The Debt said:
Let me remind you of this criteria of this game:
The contest is best movie of the 1980s
Maybe you are reading "best box office success" into it, but that ain't there.
Next you're gonna say Britney Spears is a better musical talent than the foo fighters because of record sales.
The BO is another indicator of success........not the only one. You can go look at IMDB ratings if you want another 8 to 6.4 is another data point.
you're trying to argue for a film that BOMBED being better. I mean if it was even mildly successful you might have a point. Which is why your Britney Spears vs Foo Fighter argument is dumb - Foo Fighters are a highly successful and respected band. Dune is a BO Bomb. Apples to Bananas.
I was there in 1984..... people walked out of Dune it was so bad. I barely sat through it. Terminator was a genuine surprise smash - and a low budget independent film. It was ground breaking in many ways. Dune was a formulaic hollywood snoozefest.
But you keep on arguing in favor of the film that is joked about because it is so bad. So brave.
On any real list of best films of the 80s...... Dune would be out of the top 100. I'm not sure how it even made this list in the first place. I guess cuz sci-fi was so weak in that era. It's just barely ahead of Flash Gordon on IMDB sci-fi 80s films, another joked about BOMB.