It seems like only yesterday we were sitting in front of our televisions wondering WTF happened on those last few episodes of Game of Thrones in May 2019.
Dany decided to save the Seven Kingdoms by murdering 3 million people; Rhaegal couldn't see a giant crossbow bolt coming from 500 yards away; Bronn saying "Hey I'm going to kill you, no wait I'm not!", Jon piling up Westerosi Airlines frequent flyer miles like a boss, and the fate of the kingdom being put in the hands of a nerd whose opening line with the ladies is "I'm the three-eyed raven."
I remember turning off the TV last year and telling my wife, "The only thing worse than that ending would be if we were in the throes of a global pandemic that altered the world as we know it next year, yikes!"
A year has passed. I've re-read a couple of the books. George RR Martin is in the final stages of deciding what stock of paper he wants to write the Winds of Winter on, and it's time for the Feast for Bros Game of Thrones Best Character Bracket.
64 of your favorites - or at least your favorites as picked by me - squaring off in 4 regions. The first round, which is almost always the most fun, will run the entire Memorial Day weekend - Friday to Monday then everything else will be 24 hour cycles.
I'm sure I left someone off that you liked. And I really underseeded your favorite character. Tough ***** Some characters are in brackets that don't really suit them. Some people just wouldn't fit (TWSS) and had to be moved around.
At the end of the day, we'll have a winner. Probably Tyrion, but don't let me sway you. In the event that you can't decide on a matchup, please feel free to use the time-honored tradition of: Male vs. Male - who wins that fight or Female vs. Female - who would I rather sleep with.
Until we meet again, as Ned Stark always liked to say: "One does not simply walk into Mordor."
The Four Regions - VOTE NOW!
Meanwhile, at King's Landing Region
1. Tyrion Lannister
2. Jamie Lannister
3. Cersei Lannister
4. Tywin Lannister
5. Bronn
6. Littlefinger
7. Olenna Tyrell
8. The Mountain
9. Varys
10. Qyburn
11. Podrick Payne
12. Joffrey
13. Robert Baratheon
14. Margarey
15. Tommen
16. Grand Maester Pycelle
Across the Narrow Sea Region
1. Danerys Targaryen
2. Jorah Mormont
3. Khal Drogo
4. Grey Worm
5. Barristan Selmy
6. Jaqen H'gar
7.Theon Greyjoy
8. Missandei
9. Melisandre
10. Dario Naharis
11. The Dragons
12. Yara Greyjoy
13. Renly Baratheon
14. Viserys Targaryen
15. Loras Tyrell
16. Euron Greyjoy
The North Remembers Region
1. Arya Stark
2. Ned Stark
3. Sansa Stark
4. Bran Stark
5. Robb Stark
6. Brienne of Tarth
7. Hodor!
8. BenJen Stark
9. Roose Bolton
10. Ramsey Bolton
11. Gendry
12. Lyana Mormont
13. Syrio Forel
14. Catelyn Stark
15. Meera
16. JoJen
*******s and Broken Things Region
1. Jon Snow
2. The Hound
3. Tormund Giantsbane
4. Oberyn Martell
5. Samwise Tarly
6. Davos Seaworth
7. Berric Dondarion
8. Stannis Baratheon
9. Dolorous Edd
10. Ygritte
11. Mance Raydar
12. Lord Commander Mormont
13. Wun Wun the Giant
14. Ser Alliser Thorne
15 Hot Pie
16. Walder Frey
Dany decided to save the Seven Kingdoms by murdering 3 million people; Rhaegal couldn't see a giant crossbow bolt coming from 500 yards away; Bronn saying "Hey I'm going to kill you, no wait I'm not!", Jon piling up Westerosi Airlines frequent flyer miles like a boss, and the fate of the kingdom being put in the hands of a nerd whose opening line with the ladies is "I'm the three-eyed raven."
I remember turning off the TV last year and telling my wife, "The only thing worse than that ending would be if we were in the throes of a global pandemic that altered the world as we know it next year, yikes!"
A year has passed. I've re-read a couple of the books. George RR Martin is in the final stages of deciding what stock of paper he wants to write the Winds of Winter on, and it's time for the Feast for Bros Game of Thrones Best Character Bracket.
64 of your favorites - or at least your favorites as picked by me - squaring off in 4 regions. The first round, which is almost always the most fun, will run the entire Memorial Day weekend - Friday to Monday then everything else will be 24 hour cycles.
I'm sure I left someone off that you liked. And I really underseeded your favorite character. Tough ***** Some characters are in brackets that don't really suit them. Some people just wouldn't fit (TWSS) and had to be moved around.
At the end of the day, we'll have a winner. Probably Tyrion, but don't let me sway you. In the event that you can't decide on a matchup, please feel free to use the time-honored tradition of: Male vs. Male - who wins that fight or Female vs. Female - who would I rather sleep with.
Until we meet again, as Ned Stark always liked to say: "One does not simply walk into Mordor."
The Four Regions - VOTE NOW!
Meanwhile, at King's Landing Region
1. Tyrion Lannister
2. Jamie Lannister
3. Cersei Lannister
4. Tywin Lannister
5. Bronn
6. Littlefinger
7. Olenna Tyrell
8. The Mountain
9. Varys
10. Qyburn
11. Podrick Payne
12. Joffrey
13. Robert Baratheon
14. Margarey
15. Tommen
16. Grand Maester Pycelle
Across the Narrow Sea Region
1. Danerys Targaryen
2. Jorah Mormont
3. Khal Drogo
4. Grey Worm
5. Barristan Selmy
6. Jaqen H'gar
7.Theon Greyjoy
8. Missandei
9. Melisandre
10. Dario Naharis
11. The Dragons
12. Yara Greyjoy
13. Renly Baratheon
14. Viserys Targaryen
15. Loras Tyrell
16. Euron Greyjoy
The North Remembers Region
1. Arya Stark
2. Ned Stark
3. Sansa Stark
4. Bran Stark
5. Robb Stark
6. Brienne of Tarth
7. Hodor!
8. BenJen Stark
9. Roose Bolton
10. Ramsey Bolton
11. Gendry
12. Lyana Mormont
13. Syrio Forel
14. Catelyn Stark
15. Meera
16. JoJen
*******s and Broken Things Region
1. Jon Snow
2. The Hound
3. Tormund Giantsbane
4. Oberyn Martell
5. Samwise Tarly
6. Davos Seaworth
7. Berric Dondarion
8. Stannis Baratheon
9. Dolorous Edd
10. Ygritte
11. Mance Raydar
12. Lord Commander Mormont
13. Wun Wun the Giant
14. Ser Alliser Thorne
15 Hot Pie
16. Walder Frey