841,457 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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Waters for King's Landing and Dragonstone, Snow for the North,
Pyle for the Iron Islands,
Rivers for the Riverlands,
Stone for the Vale,
Hill for the Westerlands,
Flowers for the Reach,
Storm for the Stormlands
Sand for Dorne.

Blackfyre was a special name given to the illegitimate children of Aegon the Unworthy.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Think it's already been laid out on show. Dany wants to leave the world a better place, Starks are good.....and she says she will marry to allegiance, Jon is only suitable Bachelor both strategically and morally.

Dany and Jon unite and fight back the WW. Everyone else bows.

This is how I have always envisioned the ending of the series.
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So can Howland Reed. When is his ass going to show up?

Dammit!! I wanted him to be the HS. How does the guy that's so clever for so long, completely become an idiot even with Margery yelling the truth at him???

Yep. But even if they had all taken off sprinting when Margaery said to, I don't think they would have escaped the explosion.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the guy that got flattened by the bell would have been vaporized a second later anyway. This wasn't a tactical wyldfire strike, this was Cersei's Extreme Home Makeover: Hilltop Removal edition
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Ya you're not incorrect, but it is a specific family line that took up that name and were forced off to Essos before Robert's Rebellion.

I think we should start a thread that follows the books lineages and the show lineages (as best we can guess at).

Dunk and Egg is all about Targaryans, so it's got good source material.

Yeah and all the ******* designations and to which house they fall under...


I know there are more.

Snow - The North
Rivers - The Riverlands
Stone - The Vale
Hill - Westerlands
Storm - the Stormlands
Waters - Crownlands
Flowers - the Reach
Sand - Dorne
Pyke - Iron Islands

Blackfyre like they said, was specific to one group of Targaryeans.
Quad Dog
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Giving Arya the story of Frey Pie was a nice twist on an old book theory.

I'm still a little disappointed we didn't see Ice vs. Dawn at ToJ. Instead it was just a bunch of generic swords.

I don't see the Knights of The Vale riding in to save the day in the books. It's too similar to Stannis riding to save the wall, and Martin mostly respects his own geography. There just isn't a good way for that many knights and horses to get to Winterfell from the Vale.
Trident 88
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Also, Tyrion is now the hand and he likes Jon Snow. He wouldn't advocate Dany going to war with him.

I think Sam/Tyrion will somehow prevent or at least, delay an all-out war between Dany and Jon, Bran will show up at just the right time to reveal the truth about Jon's parents, and then Aunt Dany and Jon will team up to take on the Whitewalkers.
Thomas Ford 91
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Something must happen to put the NK on more equal footing. It might take a single afternoon for 3 dragons to turn that army of the dead into ash.

Something must happen to get them past the wall at many different places at the same time. I will be a little dissapointed if it turns out to be Bran's arm.
Roger Kint
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Think it's already been laid out on show. Dany wants to leave the world a better place, Starks are good.....and she says she will marry to allegiance, Jon is only suitable Bachelor both strategically and morally.

Dany and Jon unite and fight back the WW. Everyone else bows.
Dude, she's his aunt... Even on a show with siblings getting it on, that's just creepy...

EDIT: Which, knowing GRRM, it will probably happen.
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So The Wall has spells/magic to keep the walkers out...

If that's the case then what's the real worry, they can never cross. While I've always held, and I think most people do, that the wall will come down. I like that theory and it would be awesome, and I find it the most likely. However, there could be a new twist. Euron is over there just building a cool thousand ships. These 1000 ships have to come into play somehow or it would just be a total waste of plot and character. Unless we are to see an epic sea battle between dany and euron immediately in season 7, I would suspect that the 1000 ships have to serve another purpose...

Who else in the world could use an enormous fleet of ships. The Night King and his WW sure could. It's kind of a stretch but if the Ironborn went there for wood and somehow the Others came across them, it's plausible. Those ships will have to serve some purpose.
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An interesting thought I just had: what would be the reaction by Royce and other lords of the Vale if Sansa came clean about Littlefinger killing Lysa? Would they be pissed she lied? Not believe her, or be relieved they have reason to get rid of him?

Also, with old Walder and 2 of his top sons dead, is it possible Arya frees Edmure and he takes control of the Twins? So many possibilities there.
Al Bula
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Blackfyre is the name of a legitimized noble cadet branch of House Targaryen.

Because it is an offshoot of a noble house, it is no different than other cadet branches like:
House Karstark
House Frey of Riverrun (Forgot which Frey in the show inherrited Riverrun, in the books it was Emmon Frey)
House Baratheon of Dragonstone (Stannis)
House Fossoway (Seems like the show kept them separate in Season 1 at the Hand's tourney)
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Think it's already been laid out on show. Dany wants to leave the world a better place, Starks are good.....and she says she will marry to allegiance, Jon is only suitable Bachelor both strategically and morally.

