*** DC Extended Universe ***

818,968 Views | 7643 Replies | Last: 9 mo ago by TCTTS
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The new trailer needs to drop asap
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I would say Super Bowl at the absolute earliest, but end-of-year blockbusters almost never have Super Bowl spots (that's more of spring/summer blockbuster thing). If not Super Bowl, I'd say mid-February, but more likely sometime in March. Gun to my head, I'd say Warner Bros. attaches it to Kong: Skull Island on March 10.
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I have faith lol

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There may be hope yet...

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wtf is flash doing? He shouldn't be moving that slow
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Lego Batman looking better and better.
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Not good



tremendous belief that Wonder Woman is gonna be awesome and I heard it stinks from the same person who told me that they heard that BvS stinks...The person who I spoke to...their response was 'I'm very disappointed in what I saw, and it seems like all the problems are the same problems. It's discombobulated, it doesn't have narrative flow. It's just very disjointed."
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...someone with insider info has seen the movie, or at least a decent chunk of the movie, and claims that it is "discombobulated" and not the great movie the trailers have led fans to believe it might be.

Shocked I tell ya, shocked!
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AgMarauder04 said:

Not good



tremendous belief that Wonder Woman is gonna be awesome and I heard it stinks from the same person who told me that they heard that BvS stinks...The person who I spoke to...their response was 'I'm very disappointed in what I saw, and it seems like all the problems are the same problems. It's discombobulated, it doesn't have narrative flow. It's just very disjointed."

I'm not really all that shocked. The WB apparently does not know how to not meddle in their films. I no longer think this is a Snyder issue, rather it's a WB Corporate issue. The film will still make tons of money though.

I have also heard similar things about Justice League.

I'm still going to go see both in the theater because I'm a huge DC fan.

I am curious as to how feminists will react to Wonder Woman though. I am pretty positive that they will react very negatively towards it because Wonder Woman is very attractive and fit, which are both very problematic and ableist to them. "Why couldn't Wonder Woman be a fierce wymyn of size and color!"
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Now that I have a son who's into superheroes I've rediscovered my love of comic book heroes, so the idea of actual Justice League/Suicide Squad/etc movies is greatly appealing to me. But if the product is crap, I'm not going to just freely part with $20 or so of my money and support the crap product in the theater. I'll catch it later on HBO or hell, check it out for free from the library.

Not trying to cause an argument or criticize you, just legitimately questioning....why support a crap product (which in turn guarantees they'll just keep making crap products) simply because of the reasoning, "well it'll suck, but I'm a fan of that character, so....". Doesn't being a DC fan piss you off that they're wasting the characters in these films?

I'm a Spiderman fan, but I didn't see the Andrew Garfield movies because they just plain looked bad. And the Point Break remake looked like an absolute turd, so I didn't go see it even though the original was one of my favorite movies as a kid.
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FL_Ag1998 said:

Now that I have a son who's into superheroes I've rediscovered my love of comic book heroes, so the idea of actual Justice League/Suicide Squad/etc movies is greatly appealing to me. But if the product is crap, I'm not going to just freely part with $20 or so of my money and support the crap product in the theater. I'll catch it later on HBO or hell, check it out for free from the library.

Not trying to cause an argument or criticize you, just legitimately questioning....why support a crap product (which in turn guarantees they'll just keep making crap products) simply because of the reasoning, "well it'll suck, but I'm a fan of that character, so....". Doesn't being a DC fan piss you off that they're wasting the characters in these films?

I'm a Spiderman fan, but I didn't see the Andrew Garfield movies because they just plain looked bad. And the Point Break remake looked like an absolute turd, so I didn't go see it even though the original was one of my favorite movies as a kid.
I've seen Suicide Squad, Man of Steel, and Batman vs Superman in the theater. I didn't think any of them were as bad as the reviews made them out to be and liked all 3 so I don't really see any issue with going to see more DC movies. They may not be the films I would have wanted them to make, but they are good enough for what they are.

I mean I don't consider the MCU to be anything other than formulaic movies, but I still watch them because I enjoy them. I rarely ever pay much attention to reviewers anymore anyway because their reviews are so laced with politics and social justice garbage, that I put almost zero stock in their reviews with regards to the quality or lack thereof for any particular film.
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Vander said:


I am curious as to how feminists will react to Wonder Woman though. I am pretty positive that they will react very negatively towards it because Wonder Woman is very attractive and fit, which are both very problematic and ableist to them. "Why couldn't Wonder Woman be a fierce wymyn of size and color!"

