Ian McShane is a badass
Ian McShane is a badass
quote:Yep,,we definitely saw the pitty-type catch dogs in this episode.
Oh and for everyone complaining about the dogs last week, the writers gave you the middle finger this one.
quote:Rhaegar was not at the ToJ. He was killed in the Riverlands by Robert Baratheon at the Ruby Ford.quote:It's his KG, not Rhaegar himself, IIRC. LC Gerold Hightower, Arthur Dayne, I forget the third... he sent lyanna there with them to guard herquote:There was a scene that was definitely a young Eddard (listen to the voice even) with other knights (Howland Reed, etc.) about to fight some other knights (Rhaegar presumably).quote:I must have not been paying attention. What was shown that suggests this?
Looks like TOJ huh?
1. I think it is a stretch that Davos would ask Mel to resurrect Jon. He's been pretty much against bad juju magic from the get go. He never asked her to bring back his sons. So, now he's going to completely break character and ask her for Jon? Why? And this after she murdered Stannis's daughter? Just seemed way out of character for him and it never really explained his motivation for it. Seemed like poor writing, in my opinion.
2. All this burning people at the stake and you're telling me all you have to do to resurrect somebody is give them a haircut and a shampoo? Silly.
3. I think Jon will pardon Ollie but execute the main traitor. Can't think of his name.
4. David will be Jon's "hand" now that Sam is gone.
quote:quote:Yep,,we definitely saw the pitty-type catch dogs in this episode.
Oh and for everyone complaining about the dogs last week, the writers gave you the middle finger this one.
quote:They have been hiding him for years, and now they decide to give him to Ramsay freaking Snow? I do not think so.
In the Episode 3 trailer, someone brought Ramsay a 'gift'. I think it's Rickon =(
quote:It must be Eddard who hurts Willis/Walder/Hodor, because I seem to remember Old Nan saying (in the books) that he had always been simple. The show must be using him as a device to demonstrate a major development in SOMEONE's personality.quote:No, he's not the type. At least Adult Ned isn't. Could this be a life-altering formative event for Ned? Maybe it's a tragic accident. Maybe Benjen does it. Somebody is going to ring his bell hard and that will result in his condition.
Other thoughts: Ned doesn't seem like the type to put such a bad beat down on someone to the point of loss of speech.
quote:"You wear my sigil because I cannot prove you are not my blood" or something to that effect.quote:How so?
I think Tyrion is the Mad King's son. Tywin always knew it. And once alluded
quote:Eddard probably gets Wylis to train in the yard when Old Nan isn't around. Wylis doesn't keep his shield up, and either Eddard or Benjen "ring his bell" and turn him into even simpler-minded Hodor.
It must be Eddard who hurts Willis/Walder/Hodor, because I seem to remember Old Nan saying (in the books) that he had always been simple. The show must be using him as a device to demonstrate a major development in SOMEONE's personality.
quote:Pretty sure it has never been stated why he took the black. He was the acting Lord of Winterfell during Robert's Rebellion with his father/brother dead and Ned away. When Ned returned, Benjen took the black since Eddard had an heir in Robb already.
I don't recall... Why Benjen take the black? Maybe this played a part in his decision.
quote:Hope so but doubtful. It is interesting that people make such a big deal about whether or not Syrio is alive or not, but very few (outside of some book readers) question if Benjen is alive.
Y'all think there is any chance Benjen is still alive? I'm leaning no.
quote:The North has a long tradition of serving the Watch. Remember one of the historical stories, in which one Stark was King in the North while his brother was Lord Commander. In our world/timeline, younger sons of noble houses often joined monastic orders once the bloodline of the eldest was established, to prevent "too many cooks."quote:Eddard probably gets Wylis to train in the yard when Old Nan isn't around. Wylis doesn't keep his shield up, and either Eddard or Benjen "ring his bell" and turn him into even simpler-minded Hodor.
It must be Eddard who hurts Willis/Walder/Hodor, because I seem to remember Old Nan saying (in the books) that he had always been simple. The show must be using him as a device to demonstrate a major development in SOMEONE's personality.
I don't recall... Why Benjen take the black? Maybe this played a part in his decision.
quote:..and invents the first Westerosi flying machine?
I think that if we are going to see Benjen ever again, he will be wright of some kind. I don't see him being alive.
quote:i actually hope JSnow walks right up to him and beats his face in until its mush and then says for the watch as he walks off covered in his blood....but thats just me
1. I think it is a stretch that Davos would ask Mel to resurrect Jon. He's been pretty much against bad juju magic from the get go. He never asked her to bring back his sons. So, now he's going to completely break character and ask her for Jon? Why? And this after she murdered Stannis's daughter? Just seemed way out of character for him and it never really explained his motivation for it. Seemed like poor writing, in my opinion.
