I'm still holding out hope that the Manderly's bring some pie as a gift to Ramsay but I'm just not sure what will be in the pie now that there's no Frey love with the Boltons. Maybe some of his 20 goodmen will be in the pie.
quote:I think you're overthinking this. For one thing, Roose didn't feel like he had to fear Ramsay. Second, in last week's episode Ramsay reminded the Maester that he had been afraid of Ramsay even when Ramsay was a child. Third, poison is a woman's weapon and not employed quickly. Ramsay was ready to seize the opportunity to kill Roose if the baby was a boy and a threat. That's it.
The Roose death scence seemed poorly thought out by D&D and very short-sighted. I guess I'm supposed to believe Roose doesn't have any guards, loyalists, page, squire etc etc anywhere? Even the meister balks. A knife wound looks a helluva lot different then poison why didn't D&D just write the death scene as a poisoning?
Everything else was fantastic but this just seemed odd. If it's so easy to kill a lord of a major house then Westeros would be ruled by nothing but b@stards(literally speaking)!
quote:How so?
I think Tyrion is the Mad King's son. Tywin always knew it. And once alluded
quote:Didn't Ramsay kill the eldest Domeric Bolton with poison?quote:I think you're overthinking this. For one thing, Roose didn't feel like he had to fear Ramsay. Second, in last week's episode Ramsay reminded the Maester that he had been afraid of Ramsay even when Ramsay was a child. Third, poison is a woman's weapon and not employed quickly. Ramsay was ready to seize the opportunity to kill Roose if the baby was a boy and a threat. That's it.
The Roose death scence seemed poorly thought out by D&D and very short-sighted. I guess I'm supposed to believe Roose doesn't have any guards, loyalists, page, squire etc etc anywhere? Even the meister balks. A knife wound looks a helluva lot different then poison why didn't D&D just write the death scene as a poisoning?
Everything else was fantastic but this just seemed odd. If it's so easy to kill a lord of a major house then Westeros would be ruled by nothing but b@stards(literally speaking)!
quote:Thats book Ramsey. Show Ramsey got to the Dreadfort as a younger child - that's when he became friends with the houndmaster's daughter.quote:Didn't Ramsay kill the eldest Domeric Bolton with poison?quote:I think you're overthinking this. For one thing, Roose didn't feel like he had to fear Ramsay. Second, in last week's episode Ramsay reminded the Maester that he had been afraid of Ramsay even when Ramsay was a child. Third, poison is a woman's weapon and not employed quickly. Ramsay was ready to seize the opportunity to kill Roose if the baby was a boy and a threat. That's it.
The Roose death scence seemed poorly thought out by D&D and very short-sighted. I guess I'm supposed to believe Roose doesn't have any guards, loyalists, page, squire etc etc anywhere? Even the meister balks. A knife wound looks a helluva lot different then poison why didn't D&D just write the death scene as a poisoning?
Everything else was fantastic but this just seemed odd. If it's so easy to kill a lord of a major house then Westeros would be ruled by nothing but b@stards(literally speaking)!
Ramsey also didn't arrive at the dreadfort till he was in his teens.
quote:This is from when Tyrion asks for Casterly Rock:quote:How so?
I think Tyrion is the Mad King's son. Tywin always knew it. And once alluded
My guess was that the gift for Ramsay is Rickon Stark and Asha. Weren't they heading to one of the large northern houses a couple seasons ago?
quote:I liked the redesign a lot too. A hidden nugget in the statement about Meera is that the CotF said that Bran wouldn't be staying there forever. I really thought he would takeover for the three-eyed raven/crow, but maybe he really will warg into something (dragon?) but from close by instead of from the cave.
oh dur and Bran scene finally (even though it wasn't much, sets up for next week and more of this season)
curious what will be Meera's role going forward. oh and i love the redesign of the child of the forest from what they had in season 4, it looks less like a cute snow nymph and more of a darker creature
quote:But as the leader of the north (or by making Sansa the Wardeness), they could rally much more support to defend the wall.quote:I hope they move in this direction and he retakes Winterfel in episode 8 as mentioned above. But the only holdup is that Jon knows the true enemy and will never truly abandon the Wall and Watch.quote:
So What do you think it will mean for Jon now that he's possibly released from his oath?
No possible, he died and fulfilled his oath. He is a free agent to rain vengeance on the north.
quote:I think many believe he will kill Cersei by the end and die in the process. The prophecy about Cersie being killed by her little brother is assumed to be Tyrion, but Jamie is technically younger as well. That being said, book Jamie and book Cersei have a WAY different relationship than the show versions of their characters.