Wonder Woman has always been attractive and fit, why do you think anyone will now make an issue of it? I don't know why this even comes to mind when talking about the movie.
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Whether it's good or bad, Wonder Woman also faces something that BvS and Suicide Squad didn't really have to deal with - a summer packed with competition. BvS hit in March and had a relatively soft competitive slate, IIRC, and Suicide Squad benefited from an August release that lacked any real powerhouses.

Wonder Woman will release right after a Pirates film, the same time as Bad Boys 3 and an animated film, a week before Mummy and two weeks before Kingsmen. It may face an uphill battle to make the numbers people expect from superhero films, even if it ends up being the greatest film ever.
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why support a crap product (which in turn guarantees they'll just keep making crap products) simply because of the reasoning, "well it'll suck, but I'm a fan of that character, so....". Doesn't being a DC fan piss you off that they're wasting the characters in these films?
One big reason for me is my kids. They aren't as discerning and don't know all the history and backstory of the characters.

Both my boys liked BvS (I thought it was not good, but had bright parts: Affleck and Gadot). Both LOVED Suicide Squad. Absolutely loved it. Their enthusiasm watching it bled over to me and I enjoyed that they enjoyed it. And, it was flawed, but MUCH better than BvS.

Why do we support the WB's DC movies? Because, deep in our hearts....we want them to be good. We hope that they are good. Who wants to see these movies with beloved characters fail?
Sex Panther
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dave94 said:

Vander said:


I am curious as to how feminists will react to Wonder Woman though. I am pretty positive that they will react very negatively towards it because Wonder Woman is very attractive and fit, which are both very problematic and ableist to them. "Why couldn't Wonder Woman be a fierce wymyn of size and color!"

Wonder Woman has always been attractive and fit, why do you think anyone will now make an issue of it? I don't know why this even comes to mind when talking about the movie.

Well there was an uproar from SJW's complaining that Iron Fist is played by a blonde haired, white guy and they should make him Asian... Even though Iron Fist is a blonde haired, white guy.
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You know what, you bring up a very good point that I wasn't thinking of when I wrote my original post.....kids. I sucked it up and went to the theaters to see that hot garbage remake of Ghostbusters because my son wanted to see it. So I see your point in the case of having kids.

But man, when you factor out the kid angle...sure I really, really, really wanted a movie about Superman and Batman first meeting to absolutely kick ass. But when everything I read and saw about the movie indicted it was atrocious, and the official reviews said it was atrocious, and the unofficial reviews here on Texags said it was atrocious...well, I had no problem skipping it in the theater.
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dave94 said:

Vander said:


I am curious as to how feminists will react to Wonder Woman though. I am pretty positive that they will react very negatively towards it because Wonder Woman is very attractive and fit, which are both very problematic and ableist to them. "Why couldn't Wonder Woman be a fierce wymyn of size and color!"

Wonder Woman has always been attractive and fit, why do you think anyone will now make an issue of it? I don't know why this even comes to mind when talking about the movie.
Because that's the society we live in these days. Everyone's got to be offended and pissed off about something, and this is a typical target.
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I think people also get some aspects of being a fan of these characters mixed up with objectivity.

I enjoyed the Garfield Spiderman films, but I can also absolutely acknowledge that there were some massive story and plot issues. The chemistry between the leads and the action sequences saved them for me to an extent, but they weren't great movies.

I'm a huge Batman fan and wanted to love BvS and SS, but they were just not good. I finally watched SS recently, hoping to like it, but the only redeeming thing I could find was Harley. It was just lowest common denominator, lazy filmmaking.

I will, probably regrettably, also see Justice League in theaters, almost in the hope that it's going to be good. But my expectations are pretty low. I'm on the fence about WW but will probably be talked into it by the wife.
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Oh ok, if you're satisfied with the DC movies to date (maybe you didn't think they were awesome but they were at least decent) then sure, I understand going to see WW in theaters. I read your statement as agreeing that the previous movies were meddled with by the studio to the point of being bad. If you like them, more power to you.
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As silly as it may seem, I do end up placing a lot of stock in the "reviews" here on Texags when it comes to movies like this. The movies where I'm on the fence, where I really want the movie to be worth seeing in the theater but something about it is putting off a bad vibe.

I think the general vibe here on Texags about a Movie is a much better gauge for whether I'll like it or not, compared to "official" reviews.

I'll be checking the Texags temperature closely on WW and Justice League.
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fig96 said:

I think people also get some aspects of being a fan of these characters mixed up with objectivity.

As in, people can't bring themselves to stop being a fan of the character long enough to not see the movies?

I imagine that's true in a lot of cases.
M.C. