yeah, production said "please don't swear" and she said "FU" lol
aggietoolman said:
Kind of expected that Sam would get the power based on general reactions from various sites.
If not for the power, she would be going home. The problem is even with this, she won't last more than a couple weeks as people will see that as the easy 'no blood on your hands' option.
Bunk Moreland said:
Here's my rules to making it far in BB...
-Win or throw comps...but dont be obvious that you're a beast or obvious that your'e throwing them...and if you win, always be gracious
-Clean and cook for all
-Be respectful
-Don't be open and brash about your alliances
-Don't run to others to share information. Let them come to you and then you share what you need to
-Listen more than talk.
Follow that and you can play multiple styles of psychological/physical/social strategies around those main rules.
I'd fail miserably at the "listen more than talk" one but I'd try my hardest to stay true to it.
Kait telling Fessy that he won't need to use his degree that he will make money from appearances and podcasts NT
06/30/18 12:56 PM
jac4 said:
I figured you'd be a showmance guy...
Nope he'll be high trending because of people commenting what an ass he for tu juan said:
Swaggie is just asking to be the lowest trending all season. He should be kissing our asses
3rd person, but yeah.Adam Ag 98 said:
I've watched BB since 2009 or 2010 - had to bow out the 2nd episode.
I flat ass could not stand Swaggie's 1st person BS, nor the wannabe psychic chick and her "i imagine it and it comes true" crap.
Do we know for sure thats really what it is? It said a "chance" to reenter the house. Which to me sounded like there would be a play-in competition or something, not necessarily free re-entryPoptartin said:
Sam got a power. She can void any eviction after it happens. It's good for 4 weeks.
Veto is going on now.
FIFYBunk Moreland said:
Yeah it's funny. I heard them saying how convinced they were that he wasn't what he says he is, and their frustration of it turned into "ugh he's a creep. He looks creepy"****ing nutBig Brother house.