843,097 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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I can see Sana replacing LSH. Would fit with the current show story well.

No discussion on Bran's visions? Seemed to be a few big moments hinted at.

Ned with blood on his hands at the TOJ and the Wildfire burning Kings Landing. Since the latter hasn't happened i'm guessing that was a look at the future. Cersei finally lose it when Tommen dies and lights it or does Dany do what her father wanted when she invades?

I also think it was interesting the juxtaposition of showing Aerys completely mad with Dany's speech at the end and add creedence to whomever it was that posited that she is going to be a villian.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Rather than bringing in LSH, it might be cool to see Bran be able to communicate with her somehow. If he can see the past and future, who's to say he can't speak with the dead?
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Much more likely I think to have Sansa take that role of revenge on the Freys because she is in a position to do that whereas book Sansa was not.

Agreed. I don't think you could (re)introduce LSH after all this time. Plus it might just be too much for the average TV viewer who has to remember who the Blackfish is, who the Freys are, what happened at the Red Wedding and now you're brining in the LSH storyline? Much more likely and simpler just to combine Sansa/LSH into one and would be par the course for the TV show.
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Much more likely I think to have Sansa take that role of revenge on the Freys because she is in a position to do that whereas book Sansa was not.

Agreed. I don't think you could (re)introduce LSH after all this time. Plus it might just be too much for the average TV viewer who has to remember who the Blackfish is, who the Freys are, what happened at the Red Wedding and now you're brining in the LSH storyline? Much more likely and simpler just to combine Sansa/LSH into one and would be par the course for the TV show.
I think most of the TV viewers at least remember what happened at the red wedding. That was a pretty significant TV moment. Maybe they wouldn't remember the Freys or Blackfish before the last episode but both were reintroduced (at least talked about) in the last episode.

But agreed that I don't think LSH should come into play on the show
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Obviously, the SHOW has combined them. My post was in response to BigAggie and his statement about Benjen being cold hands in the BOOKS.

I said that Benjen being Coldhands is the prevailing theory (sorry I don't hang in every word GRRM says I've never heard of him denying it) but that was only meant to give reference that Benjen we saw Sunday night is very clearly intended to be cold hands in the TV show.

But yeah pretty clearly stated that it was a theory about the book, never said it was confirmed but did say that's the way the show has taken it. Next time I will be more clear as to avoid your ire.

Anywho, want to take bets Benjen can't go south of the wall? Just like Coldhands?
The Dog Lord
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I'll throw another vote in favor of just letting Sansa fulfill the revenge storyline. Like someone else mentioned earlier, there are just way too many people "coming back" this season (the Mountain was technically already back last season, Jon, the Hound we assume). It's the same with all of the "secret" children and "person pretending to be someone else" reveals. Too many in a show doesn't work like it would in the books.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Urban Ag
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Yeah it seems evident that they have been laying the groundwork for Dany to follow in the steps of her mad father. She seems to be getting drunk on power and if Drogon is now going to submit to her will it's only going to get worse.

Things are progressing so fast now that I find myself thinking that the events in Kings Landing, the Riverlands, even the North (not extending past Winterfell) are almost becoming trivial. Being there is no question now that:
1) Dany truly is beyond the natural, coming out of the fire of Drogo's funeral pyre was not a one off, she obviously has immense power. No force in Essos will stand up to her considering who she is, her army, and her dragons (which now seem to be playing ball with her).
2) The White Walkers are real, they are immensely powerful, and their army is massive, getting larger, and headed south to the Wall.

So my point being, while it remains great entertainment and everyone wants to see how each major character and stroy arc plays out, ultimately it seems it's coming down to when Dany makes it to Westeros, and when the WW break the Wall. Everything else is details, great details, but details.
The Dog Lord
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Kinda my thought with siege weapons, except he doesn't have to melt Heart's Bane down to do it.

He might have to destroy the sword to figure it all out, but I think he'll figure out how to craft it or something. Couple that with arrows or catapults and you have a winning formula for beating them from a distance.
They could use a ballista, but it might be a waste of the valyrian steel (unless Sam can find a way to actually create more of it). The arrowheads, spears, etc. are still a great idea though. As far as we know, the wights will be the initial problem though due to sheer numbers, so they really need to get cracking on some wildfire or find some large serpent-like creatures that breathe fire or something.
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Yeah it seems evident that they have been laying the groundwork for Dany to follow in the steps of her mad father. She seems to be getting drunk on power and if Drogon is now going to submit to her will it's only going to get worse.

