tailgatetimer10 said:
In my opinion Tyler's biggest misstep was backdooring Brett. That was just one more player her could've beat in a vote. I know Kaycee wasn't going that week regardless but keeping Brett would've gave him better odds.
Brett voted for Tyler in the end, though.
I honestly think getting Brett out was Tyler's biggest move, if not also the best. I don't really consider one alliance solely using comp wins to get out another as a "big move", but rather more it's just expected. Getting out a huge threat in your own alliance, though, counts for a lot more, in my opinion.
Tyler's game hinged on how well he would be able to explain his game last night and do it in a way to not piss people off. Unfortunately, he just couldn't explain it in a concise manner. Partially to blame, at least, is CBS. They gave Sw**** more time for his ****ing proposal than they gave either of the final 2 to answer questions in the jury Q&A segment. Horrible. But Tyler could have done much better.
I think Tyler missplayed only a couple ways leading up to the end. 1) He should've told Sam he had to evict her. He could've honestly said that his vote made no difference, as Angela would just break the tie and send her out. He could've followed that up by explaining that if he broke from the other 2, he would've been targeted the next week (probably not true, but he couldve sold it). 2) His GBM to Scottie was cocky and cringe-y. He should be played up his super fan status here to a fellow super fan and saved the info about the power app for later (maybe telling Angela on her way out). It might have been good to reveal Level 6 as well. 3) He really needed to win the final 4 HoH, but didnt. I dont really count not winning a comp as a misplay (unless you throw it), but this was a huge loss for him.
In his speech, he made another mistake of being cold about his relationship with Sam. I don't know if he could've swung her or not, but this definitely sealed her vote off from him.
Regardless of the result, im just really disapppinted with production of this finale. The season was awesome, but this was easily the worst finale ive seen. Way too rushed, too much time spent on unimportant stuff, no time spent o. The pre-jurors despite some of the best personalities being there, and a huge disservice to the final 2 by giving them next to no time to sway the jury. I also dont like that the Jury doesnt have any time to dwell on the answers and speeches given, but thats been going on for years now.
Great season, though. Hopefully they can top it next year!