Book Jamie could survive to the end. Obviously we haven't seen him react to the death of the daughter but besides that he has evolved far enough to survive whatever happens.
quote:If he is a stable-boy, it's very likely that a horse simply kicked him in the head or something. It could kill someone smaller, but for him it just scrambled his mind.quote:My guess is if we see it in the book it will be Robert. Who knows about the show, but that seems like something Robert would do.quote:No, he's not the type. At least Adult Ned isn't. Could this be a life-altering formative event for Ned? Maybe it's a tragic accident. Maybe Benjen does it. Somebody is going to ring his bell hard and that will result in his condition.
Other thoughts: Ned doesn't seem like the type to put such a bad beat down on someone to the point of loss of speech.
It is also possible Hodor gets hurt in some sort of accident. Maybe he is in the wrong place when the sister runs off or something with the tower of joy.
quote:The northern houses are at least playing as loyal right now, but I doubt they would ever bring Ramsay Rickon unless the show is changing that as well. In the books I believe some of the houses are even somewhat split (or at least appearing that way to get some on the inside and some on the outside).
Speaking of there being a major northern house in there with Roose and Ramsay...
Why would the Umbers get behind Bolton? I know it was Karstark in that scene, and their siding with Bolton is obvious. The Umbers, however, were loyal to Robb, and were also victims of the Red Wedding (which Bolton helped plan). If a previous post is correct in saying it's the Umbers telling Ramsay they brought a gift...why would they? Unless they are planning a secret attack?
Also, what blowback will Ramsay's actions create with the Freys?
quote:I think this is definitely the direction they are going after bringing up the names of all of these houses. I think Ramsay starts to gather his power for the fight later in the season, but that we see that some of the northerners are actually fighting against him (they may even be with him until the battle actually starts).
Please, oh please let the Manderlys and Umbers start the revenge soon. Although, I don't know how easily the Karstarks will forgive and turn on Bolton. That guy in Winterfell was quick to back Ramsay in front of the maester.
quote:Not so strange, actually. I think Davos is a great judge of character. He actually has the heart of a king, too bad he can't rule. He saw something noble in Jon and those who rallied to him.
Why is Davis all on in Jon Snow? Some random ******* Lod Commander be barely knows?
Am I forgetting something?
He was awfully loyal to stannis and now he's just "oh well, stannis is dead. I like this new guy Jon Snow!"
quote:agreed, Jaime is commonly thought of as the actual Valonqar that the witch woman warned Cersei about. i'm still waiting for their show relationship to start becoming more strained like it did in the books, though...if anything, it seems to have gotten strongerquote:I think many believe he will kill Cersei by the end and die in the process. The prophecy about Cersie being killed by her little brother is assumed to be Tyrion, but Jamie is technically younger as well. That being said, book Jamie and book Cersei have a WAY different relationship than the show versions of their characters.
Book Jamie could survive to the end. Obviously we haven't seen him react to the death of the daughter but besides that he has evolved far enough to survive whatever happens.
quote:i know Rodrick's sideburns were pretty badass, but i wouldn't call him a werewolf
They may be expanding that power, but there is a werewolf in the heart of winterfell, not just in their weir wood forest. Isn't that what they show in the opening sequence?
quote:quote:I think this is definitely the direction they are going after bringing up the names of all of these houses. I think Ramsay starts to gather his power for the fight later in the season, but that we see that some of the northerners are actually fighting against him (they may even be with him until the battle actually starts).
Please, oh please let the Manderlys and Umbers start the revenge soon. Although, I don't know how easily the Karstarks will forgive and turn on Bolton. That guy in Winterfell was quick to back Ramsay in front of the maester.
quote:we'll still get an epic battle in the north, i think that's been all but confirmed by press releases/trailersquote:quote:I think this is definitely the direction they are going after bringing up the names of all of these houses. I think Ramsay starts to gather his power for the fight later in the season, but that we see that some of the northerners are actually fighting against him (they may even be with him until the battle actually starts).
Please, oh please let the Manderlys and Umbers start the revenge soon. Although, I don't know how easily the Karstarks will forgive and turn on Bolton. That guy in Winterfell was quick to back Ramsay in front of the maester.
Plus a surprise stabbing in the back is much cheaper to shoot than a huge epic battle. Especially when we will probably be seeing one in the near future over in Slaver's Bay.
quote:Remember that the Umber's are some hardcore Stark loyalists. Maybe that gift is something that is gonna wipe that grin off Ramsey's face. Please.
Also I looked up the sigils in the episode 3 preview trailer, the Umbers show up with "a gift". Their castle, "the Last Hearth" is where Rickon and Osha were headed at the end of season 3.
Does not bode well...
In the book he's at the island of Skagos I believe.