Dany and Jon unite and fight back the WW. Everyone else bows.
they had another line foreshadowing Dany's turn to villain when she told Tyrion that she was frightened how easy it was to abandon Daario - not caring at all how someone who loves her is hurting.
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An interesting thought I just had: what would be the reaction by Royce and other lords of the Vale if Sansa came clean about Littlefinger killing Lysa? Would they be pissed she lied? Not believe her, or be relieved they have reason to get rid of him?

Also, with old Walder and 2 of his top sons dead, is it possible Arya frees Edmure and he takes control of the Twins? So many possibilities there.

I don't see Arya delving that deep into that story. I see her as simply going about removing names from her list. That's been a central part of her character for years, it's time she acts on it. I would think in the ensuing chaos, maybe Edmure gets freed and frees Tully lands from Frey control? How could the Lannisters take it back, they're too busy dealing with Kings Landing **** now. Jaime just lost his last son and, probably, sees Cersei for who everyone has always seen her for. He won't take an army and take it back, his problem is with Cersei now.

Also with Tyrion now the Hand of the Queen, no way that he advocates for Dany going against Jon and the North. Regardless if they know his true Heritage or not. It's a dumb play and Tyrion would know that. They would work with Jon/North.

End game is WW and Danys army is the only that can deal with them.
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Lyanna def said his name was Aegon. Read her lips.
I'll have to watch it again tomorrow.

Aegon Targaryen is a cool ****in name.

Pretty sure his name is Ponyboy Targaryen. GRRM is supposedly a huge fan of The Outsiders.
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Took this from IGNs review of the episode. This pretty accurately describes my gripe with the travel. While I understand it keeps the story going and just because a scene happened ten minutes earlier doesn't necessarily mean they traveled in ten minutes, it's rather inconsistent.

"The quickness in which people travel now on Game of Thrones continues to be a minor concern, especially when it took Sam the entire season to reach Oldtown while Varys went from Meereen to Dorne and back in twenty minutes, but it's easy enough to understand that the separate scenes we're watching aren't meant to line up time-wise. But it has been a little distracting this year, to delicately address it. I don't mind the fast off-screen travel in general, it's just not consistent here. And it makes you wonder how long Jon and Sansa's quest to visit the northern lords took versus how long Cersei was cooped up in the Red Keep versus how long it took Theon and Yara to travel halfway across the world."
combat wombat™
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Took this from IGNs review of the episode. This pretty accurately describes my gripe with the travel. While I understand it keeps the story going and just because a scene happened ten minutes earlier doesn't necessarily mean they traveled in ten minutes, it's rather inconsistent.

"The quickness in which people travel now on Game of Thrones continues to be a minor concern, especially when it took Sam the entire season to reach Oldtown while Varys went from Meereen to Dorne and back in twenty minutes, but it's easy enough to understand that the separate scenes we're watching aren't meant to line up time-wise. But it has been a little distracting this year, to delicately address it. I don't mind the fast off-screen travel in general, it's just not consistent here. And it makes you wonder how long Jon and Sansa's quest to visit the northern lords took versus how long Cersei was cooped up in the Red Keep versus how long it took Theon and Yara to travel halfway across the world."
I don't see the problem with ignoring the time "anomalies". GRRM himself said it's not all parallel.
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Rewatched the scene. I think what can be told by the name is that is starts with an "a" and ends with a "ys." The most logical choice there is aerys. I don't think aegon was anything close to what she said.
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Didn't Dany say that other houses could ask for independence when the Greyjoys were asking for the salt throne?
Jon - hey Dany we jay took out the walkers together, mind if I stay the king in the north?
Dany - totally cool, you are not a **** like most of the other people in westeros
M.C. Swag
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I really don't understand that gripe. You're seriously saying that some fluff scenes that depict Varys trudging through Dorne or hitch-hiking on ships is what would make you feel whole? It doesn't impact the plot and would only waste time to sate your need of travel expectations. I think we're all capable of connecting the dots between characters and the locations they appear without the show wasting time and money holding our hands through it.

The show is at a tipping point now and all these loose narrative threads need to be tied out. They gotta get a move on! I wanna see Dragons vs WW!
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Well, for those griping about time travel...

It is obvious that Arya has been back in Westeros for weeks. She was at the twins two episodes ago (ep. 8), while the same time she left Bravvos (I think...). Anyways, that serving girl has been shown multiple times before now and I'd bet that it's always been Arya.

There were Dornish ships in the armada that is heading towards Westros also. Those could have been merchant ships that were already in Meeren or could have been the ships that Varys took back when he left. The Queen of Thornes went to Dorne at someones behest... probably not on her own accord and most likely after the news of the death of her family reached Highgarden. So it took a while for the news to get out, and then travel, so we are looking at probably a month or more between when Bealor's Sept blew up to the scene in Dorne.

Just because Cersi was wearing that same outfit the day it blew up and the day she sat on the throne doesn't mean anything.

