ruddyduck said:
that's awesome! i'm not much of a sci-fi buff but will definitely watch since a fellow ag is involved.
what would you compare it to as far as mood/feel? like i said i haven't watched much sci-fi but did love ex machina, moon, the martian, arrival, etc..
What's both incredibly exciting - but also a leap of faith - is the fact that I can honestly say there's nothing to compare it to. Genuinely - this isn't just lip service - there's not an existing model, even in terms of mood/feel. It was originally pitched to me as
Lost set in space (not
Lost in Space), and then we pitched it as such from there, but it has evolved far beyond that. I can tell you this: visually, it will be stunning. It will also be bold and it will be subversive, and it may not be for some people, but in this age of mass content, it will absolutely stand out from the pack.