Django Unchained is the best Tarantino film.

5,717 Views | 72 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by hph6203
Complete Idiot
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It's weird but I haven't watched Pulp Fiction since it came out. Remember really liking it buts it's dropped in my mind just because I haven't watched it.

As a film I'd be inclined to rank Reservoir Dogs at the top, driven by story and acting and nothing super over the top unbelievable. I know the ear scene is memorable and maybe could be classified as shock value, but that's it's.

As far as most enjoyable, I'd say mine is Inglorious Basterds. But for many of his movies I think there are scenes that people love or hate so much they just love or hate the entire movie. I just can never get the basement scene in IB out of my consciousness, so great.

kill bill is my least favorite. I think because I find it the least natural, over stylized and over the top. I know some love that, but not for me (I don't get into fantasy or comic book films that much for example).

Initial viewing of Hateful 8 seemed a bit off putting but if it's on I find I can't not watch it. It has a sort of gleeful fun feel to me.

Someone above said django is underrated but isn't it his highest grossing movie? That one didn't land with me but it's well made.

Jackie brown is up near top for same reason as Reservoir Dogs - it's driven by story and acting and it's grounded in reality.

Once Upon a Time is beautiful to look at, and I think DiCaprio is great in it (Pitts character is fun - but that's not acting to me), but it seems disjointed in that there is a series of scenes and it doesn't link up well as a coherent story. The ending I found ridiculous and not enjoyable while others said it's the only good part. Seemed out of step with rest of film.
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True Romance is the best film written by QT
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AggieBarstool said:

TCTTS said:

This is correct. Pulp Fiction is his best and it isn't even close. /thread

Urban Ag
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LHIOB said:

True Romance is the best film written by QT
And in my all time top 10 films. Period. Loved since the moment I saw in theatre in 1993.

One of the best touch attention to detail moments ever for me is how they recorded the sound of the burning cigarette Dennis Hopper smoked right before Walken smoked him. That coupled with the little history lesson Hopper gave the mob guys was sheer cinematic greatness.
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Urban Ag said:

LHIOB said:

True Romance is the best film written by QT
And in my all time top 10 films. Period. Loved since the moment I saw in theatre in 1993.

One of the best touch attention to detail moments ever for me is how they recorded the sound of the burning cigarette Dennis Hopper smoked right before Walken smoked him. That coupled with the little history lesson Hopper gave the mob guys was sheer cinematic greatness.

Its just such a fun movie with amazing characters played by amazing actors. The music is perfect and so original. Its top 10 for me too.

Gary Oldman, Gandolfini, Slater, Hopper, Walken, Brad Pitt, Michael Rappaport and f-ing Val Kilmer as Elvis.
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Reservoir Dogs is still my favorite movie of all time but its more because I see it as a play, or as theater, instead of a movie. The story development is almost Shakespearean in that you dont learn much about any of the main characters and the information you do learn about that one character you, as the viewer, carry with you knowing the other characters don't. The dialogue makes the characters basically normal, charming guy but, especially with the information learned by the viewer, you're constantly wondering about trust and honor amongst thieves. Also there's the classic use of play within a play (and even a fictional scene within that play).

I know there have been stagings by theater companies but I've never seen one and most apparently dont come off well
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LHIOB said:

True Romance is the best film written by QT
This is correct, though Dusk Till Dawn deserves a mention

Pulp Fiction is by far the best.he has directed then
Reservoir Dogs
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill
The Man from Hollywood (his room in 4 Rooms)
Hateful 8

Then way down at the bottom
Death Proof

Shamefully, I have not seen Once upon a time yet.
Max Power
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1. Pulp Fiction
2. Inglorious Basterds
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Jackie Brown
5. Kill Bill
6. Django Unchained
7. Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood
8. Hateful 8
9. Deathproof
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Max Power said:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Inglorious Basterds
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Jackie Brown
5. Kill Bill
6. Django Unchained
7. Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood
8. Hateful 8
9. Deathproof

Same list for me although I might swap Kill Bill & Jackie Brown
Max Power
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Don't do that, Jackie Brown is wonderful, I love it so much.
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Jackie definitely grew on me. It wasn't until my 4th or 5th viewing years later that I really started to appreciate it for what it was. I think it was because when I watched it when it was released, I was so in love with Pulp Fiction and his other work up until then that I was really just expecting to be blown away, and I felt kind of let down.