Some of y'all really have a hard time grasping that, just because we don't watch the characters sleep a fortnight doesn't mean that it actually hasn't past that amount of time.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Another perfect 10 on IMDB. We now have two of them back to back.

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Didn't Dany say that other houses could ask for independence when the Greyjoys were asking for the salt throne?
Jon - hey Dany we jay took out the walkers together, mind if I stay the king in the north?
Dany - totally cool, you are not a **** like most of the other people in westeros
That would be really short sighted on her part.

Sure jon may be cool but who's to say his heir wont be brandon stark the cruel or whatever.
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Fast-travel only bothers me when you consider than Brienne hasn't made it back to Winterfell, but Varys made it from Mereen to Dorne and back in less time.
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Well, for those griping about time travel...

It is obvious that Arya has been back in Westeros for weeks. She was at the twins two episodes ago (ep. 8), while the same time she left Bravvos (I think...). Anyways, that serving girl has been shown multiple times before now and I'd bet that it's always been Arya.

There were Dornish ships in the armada that is heading towards Westros also. Those could have been merchant ships that were already in Meeren or could have been the ships that Varys took back when he left. The Queen of Thornes went to Dorne at someones behest... probably not on her own accord and most likely after the news of the death of her family reached Highgarden. So it took a while for the news to get out, and then travel, so we are looking at probably a month or more between when Bealor's Sept blew up to the scene in Dorne.

Just because Cersi was wearing that same outfit the day it blew up and the day she sat on the throne doesn't mean anything.

Some of y'all really have a hard time grasping that, just because we don't watch the characters sleep a fortnight doesn't mean that it actually hasn't past that amount of time.
The ships just left dorne. You can see martell and tyrell banners when the camera pans out.
M.C. Swag
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Your right, she should kill Jon and make sure he never procreates. It would be super bad if "Bran the Cruel" somehow survived and grew up with a grudge against the current westerosi ruler and amassed an unstoppable force to exact his families revenge on the crown....oh wait, that already happened

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Think it's already been laid out on show. Dany wants to leave the world a better place, Starks are good.....and she says she will marry to allegiance, Jon is only suitable Bachelor both strategically and morally.

Dany and Jon unite and fight back the WW. Everyone else bows.

This is how I have always envisioned the ending of the series.
That sounds too happy
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Lyanna def said his name was Aegon. Read her lips.
I'll have to watch it again tomorrow.

Aegon Targaryen is a cool ****in name.

Pretty sure his name is Ponyboy Targaryen. GRRM is supposedly a huge fan of The Outsiders.

Stay golden, Aegon Targaryen.
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A pretty good theory out there right now is the name is Jaehaerys. He was one of the best rulers westeros ever had and fits in with the beginning and end sounds lyanna made when saying the name.
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Think it's already been laid out on show. Dany wants to leave the world a better place, Starks are good.....and she says she will marry to allegiance, Jon is only suitable Bachelor both strategically and morally.

Dany and Jon unite and fight back the WW. Everyone else bows.

This is how I have always envisioned the ending of the series.
That sounds too happy

I don't think GRRM is averse to a happy ending. It's just that he wants the suffering along the way to be so incredibly painful, the happy ending is cathartic.
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Your right, she should kill Jon and make sure he never procreates. It would be super bad if "Bran the Cruel" somehow survived and grew up with a grudge against the current westerosi ruler and amassed an unstoppable force to exact his families revenge on the crown....oh wait, that already happened

You missed the point. She shouldn't give up the north. There's no reason too especially if the only reason you can come up with is "jon's cool."
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Aejon Targaryen
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Pretty sure I've spent too much time on Texags over the years. As soon as Tommen did his thing, all I could picture was this:

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Random thought, but I could easily see how one might get the nickname "Jon" from "Aegon".
M.C. Swag
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Your right, she should kill Jon and make sure he never procreates. It would be super bad if "Bran the Cruel" somehow survived and grew up with a grudge against the current westerosi ruler and amassed an unstoppable force to exact his families revenge on the crown....oh wait, that already happened

You missed the point. She shouldn't give up the north. There's no reason too especially if the only reason you can come up with is "jon's cool."

I didn't miss the point, I made a joke.

The point is:
Dany wants the Iron Throne.
Jon wants peace and a place to call home.

Neither of those goals conflict with each other.

Do you think Jon would have any problem swearing fealty to Dany if it bought peace to the North? I don't. Especially when Dany has shown to be a prudent and fair ruler.

Then you have the intangible aspects:

  • Jon's father is Dany's elder, honorable brother
  • Dany's most trusted advisor is a friend to Jon Snow and knows firsthand the type of honor that Jon posesses
  • The Starks have every reason to hate the Lannister, a common enemy of Dany

If Jon had ambitions of ruling the entire kingdom, sure that would cause problems, but as it currently stands, he just wants to do what is right and save his family and home from destruction.
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