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Even if jon is a targ, he would still be a basturd.
Yes. Like Tommen.
Tommen isnt a basturd. He is the legal heir to King Robert.
Tommen is legally Robert's son but actually is Jaime's. That was the whole reason the original hand of Robert's was killed because he figured out all the kids should have had black hair not blond.
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Even if jon is a targ, he would still be a basturd.
Yes. Like Tommen.
Tommen isnt a basturd. He is the legal heir to King Robert.
That's what the Realm thinks, but we know better *blonde hair cough cough*.
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Even if jon is a targ, he would still be a basturd.
Yes. Like Tommen.
Tommen isnt a basturd. He is the legal heir to King Robert.
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Even if jon is a targ, he would still be a basturd.
Yes. Like Tommen.
Tommen isnt a basturd. He is the legal heir to King Robert.
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Even if jon is a targ, he would still be a basturd.
Yes. Like Tommen.
Tommen isnt a basturd. He is the legal heir to King Robert.

Brian Earl Spilner
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Even if jon is a targ, he would still be a basturd.
Yes. Like Tommen.
Tommen isnt a basturd. He is the legal heir to King Robert.
Calm down, Cersei.
The Debt
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Tommen's still isnt a basturd. He is the product of a cuckhold, sure. He isnt Robert's blood, but alas he is still legally a Baratheon.

Short of a public confession from Cercei or Jaime, nothing will make Tommen "not the heir"
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What if Robert's basterd (that Davos let escape and was with Arya earlier) returns. Doesn't he have a claim?
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The Debt
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What if Robert's basterd (that Davos let escape and was with Arya earlier) returns. Doesn't he have a claim?
Basturds of lowbirth cant ascend.

If that were the case, there are hundreds of Targaryen basturds around KL's with claim as well.
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A king can legitimize a ******* (like Joffrey did for Ramsey) allowing them to inherit, but without that step *******s can't inherit. The entire Bkackfyre Rebellion happened when the dying king legitimized all his *******s, making them eligible for the throne. Even then, most of Westeros didn't accept them over his legitimate sons. A non-legitimized, non-noble son like Gendry has no chance under the normal rules. (Although Westeros isn't exactly in a time of normal rules).
Thomas Ford 91
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Switching subjects, the one thing that makes me think the gift is not Rickon is that show Ramsey doesnt have any clue that Theon didnt kill Bran and Rickon. He isnt just going to believe Rickon is Rickon...unless he has Shaggiedog with him. Hopefully that is not why the Umbers brought a wagon.

I'm a little stressed about this. A fake character on a tv show. What the hell is happening to me?
The Debt
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So which king is going to legitimize someone with a better claim to the throne?

The only thing that will knock tommen off the throne is power. Either war or assassination. Both are fairly likely.
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Show Ramsey DOES know Theon didn't kill Bran and Rickon. He is the one that disclosed it to Roose therefore sending Locke north of the wall to find them.
Thomas Ford 91
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Damn. Damn. Damn.
Zombie Jon Snow
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don't read if you don't wanna know...i know this is the book readers/spoilers thread but this is not book info......

Kit Harrington has spoken about Jon Snow's resurrection and it is fairly enlightening on a few aspects which involved FUTURE aspects of his character.

*************************LAST WARNING******************************************

"At first, I was worried that he'll wake up and he's the same, back to normal then there's no point in that death," Harington says. "He needs to change. There's a brilliant line when Melisandre asks: 'What did you see?' And he says: 'Nothing, there was nothing at all.' That cuts right to our deepest fear, that there's nothing after death. And that's the most important line in the whole season for me. Jon's never been afraid of death, and that's made him a strong and honorable person. He realizes something about his life now: He has to live it, because that's all there is. He's been over the line and there's nothing there. And that changes him. It literally puts the fear of god into him. He's seen oblivion and that's got to change somebody in the most fundamental way there is. He doesn't want to die ever again. But if he does, he doesn't want to be brought back."

