WARNING WARNING WARNING*******************SPOILERS AHEAD SPOILERS AHEAD***************don't read if you don't wanna know...i know this is the book readers/spoilers thread but this is not book info......
Kit Harrington has spoken about Jon Snow's resurrection and it is fairly enlightening on a few aspects which involved FUTURE aspects of his character.
*************************LAST WARNING******************************************quote:
"At first, I was worried that he'll wake up and he's the same, back to normal then there's no point in that death," Harington says. "He needs to change. There's a brilliant line when Melisandre asks: 'What did you see?' And he says: 'Nothing, there was nothing at all.' That cuts right to our deepest fear, that there's nothing after death. And that's the most important line in the whole season for me. Jon's never been afraid of death, and that's made him a strong and honorable person. He realizes something about his life now: He has to live it, because that's all there is. He's been over the line and there's nothing there. And that changes him. It literally puts the fear of god into him. He's seen oblivion and that's got to change somebody in the most fundamental way there is. He doesn't want to die ever again. But if he does, he doesn't want to be brought back."
So a couple of points in there:
1. obviously he was NOT warged into his dire wolf
2. he is obviously affected and changed by it significantly, at least in his determination or approach to life
3. doesn't sound like he is going to be cavalier about life and resurrection ala Beric Dondarrion