I'm laughing at you folks who think this has any kind of traditional happy ending - Jon and Dany, Sansa as Wardeness of the North, Tyrion as master of anything, the Iron Throne assumed by "good guys" (whomever that might be). The remaining lines of the houses don't matter a lick.
That whole world is going to be different. Changed. I have zero idea what GRRM has in mind for the story arc, but there is zero chance it is a normal ending with all the questions answered and the bow neatly tied on top. His goal is to turn paradigms on end. Either the WW's will turn out to have the justification and they rule, or the government left standing will look nothing like the city-state monarchies currently ruling.
This series has always been about strong women, often overtaking flawed, supposedly powerful men.
Cersei over Robert. Lysa over John. Melisandra over Stannis. Dany over Viserys (and everyone). Marj manipulates her kings. The Queen of Thrones against Tywin. The ascension of Yara compared to the emasculated Theon. The transformation of Arya into a brutal assassin. The transformation of Sansa from scared girl into cunning lady. LSH.
Meanwhile, every strong man has been killed or emasculated. Robert. Jaime. Ned. Stannis. Joff. Renly. Tywin. Blackfish. Theon. Ramsay. Roose. Jorah. Etc.
The men that are left? Tyrion is a half man. Varys and Grey Worm are eunichs.
The only ones that dont fit are Jon and Littlefinger.
I disagree.
This series has always been about PEOPLE that come from nothing or are stripped of everything and overcome incredible odds. And all of the surviving characters in power fit into this.Note: thats partly based on who I expect to survive much longer too....
On reading book one 1 picked out Jon, Dany and Tyrion as fitting this and likely the three surviving victors.
There are others too though that fit the mold currently and likely will play a part.
PRIMARY Dany - entire family killed except her brother, on the run in a far away foreign land with nothing to her name, sold to a khal for an army for her brother
Tyrion - a dwarf who is ostracized by his own family, basically disowned by his father, blamed for his mothers death, called a freak and constantly underestimated who gets by on his wits.
Jon - presumably a ******* who gives up any semblance of a normal life in an honorable family to go to the wall and make a name for himself. Doubted all along by every person in power he meets (Mance, Thorne, Stannis, even Jeor until he proved himself, Ramsay of course).
also currently you have some other minor players who have risen from next to nothing
SECONDARYBran - thrown out a window and crippled he thought he thought his life was useless until he found out he had the power to greensee and warg.
Littlefinger - a lord of a house so small it had no real land or castles, very meager and undistinguished family, who has risen to now control armies and some kingdoms
Varys - a eunuch who was born a slave and had his junk cut off by a sorcerer and was left to die. Rose up to become a master spy and thief and ascended to a seat on the small council.
Sam - a fat kid basically thrown out by his own father, goes to the wall, nearly dies, ends up killing a white walker and saving Gilly. He may play a part still (at the Citadel) in discovering soemthing important that helps Jon.
Those are your characters who will shape the end story here mostly.
But there are still a few more who fit the mold although they will likely be side players at most and/or dead for someones cause or through their own arrogance and ambition.
TERTIARYThe High Sparrow - presumably rose from a common man preaching and walking barefoot among the people to lead an entire religious uprising that nearly controls KL if not the entire kingdom at this point.
Theon - maybe not ruling anything currently but he was tortured and basically had his name stricken and was castrated too.
Brienne - her mother died and all of her siblings died in their youth yet she survived. But she is an outcast because of her freakish size and strength and will likely never marry or have children.
Jamie - perhaps fits the mold least but in the end he has lost nearly all of his family (and undoubtedly will lose the rest - or kill one of them himself) and he also lost his hand which gave him his greatest asset (fighting) and now has lost his position on the kingsguard as well.
Sansa - really a late entry into this herself, she seemingly had everything but lost her mother and siblings were strewn to the 4 corners of the world. she also lost her promised seat on the throne, was humiliate to marry the dwarf, then lost him and was married off to a tyrant and maniac who she had to escape from. now she is wiser and at least playing the game and rising back up. I just don't think she ends up as a major player.
Anyway. That is the recurring theme and story of GOT.
I've always believed it will be Jon, Dany and Tyrion in the end with assists from Varys, Littlefinger and Bran ( and maybe Sam).