Ghost of Bizbee said:
30 seconds
Call your shot.
I say:
Howard hangs himself
Lalo shows up in Albuquerque
Already 1 of 2.
Ghost of Bizbee said:
30 seconds
Call your shot.
I say:
Howard hangs himself
Lalo shows up in Albuquerque
Ghost of Bizbee said:
Wait wtff
That was Howard's PI.
Or was it Jimmy and Kim's
It was the one Howard hired. Really curious how they rigged that up.Ghost of Bizbee said:
Wait wtff
That was Howard's PI.
Or was it Jimmy and Kim's
Sports-Ag said:Ghost of Bizbee said:
Wait wtff
That was Howard's PI.
Or was it Jimmy and Kim's
Was going to say the same thing. Looked like Howard's PI
Sports-Ag said:
What did Saul and Kim smear on the photo? Howard is sweating.
Feel bad for Howard, he hasn't done anything wrong. But that was awesome.utah, get me two said:
Howard's a good guy
Howard.Ghost of Bizbee said:
Referring to Lalo or Howard?