So a couple of points in there:

1. obviously he was NOT warged into his dire wolf
2. he is obviously affected and changed by it significantly, at least in his determination or approach to life
3. doesn't sound like he is going to be cavalier about life and resurrection ala Beric Dondarrion

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Dang, I was really hoping for the warging into Ghost.
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Dang, I was really hoping for the warging into Ghost.
Why do people want Jon Snow to all the sudden warg into animals? Bran does it and that's cool, but Jon is a badass with a sword already, no need for him to warg into an animal. I expect he is far more likely to ride a dragon than warg into a direwolf or dragon.
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The books draw more attention to warging with Arya, Jon, and Rickon than the show does instead of just Bran.
Urban Ag
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Even if jon is a targ, he would still be a basturd.
Yes. Like Tommen.
Tommen isnt a basturd. He is the legal heir to King Robert.
Tommen is legally Robert's son but actually is Jaime's. That was the whole reason the original hand of Robert's was killed because he figured out all the kids should have had black hair not blond.
Actually, if I recall it correctly, Little Finger planted the seeds that lead Jon Arryn to believe that Robert's sons were not his own, and then conspired with Lysa Arryn to poison him. LF wagered that Arryn's death would compel Robert to name Ned the next Hand of the King. Then, with a little help, Ned would go down the same path, come to the same conclusions, and the Game of Thrones begins. LF in essence orchestrated the War of the Five Kings.

Someone check me on that though, it's been a while.
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Even if jon is a targ, he would still be a basturd.
Yes. Like Tommen.
Tommen isnt a basturd. He is the legal heir to King Robert.
Tommen is legally Robert's son but actually is Jaime's. That was the whole reason the original hand of Robert's was killed because he figured out all the kids should have had black hair not blond.
Actually, if I recall it correctly, Little Finger planted the seeds that lead Jon Arryn to believe that Robert's sons were not his own, and then conspired with Lysa Arryn to poison him. LF wagered that Arryn's death would compel Robert to name Ned the next Hand of the King. Then, with a little help, Ned would go down the same path, come to the same conclusions, and the Game of Thrones begins. LF in essence orchestrated the War of the Five Kings.

Someone check me on that though, it's been a while.
This sounds about right, but he had help with Varys. LF's motivation were his own promotions; but I think Varys truly wants to see a Targaryen back in power.
Urban Ag
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Right. Varys conspired with him to get the GOT going but for very different reasons.
G Martin 87
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Varys didn't conspire with LF directly. Varys' co-conspirator was Illyrio Mopatis, and their plot didn't involve LF or Arryn at all. LF was actively trying to start a war so that he could eventually wind up on top. Varys and Illyrio were trying to orchestrate a coup to return the Targs to power.
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Varys didn't conspire with LF directly. Varys' co-conspirator was Illyrio Mopatis, and their plot didn't involve LF or Arryn at all. LF was actively trying to start a war so that he could eventually wind up on top. Varys and Illyrio were trying to orchestrate a coup to return the Targs to power.
One thing I never understood is that, in the books, it looks like Varys was the one that ehlped push Varys off the deep end into being crazier than a ****house rat, and sowed suspicions between Aerys and Rhaegar.

Now, Varys is maneuvering to get Aegon VI (who, like Rhaegar, is presented as an ideal of the nobility) on the throne. If Varys had maneuvered to get rid of Aerrys in favor of Rhaegar, wouldn't he have saved himself about 20 years on his plan to put a "good" Targaryen on the throne?
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I think Rheagar forcing an abdication is something we have been given hints at as something that would have soon happened. However, Rheagar himself set off the rebellion before that could happen.
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Correct, but for the wrong end.

