First time seeing the way bay was speaking to RS in the could she just sit there and take that? Bay is an embarrassment.
Living Legend said:LHIOB said:
Ive been traveling so Im just catching up on this week. Brett is awesome. What a speech.
Scottie is one of the worst HGs I can remember. He trys to hard to be a character. Just be yourself dude.
I know Scottie personally and that is him being himself. He's a weird dude.
I still can't help but laugh about how when the season started and the show made her out to be this country girl from Texas, etc. she isn't even close to being like that haUncle Gunnysack said:
i honestly thought posting about that would be more banworthy than the JC music video GIF i posted. regardless, me and my old ag dad are embarassed that that tramp represents A&M
tailgatetimer10 said:
This season is on its way of going down as one of the best of all time
Lt. Joe Bookman said:
I kind of missed it, but my wife said that Angela said something about Rachel durthat no the episode? Like : "if my life was like that when I'm 30, I'd need to re-evaluate"
Did I miss where Rachel pissed off Angela?
I think some people are better at realizing that it's just a game and others are really thinking that these people are their friends. Rachel got swept away in that for sure.Jimmy McNulty said:
Rachel's eviction was one of the weirdest I've seen in a while too. That was painful to watch.
It's always crazy how the people that freak out the most are always people that have previously participated in blindsiding multiple people before they are on the chopping block. You'd think they'd realize it's not personal since they were on the other side of the votes. My wife is amazed at how they get so upset over a game but I suppose being locked into a house for months will play mind games with you
rhoswen said:
I really get the impression Bay never really wanted to be in an alliance (excuse me, anallice) with RS/Hay/Fessy but was forced to because of Swaggie. Now she resents it because she can see the other side is running the house. Oh well, too little too late. Anyone know when veto ceremony is today? I sure hope Angela doesn't chicken out.
Rachel was really upset about this because it came right after they had a talking-to about questionable comments. She really thought that large portions of people thought she was racist.Bunk Morelan said:
The way she handled being least trending told me everything I needed to know. She took it so personally that she wasn't trending when that should have been a confirmation bias that she's playing a good early game staying under the radar and not ruffling feathers/standing out.
That was my thought. One might say that since she's stuck with that side, she might as well run it.Jimmy McNulty said:
She sure seemed to think she was running the house last week