2. All this burning people at the stake and you're telling me all you have to do to resurrect somebody is give them a haircut and a shampoo? Silly.
3. I think Jon will pardon Ollie but execute the main traitor. Can't think of his name.
4. David will be Jon's "hand" now that Sam is gone.
quote:Well for gliding purposes, a 700 ft tall wall provides an excellent launching point.quote:..and invents the first Westerosi flying machine?
I think that if we are going to see Benjen ever again, he will be wright of some kind. I don't see him being alive.
If Tyrion is truly a Targ, it would be awesome if in the end Dany gives him the Rock, as a final middle finger to Tywin, killing his legacy. The visual of Tyrion flying to the Rock on his dragon makes me want to high five someone.
quote:I always thought Benjen = Coldhands when I was reading the books
I think that if we are going to see Benjen ever again, he will be wright of some kind. I don't see him being alive.
quote:Way too happy of an ending. I think the series ends with a shot of Ramsay in ten years. Growing bored of ruling Westeros with his army of Others, he begins to plan an invasion across the Narrow Sea.
I found it interesting that Karstark, after saying he was loyal to the Boltons because of the beheading, still referred to King Robb. Perhaps a slip to his true loyalties, ie the conspiracy.
I originally believed that Arya would end up as Commander of the Kingsguard, but now I lean more towards Brienne. Arya will have to end in a role historically not for women. If Dany is ruler, Kingsguard makes good sense. Grey Worm will end up with Missandei, so he would be out, maybe commander of city watch.
Where it ends up in Kings Landing in my mind:
Dany - Queen
Jon Snow - King, but dies tragically in a final epic battle leaving his wife Dany to rule. Dany is pregnant.
Tyrion - Hand of the King (Queen)
Brienne - Captain of Kingsguard
Varys - Master of Whisperers
Davos - Master of Ships
quote:quote:i actually hope JSnow walks right up to him and beats his face in until its mush and then says for the watch as he walks off covered in his blood....but thats just me
1. I think it is a stretch that Davos would ask Mel to resurrect Jon. He's been pretty much against bad juju magic from the get go. He never asked her to bring back his sons. So, now he's going to completely break character and ask her for Jon? Why? And this after she murdered Stannis's daughter? Just seemed way out of character for him and it never really explained his motivation for it. Seemed like poor writing, in my opinion.
2. All this burning people at the stake and you're telling me all you have to do to resurrect somebody is give them a haircut and a shampoo? Silly.
3. I think Jon will pardon Ollie but execute the main traitor. Can't think of his name.
4. David will be Jon's "hand" now that Sam is gone.
quote:quote:I always thought Benjen = Coldhands when I was reading the books
I think that if we are going to see Benjen ever again, he will be wright of some kind. I don't see him being alive.
quote:Patrolling the north with Nymeria and the rest of the wild wolves is my guess.
Wonder what Summer has been up to while Bran does his thing...
quote:In the books, wasn't Summer really, really hungry because there was so little game left so far north of the Wall?
Wonder what Summer has been up to while Bran does his thing...
quote:That was my initial thought, but GRRM has said that Coldhands isn't Benjen, although I'd take that with a grain of salt. However Leaf said that Coldhands was killed long ago. Benjen is has been missing for only 2 years so it technically doesn't add up depending on one's definition of a long time ago.quote:quote:I always thought Benjen = Coldhands when I was reading the books
I think that if we are going to see Benjen ever again, he will be wright of some kind. I don't see him being alive.
Me, too. And if Bran is not destined to remain beyond with Wall, you got to think it will be Coldhands who takes him back.
quote:Dropping knowledge like nobodies business!quote:That was my initial thought, but GRRM has said that Coldhands isn't Benjen, although I'd take that with a grain of salt. However Leaf said that Coldhands was killed long ago. Benjen is has been missing for only 2 years so it technically doesn't add up depending on one's definition of a long time ago.quote:quote:I always thought Benjen = Coldhands when I was reading the books
I think that if we are going to see Benjen ever again, he will be wright of some kind. I don't see him being alive.
Me, too. And if Bran is not destined to remain beyond with Wall, you got to think it will be Coldhands who takes him back.
Bran is going to see the ToJ scene and possibly see the revelation of Ned's secret. Looking at the trailer for next week, Ned & 5 others approach the tower. The battle was 7v3 and all the companion's have swords. We know that Howland Reed is the only other to survive and saves Ned from Arthur Dayne. He fights with a pike so thats why I think he is missing. Anyways, when Bran learns the truth of Ned's promise, he is gonna have to go find Howland Reed for secondary confirmation to prove anything he saw. That's why Leag told Meera that Bran would need her. They will have to travel south eventually.