Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:Quote:
If we're not alone, we have the right to know.
It's as simple as that.
It shouldn't be up to a select few who get to decide whether the rest of humanity learns something so profound or not.
Admittedly, this is where it always falls apart in my mind. I don't understand how something so profound would be controlled by so few.
How does that work? A species/civilization that is advanced so far beyond our comprehension that will change humanity forever is taking orders not to reveal itself from a handful of bureaucrats in the DoE or DoD? Also, what happens when those bureaucrats retire? This has been going on for at least 100 years, right?
"Hey Xenon, this is my replacement Bob. I'm retiring to the Poconos. Your secret is safe with him."
That was obviously in jest but the ability for governments, somehow working together for almost a century, to keep this a secret when these aliens/beings/civilizations are so far beyond us just doesn't pass the smell test to me. If it is so profound, why would they wait on the US government to do a "slow roll" of information to prepare the populace? If they were really here, it feels like it would have been self-evident at some point in this timeline. I have a hard time just putting faith in our government in the year 2023 given everything we've seen from them over the past several years and what we know they've done in the past.
I mean, you're making a pretty giant assumption there, assuming that if aliens are here, they're "taking orders" from "from a handful of bureaucrats in the DoE or DoD," when that's not a theory I've ever once heard presented. If this phenomenon is real, all signs point to these things potentially having been here (or visited here) for thousands of years. They're taking orders from no one. In other words, they're the ones choosing not to reveal themselves for whatever reasons.
If - and this is obviously a massively big IF - they have any kind of deal with a select few in our government, it's our government who's taking orders from them, to keep this all a secret. That said, personally, I highly doubt there's any kind of a formal agreement in place. MAYBE we've made contact in some form or fashion, via a crash survivor or two (who, according to rumors, likely died soon after). Otherwise, I think that those keeping the secret in our government know only as much as they've been able to glean from crash retrievals, satellite data, etc.