Goose said:
I know it's a cliche, but it certainly applies to the group this season. A handful of folks in there are playing chess (and not like 3rd graders who just learned the rules yesterday, we're talking world-class) and everybody else is playing checkers.
When Bayleigh made the comment about some dude not voting to evict RS and it being clear that they should have because the dude had been raging all week about RS, it became pretty obvious that Bayleigh literally has the most superficial understanding of the way the game is played.
Definitely. I also think we're lucky that most of the cast who came for a paid summer vacation or a showmance or were just plain lazy...or for any reason more important than playing with strategy to win BB all sorta just teamed up early on the Swagy side.
Then the result was L6 deciding they needed to form up. And on that side they have 3 for sure HG's that understand how to read situations and play with strategy in Tyler, Brett, Angela. Kaycee probably too. Mix that with a wild card like JC and an emotional wreck who could be manipulated like Katelyn and it worked out perfect.
the only 2 in L6 who cared more about their persona outside the house or having a fun summer were the 2 they've lost in Rachel/Winston.