The fact that he didn't write the original story doesn't really affect it negatively for me.
Bruce Almighty
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1. Pulp Fiction
2. Django
3. Once Upon a Time In Hollywood
4. Death Proof
5. Hateful Eight
6. Reservoir Dogs
7. Kill Bill 1
8. Inglourious *******s
9. Jackie Brown
10. Kill Bill 2
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A movie that ends with a dancing horse is not the best.
BMX Bandit
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Django has sone great scenes, overall it's terrible.
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Bruce Almighty said:

1. Pulp Fiction - "Do they speak English in What?"
2. Django - "The D is silent"
3. Once Upon a Time In Hollywood - "anybody order fried sauerkraut?"
4. Death Proof - "This car is 100% death proof. Only to get the benefit of it, honey, you really need to be sitting in my seat."
5. Hateful Eight - "Say adios to your huevos"
6. Reservoir Dogs - "I don't tip"
7. Kill Bill 1 - "
8. Inglourious *******s - "Say ''Auf wiedersehen'' to your nazi balls!"
9. Jackie Brown "Look, I hate to be the kinda n**** does a n**** a favor, then, BAM!, hits a n**** up for a favor in return. But I'm afraid I gotta be that kinda n****."
10. Kill Bill 2

Kill Bill? Not sure. What you got?
Bruce Almighty
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Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with samurai swords.
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Wakey wakey. Eggs and bakey.
Zombie Jon Snow
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gigemags-99 said:

Bruce Almighty said:

1. Pulp Fiction - "Do they speak English in What?"
2. Django - "The D is silent"
3. Once Upon a Time In Hollywood - "anybody order fried sauerkraut?"
4. Death Proof - "This car is 100% death proof. Only to get the benefit of it, honey, you really need to be sitting in my seat."
5. Hateful Eight - "Say adios to your huevos"
6. Reservoir Dogs - "I don't tip"
7. Kill Bill 1 - "
8. Inglourious *******s - "Say ''Auf wiedersehen'' to your nazi balls!"
9. Jackie Brown "Look, I hate to be the kinda n**** does a n**** a favor, then, BAM!, hits a n**** up for a favor in return. But I'm afraid I gotta be that kinda n****."
10. Kill Bill 2

Kill Bill? Not sure. What you got?
KB1 -"Those Of You Lucky Enough To Still Have Their Lives, Take Them With You! However, Leave The Limbs You've Lost. They Belong To Me Now."

KB2 - "Before This Tale Of Bloody Revenge Reaches Its Climax, I'm Going To Ask You Some Questions."

Although "Revenge is a dish best served Cold" is not spoken in the films (I don't think) it is the opening epigraph for the films attributed as An Old Klingon Proverb and probably the most apropos.

Brian Earl Spilner
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KB1 - "Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest. And like a forest, it's easy to lose your get forget where you came in."