The mad King was very suspicious that Rehgar (sp) was trying to usurp the throne, however had he done that instead of pissing off the stormlords and the Northmen, then most everyone would have supported that.
The Dog Lord
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Varys didn't conspire with LF directly. Varys' co-conspirator was Illyrio Mopatis, and their plot didn't involve LF or Arryn at all. LF was actively trying to start a war so that he could eventually wind up on top. Varys and Illyrio were trying to orchestrate a coup to return the Targs to power.
One thing I never understood is that, in the books, it looks like Varys was the one that ehlped push Varys off the deep end into being crazier than a ****house rat, and sowed suspicions between Aerys and Rhaegar.

Now, Varys is maneuvering to get Aegon VI (who, like Rhaegar, is presented as an ideal of the nobility) on the throne. If Varys had maneuvered to get rid of Aerrys in favor of Rhaegar, wouldn't he have saved himself about 20 years on his plan to put a "good" Targaryen on the throne?
Since we don't know if Aegon is truly Aegon or not, there are those who think Varys is actually a Blackfyre supporter. It's unclear if they would ever reveal to Aegon that he is a Blackfyre, but maybe they don't really care.
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Correct, but for the wrong end.

The mad King was very suspicious that Rehgar (sp) was trying to usurp the throne, however had he done that instead of pissing off the stormlords and the Northmen, then most everyone would have supported that.
Correct. I think most agreed that Rheagar was a pretty solid person and a good choice to be King.
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I think that its likely that Aegon either isn't a Targ, or isn't a Targ that matters. I believe that because he's appeared in the books, but hasn't in the show. That suggests to me that his storyline might not be an important one.

Although I guess there is the possibility that he will be introduced to the show either later this season or first part of next. Kind of a "delayed introduction" a la the iron island folks.

And with the books, I suppose anything is possible. GRRM may have told HBO that Aegon is a false dragon, but he could also decide to increase his role in the books just to throw a curveball at readers.
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Correct, but for the wrong end.

The mad King was very suspicious that Rehgar (sp) was trying to usurp the throne, however had he done that instead of pissing off the stormlords and the Northmen, then most everyone would have supported that.
Correct. I think most agreed that Rheagar was a pretty solid person and a good choice to be King.
Yeah, by all reports (except Robert Baratheon's) Rhaegar was a good person and someone who probably would have been a very good king.

If he could have avoided Lyana, or prevented his father from burning the elder Starks to death, then the war could have been averted.
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Remind me why the king took the Starks as prisoners to begin with?
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1. Rheagor "abducted" Lyanna, daughter of one Lord Paramount and fiance to another.
2. Brandon rode off in a rage to the king to demand justice and her return and is taken prisoner. Aerys takes his demands as an affront to the throne. Knowing Brandon's personality, he was probably not very diplomatic about it.
3. Rickard Stark (dad) goes to the king to ask for his kids to be released and returned. King Aerys burns Rickard to death while Brandon is hanged to watch.
4. Ned and Robert unleash hell. They have a lot of support from the other kingdoms because of the injustice of what happened and the general knowledge that Aerys is BSC.
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2. Brandon rode off in a rage to the king to demand justice and her return and is taken prisoner. Aerys takes his demands as an affront to the throne. Knowing Brandon's personality, he was probably not very diplomatic about it.

3. Rickard Stark (dad) goes to the king to ask for his kids to be released and returned. King Aerys burns Rickard to death while Brandon is hanged to watch.
Brandon Stark not only demanded justice. He and 4 others walked in to the Red Keep and yelled for Rheagar to, "Come out and Die". Rheagar wasn't home, but the Mad King was and he basically saw it as treason. These guys were plotting against the crown prince. So he locked them up and ordered their respective father's to come answer for the kids crimes. When the father's arrived, Aerys had them and the boys executed without a trial. Rickard Stark ask for trial by combat. Aerys strung him up over a fire in his armor saying that fire was his Champion and cooked him while Brandon strangled himself with a rope trying to free his father. The only one left alive was Ethan Glover, who was a squire to Brandon. Glover died at the Tower of Joy.
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What he said - I had forgotten some of the details. But yeah, Aerys was paranoid about rebellion and overreacted pretty dramatically.
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