841,642 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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What does everyone hope to see as the final scene for this season? What would be the best thing to end on?

I'm not sure it's what I hope for it to end on. But I expect it to end on something more dramatic setting the stage for the next season. It has not typically ended on cliffhangers like jons death. Usually it was more like Mysha. Or birth of the dragons. I expect it to end with Dany again. Setting sail to Westeros with her massive army and dragons.
IMO it ends with Dany landing on Westeros and the Night King standing on the wall with a littlefinger-like smirk on his mug.
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If remember right Stannis saved his ass on that one. Very similar to this battle. Seems to be a pattern.
Zombie Jon Snow
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I could see any of the following and actually be pretty happy with any of them:

- Dany setting sail to Westeros
- White Walkers marching on the Wall / Arriving at the Wall
- R + L = J

Yeah. I think it is Dany but....

If the wall falls and the WW/etc. start coming through - very cool. Assuming we've seen Dany on her way to Westeros earlier.

R+L=J finally revealed would also be cool. If so it is probably a final shot of Jon then which is very much like last season. So I kinda think thats earlier.

I'm fine with any of them too.

I really expect all three in some way to be in the episode along with KL and some Riverrun.

Zombie Jon Snow
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What does everyone hope to see as the final scene for this season? What would be the best thing to end on?

I'm not sure it's what I hope for it to end on. But I expect it to end on something more dramatic setting the stage for the next season. It has not typically ended on cliffhangers like jons death. Usually it was more like Mysha. Or birth of the dragons. I expect it to end with Dany again. Setting sail to Westeros with her massive army and dragons.
IMO it ends with Dany landing on Westeros and the Night King standing on the wall with a littlefinger-like smirk on his mug.

it would be an interesting contrast/juxtaposition - setting up the final conflict - Ice and Fire.

you basically have Dany in the far south (Dorne I assume - best place for Dothraki and closest to Meereen) and the NK in the far north. Great prelude - while everything in the middle is likely gonna be obliterated by those two on a collision course.
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If remember right Stannis saved his ass on that one. Very similar to this battle. Seems to be a pattern.

100,000 with giants vs a few hundred and a wall. Guess Jon is always on the heavily undermanned side.
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In the preview for this season, wasn't there a shot of a dragon flying over a boat?

Or am I just remembering Tyrion and Jorah in the boat and a dragon flying over.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I think we'll see a big shot of Dany's ships leaving Mereen. My question is, who does she leave in charge? Tyrion? Daario? Missandei?
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I think we'll see a big shot of Dany's ships leaving Mereen. My question is, who does she leave in charge? Tyrion? Daario? Missandei?
Obviously not Tyrion. His whole point of being there was to help her in Westeros.

Daario with Gray Worm lead the army and she'll be fighting so not him. Plus he's just a sell sword.

I guess it could be Missandei, but she's Dany's BFF.

I kind of double it is anyone. Mereen is a free city now. Let them decide their government.
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Kind of a random question: has there been a scene this year with a ship, on the ocean, in the middle of a storm?

I just went back and rewatched the main trailers from the beginning of the season and the only scene that we haven't seen (that I could tell) seemed to be that one. I may be forgetting something though.

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I doubt Dany lands in Westeros since the uncle of the year Euron has to come into the picture somehow before she gets there
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If anyone considers the 2 truths 1 lie from the cast spoilers then don't read on.

Here is my crazy ass guess for the finale.


Here's Sophie Turner (Sansa):

  • Ramsay dies.
  • Lady Stoneheart returns.
  • Arya checks three people off her list.
Maisie Williams (Arya) says:

  • Arya goes to Westeros, back over the sea.
  • Arya is in the trailer more times than people have realized, because they don't realize it's her.
  • Arya doesn't cross any more names off her list.

With Ramsay dead that means we get Stoneheart or 3 of the following dead (Mountain, Cersei, Walder Frey, Mel, Beric, & Thoros). I am leaning towards 3 dead because Stoneheart just doesn't make sense any more even though they teased it.

I think its likely Arya goes back to Westeros. If we assume that then it leaves no more names crossed off the list or Arya wearing someone elses face (how else would we not realize it is her). Since I (we?) lean to no Lady Stoneheart then it means Arya will be wearing someone elses face. My guess is Jamie. It makes no sense for him to be at the Twins after winning back Riverrun. He ended the siege asap in order to get back to Cersei. Going to the Twins is the complete wrong direction. Since Arya needs to get crossing names off her list I think she gets Walder while wearing Jamie's face. The scene of Jamie with Walder is shown in the trailer. The other 2 names will come from Kings landing and Winterfell. John sentences Mel to death and chops her head off and Cersei creates havoc in King's Landing killing herself or the mountain. Possibly both and then I am wrong about Mel or Walder.

My rambling and "spoilers" are through.
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I think it ends with a massive shot of Dany setting sail with her thousands of ships and dragons flying about. This would be a long breath-taking cut that is meant to be the huge moment at the end of the season.