Things are progressing so fast now that I find myself thinking that the events in Kings Landing, the Riverlands, even the North (not extending past Winterfell) are almost becoming trivial. Being there is no question now that:
1) Dany truly is beyond the natural, coming out of the fire of Drogo's funeral pyre was not a one off, she obviously has immense power. No force in Essos will stand up to her considering who she is, her army, and her dragons (which now seem to be playing ball with her).
2) The White Walkers are real, they are immensely powerful, and their army is massive, getting larger, and headed south to the Wall.

So my point being, while it remains great entertainment and everyone wants to see how each major character and stroy arc plays out, ultimately it seems it's coming down to when Dany makes it to Westeros, and when the WW break the Wall. Everything else is details, great details, but details.
It could come down to 2 story lines instead of one though. Jon and whoever else survives in the north facing off against the WW and it could be Dany against the Lannisters and Tyrells (or maybe the Sparrows?)

Also, Euron said they would build 1,000 ships. I remember it because I remember thinking there was no way they could build 1,000 ships anytime soon...
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I hope Tyrion, Varys and Jorah (if he returns) are Dany's voice of reason. If they are not, then I see their story arc becoming one of survival if she lets the power go to her head.

As for Darrio being involved with the Sons of Harpy, as has been alluded as a theory, he had ample time to eliminate her while alone. It seems counterproductive to the story line to have him involved with the Harpy. In fact, he could have easily killed her in the fighting pit in the day of the assassination.
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It could come down to 2 story lines instead of one though. Jon and whoever else survives in the north facing off against the WW and it could be Dany against the Lannisters and Tyrells (or maybe the Sparrows?)

What if Jon says **** it and becomes the nights king and invades from the north (ice) and the final showdown is with a mad Dany (fire). Would made the political maneuvering for 6 books all for naught.
Urban Ag
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I hope Tyrion, Varys and Jorah (if he returns) are Dany's voice of reason. If they are not, then I see their story arc becoming one of survival if she lets the power go to her head.

As for Darrio being involved with the Sons of Harpy, as has been alluded as a theory, he had ample time to eliminate her while alone. It seems counterproductive to the story line to have him involved with the Harpy. In fact, he could have easily killed her in the fighting pit in the day of the assassination.
Agreed but there has to be more to Daario. He feels like an insurance policy someone has paid for to take Dany out if it comes to that. If he were with the Harpy, as you noted, would already have happened. So who then? Varys? The Iron Bank? Or hell, maybe we are over thinking Daario. He switched sides because he gets paid well to fight for her and he wanted to bang the Mother of Dragons. Which completely makes sense too.
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Much more likely I think to have Sansa take that role of revenge on the Freys because she is in a position to do that whereas book Sansa was not.

Agreed. I don't think you could (re)introduce LSH after all this time. Plus it might just be too much for the average TV viewer who has to remember who the Blackfish is, who the Freys are, what happened at the Red Wedding and now you're brining in the LSH storyline? Much more likely and simpler just to combine Sansa/LSH into one and would be par the course for the TV show.
ok yes and then later Sansa orders Brienne to kill Jaime which for the show will have a more direct emotional connection instead of having LSH make the order.
M.C. Swag
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It's only a prevailing theory because some continue to postulate it, even though it's been shot down in more ways than 1. (Thus, my post.)

And Ire? I was simply correcting you. There was no malice or 'ire' in my post. (Whatever tone you inferred was not the intent.)
Urban Ag
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It could come down to 2 story lines instead of one though. Jon and whoever else survives in the north facing off against the WW and it could be Dany against the Lannisters and Tyrells (or maybe the Sparrows?)

What if Jon says **** it and becomes the nights king and invades from the north (ice) and the final showdown is with a mad Dany (fire). Would made the political maneuvering for 6 books all for naught.
Or, what if Bran goes back to see the day he fell, somehow tells himself what is going to happen, and instead of unwittingly seeing Jamie and Cercei in the act, he sets them up to get caught by Robert. Robert has them all executed, *****s it up at Winterfell for a couple of weeks, then heads back to Kings Landing. Bran wakes up in his bed, safe and sound, and heads down to the yard to drill with his brothers, taunt his sisters, and see Hodor.

