put the rest of us dumb-dumbs in our place.

What would we ever do without your wise yet condescending remarks!

It's almost like TCTTS thinks you shouldn't be allowed to post unless you agree with him or disagree in a way that he finds suitable.

Sorry, bud. Refute me or put me back on ignore.
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Stating the completely and totally obvious often comes across as being condescending…
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For the 400th time, I don't give two sh*ts who agrees or disagrees with me, and this gatekeeper label you constantly stick me with continues to ignore the fact that I have never shied away from civil discussion with those who don't share whatever views I might have. That, and I'm always seeking to find common ground by voicing my skepticism for certain outlandish claims as well.

Rather, what I was clearly referring to was A) Joes post, along with B) the fact that your posts are never not without some form of mockery, condescension, or whining about politics. It's not that you disagree. It's that you disagree with an endlessly sh*tty, dismissive attitude. And for the life of me, I will never understand what draws someone like you to a thread, only to sh*t on every last thing posted in it. Seriously, what do you get out of this?
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I truly think that it's part of the discussion and you should take it with a gain of salt… and maybe a lime and tequila.
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I absolutely get that a certain level of doubt/skepticism/mockery comes with the territory. We're talking about aliens, after all. It just gets so incredibly old when not a single tweet or news item can be posted without either Joes going, "What?!!!!! How can you guys believe this stuff?!!!!!" for the umpteenth time, or Some Junkie Cosmonaut's endless, subtly insulting, looking-to-be-offended-politically remarks.
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Nah, it's all in good humor; and no matter what, it helps spread the discussion to people that may otherwise not hear about it or find interest in it…
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"High Strangeness" has explanatory power …. I'm reading Encounters by D.W. Pasulka now, and listening to videos of Jerry Marzinsky. An academic and clinician respectively, their decades-long research and first-hand experiences have led to paranormal / religious conclusions, and not just in a Christian context, although calling out to Jesus seems to "work."
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All I'm saying is that the first people who theorized that the Sun may not revolve around the earth, the first people who theorized the world isn't flat, the first people who thought human beings could fly through the sky … were all mocked and laughed at initially.

The criticism I see here or anywhere else is water off a ducks back.
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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Think about the early 90s Brisbane encounters, large metallic discs that occasionally decimated areas of forest. (In one of "The Gray Man" chapters of Encounters)

For hundreds of witnesses, in the decades it took to collect the testimonies, the ("materialist") UFO sightings were parallel to profound "paranormal" and "religious" experiences - encompassing ghostly slamming doors and wide awake daytime sightings of shadow people "wearing masks" that dissipated.

Which turned some of the highest ranking military officials in Australia away from atheism.
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