Then the screen goes black for 10 seconds and then you hear some shuffling and a "Llyana?". You see young Ned walk into a small room and a dying Llyana holding a newborn baby saying "Ned, promise me!"

This gives you the big epic scene everyone wants to see but isn't a cliff-hanger with Dany and then gives you the HUGE reveal/cliff-hanger of the TOJ (since many casual show watchers would be surprised and confused why Llyana would have a baby in the tower).
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My guess, on of the following:

1. WW's taking the wall/destroying the wall and/or all of Westeros coming under "Winter (ex: Snow storm in King's Landing).

2. Dany's fleet being destroyed en route to Westeros.

3. Arya Stark assassinating somebody (but not as Jaime. I don't think they can change their body mass, can they? Plus Jaime isn't dead, and I think, with the exception of Arya, the person you are impersonating has to be dead to get their face).

4. R+L=J

5. Cersei and Wildfire in KL.
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1. WW's taking the wall/destroying the wall and/or all of Westeros coming under "Winter (ex: Snow storm in King's Landing).

I agree. The finale preview has a shot of a white Raven flying to Winterfell. The first episode of season 2 had one announcing the end of summer, so this one will announce the 'winds of winter' and I'm thinking that scene will transition to the WW at the wall.
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Kind of a random question: has there been a scene this year with a ship, on the ocean, in the middle of a storm?

I just went back and rewatched the main trailers from the beginning of the season and the only scene that we haven't seen (that I could tell) seemed to be that one. I may be forgetting something though.

Here is the link:

After thinking about it, was there not a scene with Sam and Gilly in the ocean on a ship with Sam getting seasick during a storm?

I didn't recognize any other scenes that we haven't seen already from the trailer.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Final scene will be Gendry rowing with the WW army around the wall.
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Kind of a random question: has there been a scene this year with a ship, on the ocean, in the middle of a storm?

I just went back and rewatched the main trailers from the beginning of the season and the only scene that we haven't seen (that I could tell) seemed to be that one. I may be forgetting something though.

Here is the link:

After thinking about it, was there not a scene with Sam and Gilly in the ocean on a ship with Sam getting seasick during a storm?

I didn't recognize any other scenes that we haven't seen already from the trailer.
sam got really sick on the way home
Zombie Jon Snow
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there is one shot in there that we have not had yet - appears to be at the Frey's toasting in their castle, same place as the red wedding occurred.

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was that not a flashback to the red wedding? I seem to remember one of the episode previews showing that scene but had Jamie talking to them.

Or am i thinking of a fan video on youtube.
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I think it ends with a massive shot of Dany setting sail with her thousands of ships and dragons flying about. This would be a long breath-taking cut that is meant to be the huge moment at the end of the season.

Then the screen goes black for 10 seconds and then you hear some shuffling and a "Llyana?". You see young Ned walk into a small room and a dying Llyana holding a newborn baby saying "Ned, promise me!"

This gives you the big epic scene everyone wants to see but isn't a cliff-hanger with Dany and then gives you the HUGE reveal/cliff-hanger of the TOJ (since many casual show watchers would be surprised and confused why Llyana would have a baby in the tower).
we know they have to reveal R+L=J this episode, but *how* will they tie it in to the greater narrative moving forward at this point after waiting so long? Is it enough to just reveal that Jon is half targaryen? I think not. How will that advance the story for the show only viewers? They need to either drop some info hinting that more targaryens are needed to ride the other dragons and/or have Bran be heavily involved in the reveal
Zombie Jon Snow
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was that not a flashback to the red wedding? I seem to remember one of the episode previews showing that scene but had Jamie talking to them.

Or am i thinking of a fan video on youtube.

No I don't think it is the Red Wedding - Walder Frey toasting looks similar but the crowd shot shows no women and no Starks particularly. In fact it looks like all men and knights in the KL colors to the left.

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I think it ends with a massive shot of Dany setting sail with her thousands of ships and dragons flying about. This would be a long breath-taking cut that is meant to be the huge moment at the end of the season.

Then the screen goes black for 10 seconds and then you hear some shuffling and a "Llyana?". You see young Ned walk into a small room and a dying Llyana holding a newborn baby saying "Ned, promise me!"

This gives you the big epic scene everyone wants to see but isn't a cliff-hanger with Dany and then gives you the HUGE reveal/cliff-hanger of the TOJ (since many casual show watchers would be surprised and confused why Llyana would have a baby in the tower).
we know they have to reveal R+L=J this episode, but *how* will they tie it in to the greater narrative moving forward at this point after waiting so long? Is it enough to just reveal that Jon is half targaryen? I think not. How will that advance the story for the show only viewers? They need to either drop some info hinting that more targaryens are needed to ride the other dragons and/or have Bran be heavily involved in the reveal

Revealing that Jon isn't a ******* to us and eventually to him...changes everything about him.

He joined the black specifically because he was a *******...now he would be royalty.

