1) Connery.
Owner of best movie (Goldfinger) and most good or better movies (5/6, outlier is Diamonds Are Forever). The GOAT.
2) Craig.
Two top 5 movies (Casino Royale and Skyfall) and 3/4 of his films were good or better. Even Quantum of Solace is watchable, if not good. Strong resume.
3) Moore.
Only one good or better movie (The Spy Who Loved Me). However, I enjoy the campy Bonds even if they aren't excellent movies. I'd be lying if I said I didn't stop down for Moonraker or The Man With The Golden Gun. He edges out Brosnan based on volume, despite owning the worst Bond movie ever,
A View To a Kill.
4) Brosnan.
One great movie (Goldeneye), one decent movie if I'm feeling generous (The World Is Not Enough). Owner of the 2nd worst Bond movie (Die Another Day), and maybe the 3rd, depending on how you rank Octo***** compared to Tomorrow Never Dies.
5) Lazenby.
With only one movie on his resume, it'd better be excellent. It's not, but it isn't terrible either. Maybe #10 of all time. Luckily for him, it's better than Dalton's best effort, anyway.
6) Dalton.
Neither of his movies are bad, per se. But they don't feel like Bond movies. The plots aren't over the top. It's not funny. There's really no debate that A License To Kill is a better movie than The Man With the Golden Gun. But is it a better Bond movie? I dunno, maybe I'm a philistine after all.