Maybe that will be the "Dream of Spring"
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I think the wights "die" if the WW that rose them is killed and that would tilt the battle into man's favor.
Where does this theory come from? First I've heard of it.
Alt shift x (Youtube) talks about the WW being the "master" of the wights; Emergency Awesome also had a video along the same lines, I believe saying each WW commanded their own army of undead. The presumption would be then that if the "master" is killed, there is no one to give orders to the wights. Without the master, do they die, go into stasis, keep killing? Only the Others really know.
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Brian Earl Spilner
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Urban Ag
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one other thought before I get back to work.

The Night's King touched Bran in the vision. This somehow rendered the magic that protected the tree/cave powerless. They specifically show him putting his hand to the ground which caused a tremor than ran up to the cave and seemed to obliterate the protection the magic provided.

I think Bran will be able to cross the wall and in doing so, unintentionally remove the magical protection, and presto, WW's bring it down just like the tree/cave, only in a much bigger way.

Man, Bran is going to be as hated as Ramsay.
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Good find, BES. Littlefinger really likes that watch!
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Urban Ag
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Finally someone actually invents something. The lack of technology among people that have documented history going back thousands of years is pretty pathetic.
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This explains how he was able to make it from the Vale to Winterfell so quick...time travel!
Urban Ag
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as long as it doesn't get all "Harry/Voldemort" than we cool

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Slow mo video link of Brans vision

Sorry if already posted
McInnis 03
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Euron from the Drowned God - albeit rather quickly after his "death"
My take on that was he didn't die, he just drowned. It's possible to drown and not die...usually requires help, though.

edit: dammit, I didn't realize when I replied there was another full page of posts.
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Euron from the Drowned God - albeit rather quickly after his "death"
My take on that was he didn't die, he just drowned. It's possible to drown and not die...usually requires help, though.

edit: dammit, I didn't realize when I replied there was another full page of posts.
Yea, I didn't count this as bringing someone back to life. This was more of a ritual of drowning and reviving yourself to prove you are fit to lead the Iron Born. If you aren't able to survive being drowned, then you aren't fit to rule.
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I don't think Dany is going to become mad like her father. At least not in the books. That was the whole reason Barristan hid his identity at first, to see if she was worth following.
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one other thought before I get back to work.

The Night's King touched Bran in the vision. This somehow rendered the magic that protected the tree/cave powerless. They specifically show him putting his hand to the ground which caused a tremor than ran up to the cave and seemed to obliterate the protection the magic provided.

I think Bran will be able to cross the wall and in doing so, unintentionally remove the magical protection, and presto, WW's bring it down just like the tree/cave, only in a much bigger way.

Man, Bran is going to be as hated as Ramsay.

Didn't Benjen have a line in the last episode about Bran needing to be ready to meet the Night's King at the Wall? I remember something to that effect. Seems like Bran's showdown with the NK may happen before they take down the Wall. That or Benjen realizes it has to happen before they take it down.
Thomas Ford 91
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Thoughts regarding Benjen, Bran, and the health of the Wall.

1) Benjen has a relationship with the COTF, and it would seem these are different COTF than the ones we have seen. Otherwise, why did Benjen just now show up? I think Leaf called COTF 911 and they dispatched Benjen.

2) if Benjen knows COTF, he knows that magic is what keeps the WW on the North side of the Wall.

3) The same people that dispatched Benjen to rescue Bran would have known the very important fact that the NK touched Bran.

Summary: Benjen will not let Bran cross the Wall unless it is safe for him to do so.
Streetfighter 02
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*Arya will obviously kill the Waif & then probably head to Westeros. Then I could see Jaqen H'ghar coming after her and somehow Arya either kills him or wins her freedom from the Faceless Men by doing something so badass that Jaqen just lets her go.

I don't disagree she will kill the Waif. I found it odd that she could best the Waif when she was blind but then regressed in her training with sight. She may have been setting the Waif up the whole time for being a little betch.

Thomas Ford 91
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I'm coming around to the theory that show Arya is the Waif. Their interaction is reminiscent of Fight Club.
M.C. Swag
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Thats the popular theory being tossed around on reddit today. These theories are so out of control. Every week, there's a new one that takes root and each is crazier than the last.
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