McInnis 03
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Tower of joy
Arya goes big
A few token deaths

I think the hangers will be Cerseis fire command and Dany sailing
Texags is garbage
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You know, it's worth noting Sansa has not only been deceptive but manipulative of Jon as well.
This. I am fully on board with the theory that Sansa was playing the game. She knew:

1. Ramsey would set a trap for Jon
2. Jon would fall for the trap
3. Ramsey's arrogance would cause him to let down his guard and overplay his hand once the trap was sprung.

Sansa didn't tell Jon about LF and the Knights of the Vale because that was her plan all along.

Just summarized my thoughts to perfection. I've seen so many of the blogging types that seem to be surprised by her actions. I've absolutely loved the transformation of her character, and find it totally plausible. Jon might do well to hear her out next time.

I'm certain she and Arya will get along just fine now whenever that reunion happens.
Al Bula
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Revealing that Jon isn't a ******* to us and eventually to him...changes everything about him.

He joined the black specifically because he was a *******...now he would be royalty.
but he is a bast@rd. Do you think Howland Reed will pop up and pull a copy of Rhaegar and Lyanna's marriage license (if they were married) out of his ass? Pretty sure the people of Westeros don't GAF if that were to happen, nor would they take Bran's word.

Bran: "uh, yeah he is royalty. The Weirwood trees told me so."

In any event a king (queen?) would have to legitimize Jon.

Aerys... Kinda busy when Jon was born and was suspicious of Rhaegar
Robert... Made it his mission to kill Targaryen offspring, hence the secret
Joff... Choking on pigeon pie
Tommen... Busy sniffing Marg's small clothes
Aegon the VI of his name... Not part of the show but would have no motivation to legitimize his younger brother, a threat to the throne
Dany... Should she win the iron throne, she could legitimize him, but that's a stretch. Unless she were to marry him since he is her nephew, I don't see it happening.

Besides, Jon is the type to disavow all the royal crap given everything we know about him to date. Would be a huge shark jump to make him Jon Targaryen.

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It's been hinted at that others know the truth....
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All of the Stark kids are being trained in specific aspects to win the Game of Thrones:

Arya - Syrio, Hound, Faceless Men - The art of killing
Jon - Ned, Mormont, Aemon, School of Hard Knocksx - The art of being a warrior
Bran - 3ER, Jojen, Meera - The art of being a green seer
Sansa - Cersei, LF, Ramsey - The art of strategy/politics

These kids are becoming experts in the fields necessary to win the game.
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was that not a flashback to the red wedding? I seem to remember one of the episode previews showing that scene but had Jamie talking to them.

Or am i thinking of a fan video on youtube.

No I don't think it is the Red Wedding - Walder Frey toasting looks similar but the crowd shot shows no women and no Starks particularly. In fact it looks like all men and knights in the KL colors to the left.

This shot is in the preview for the upcoming episode. Those are Lannister soldiers. Presumably, Jaime and his army left Riverrun after last episode and went to the Twins.
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All of the Stark kids are being trained in specific aspects to win the Game of Thrones:

Arya - Syrio, Hound, Faceless Men - The art of killing
Jon - Ned, Mormont, Aemon, School of Hard Knocksx - The art of being a warrior
Bran - 3ER, Jojen, Meera - The art of being a green seer
Sansa - Cersei, LF, Ramsey - The art of strategy/politics

These kids are becoming experts in the fields necessary to win the game.
I would say Jon would be the art of being a leader.
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All of the Stark kids are being trained in specific aspects to win the Game of Thrones:

Arya - Syrio, Hound, Faceless Men - The art of killing
Jon - Ned, Mormont, Aemon, School of Hard Knocksx - The art of being a warrior
Bran - 3ER, Jojen, Meera - The art of being a green seer
Sansa - Cersei, LF, Ramsey - The art of strategy/politics

These kids are becoming experts in the fields necessary to win the game.
The real trick will be, as Ned told Arya, getting them to act together as a pack. Fingers crossed, here.
Zombie Jon Snow
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was that not a flashback to the red wedding? I seem to remember one of the episode previews showing that scene but had Jamie talking to them.

Or am i thinking of a fan video on youtube.

No I don't think it is the Red Wedding - Walder Frey toasting looks similar but the crowd shot shows no women and no Starks particularly. In fact it looks like all men and knights in the KL colors to the left.

This shot is in the preview for the upcoming episode. Those are Lannister soldiers. Presumably, Jaime and his army left Riverrun after last episode and went to the Twins.

Yes I know thats what I was saying - someone asked if it was from the red wedding. It's not.
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Yeah, I knew you were answering an earlier poster. I just wanted to add a little more
Zombie Jon Snow
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That was my original thought, too, but that's really Danaerys. Jon is learning how to be a warrior-leader v Dany becoming a political-leader.
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The real trick will be, as Ned told Arya, getting them to act together as a pack. Fingers crossed, here.

HTH. Yep. Completely forgot that little nugget, but the wolf imagery is what ties it all together.
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