KB2 - "Now, a staple of the superhero mythology is there's the superhero and there's the alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker. When that character wakes up in the morning, he's Peter Parker. He has to put on a costume to become Spider-Man. And it is in that characteristic Superman stands alone. Superman didn't become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red "S", that's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears the glasses, the business suit -- that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent? He's weak, he's unsure of himself, he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race. Sort of like Beatrix Kiddo and Mrs. Tommy Plympton."
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Ulrich said:

Reservoir Dogs
Inglourious Basterds
Django Unchained

Kill Bill

Hateful Eight
Pulp Fiction (turned it off a few minutes in, should probably try again someday)

Haven't seen
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Jackie Brown
My list:

Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Inglorious Basterds
Kill Bills
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
From Dusk Till Dawn (he didn't direct it but he wrote it and was in it so I'm including it)

Django Unchained (and actually dislike it more and more as time goes on - I'm not sure why)

Hateful Eight (I turned this one off about 1 hour in; boring as hell)

Haven't Seen
Grindhouse (No real desire to see this as it looks gratuitously violent even for Tarantino)
Jackie Brown
Death Proof (no idea what this is)
Brian Earl Spilner
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Deathproof is one half of Grindhouse. The other half is Planet Terror. (Directed by Robert Rodriguez.)
Bruce Almighty
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I enjoyed Death Proof and hated Planet Terror.
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Planet Terror was amazeballs. Death proof was crap.

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Pulp Fiction
Django Unchained
Kill Bill

Hateful Eight
Inglourious *******s

Grindhouse / Deathcar double feature
Reservoir Dogs
Once upon a time

Haven't seen
Jackie Brown
Brian Earl Spilner
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Honest question, what was wrong with Death Proof?
Bruce Almighty
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Does anyone know what scene he directed in Sin City?
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Youtube does
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I was 20 when Pulp came out. Probably my favorite movie then (not just QT, any), and 25 years later, there isn't anything I'd put above it now. Pretty large gap to my next favorite one though. And Django is way down my list of QT movies.
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Ulrich said:

I didn't finish it because I hated it, I think I tapped out ~25 minutes in. Plus, now the QT fan club has something to bond over.
lol you posted on a QT thread which you must have thought at some point that QT fan boys would come out from everywhere and you talk of your hate for PF having only seen ~25 mins of the film.

You mock them yet you can't state one reason why you hated the movie after having watched 25 minutes. If you had said something substantial perhaps they'd respect your decision, but you really haven't said anything of value.
G Martin 87
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Jackie Brown gets better and better with every viewing. It really is excellent. I'd rank my favorites this way:

1. Kill Bill 2
2. Kill Bill 1
3. IB
4. Jackie Brown

All other QT movies are below these for me. Bottom of the list would be Django, honestly. Good, but I just never wanted to ever see it again.
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Complete Idiot
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I rewatched the four episode version of Hateful 8 over the last few days, it's on Netflix. I really enjoy watching that movie, but I remember my initial impression was not that great. It's beautifully shot and has great characters, really like Kurt Russell in it (but I like him in everything).

Is it believable? Is it over the top? Does it have some things I might have left out? Those answers may not be great but I just can't deny I enjoy watching the movie.
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I know I'm in the minority here, but I just don't care for any of his films...only seen 3 or 4 and I just don't get the hoopla.

I remember when Pulp Fiction came out and (obviously before the internet or social media), that's all anyone at work talked freakin' great the movie was.

I finally got to see it years later and I like...meh.... maybe my expectations were just too high. I'm not saying it was bad..I just didn't get all the hype over the film.

Thought the first half of Django Unchained was great...then it just fell apart.

And I know he wasn't making a joke of the Sharon Tate murders in Once Upon a Time...but the end scene just didn't sit with me. Yeah, I laughed at the flamethrower like everyone else, because it was just funny as hell...but then I was like he just make a joke out of the Tate murders....

flame away....
Complete Idiot
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agracer said:

I know I'm in the minority here, but I just don't care for any of his films...only seen 3 or 4 and I just don't get the hoopla.

You said 3 or 4 then listed three - you don't know if you've seen a fourth? They've all been listed on this thread.

If you don't like Django, Pulp Fiction, or Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - perhaps try Jackie Brown or Reservoir Dogs. I don't think you'd have a chance to like any of the others if you don't like the three you've seen.

Which directors do you tend to like?
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LHIOB said:

True Romance is the best film written by QT
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