Your post is confusing. But I think maybe we're saying the same thing?
Direwolves are massive, and even those who have never seen one know they are massive. The head was proof enough (i.e. big enough) for Ramsay to instantly accept that it was Rickon before him.
I could see this going both ways...
The wolf head was small for a direwolf. Just think back to the Red Wedding and how HUGE Robb's direwolf's head was. They had the severed direwolf head on top of Robb's body and it was massive.
However, I could see the show botching this...they have ignored details from the books before. I mean they missed some obvious details for the Tower of Joy fight.
Anyway, I could see Umbers setting up to trick Ramsey from reasons stated already. Also, Umbers could be legitimately pissed off at Snow for allowing Wildlings south of the Wall.
Loved this episode and can't wait for more.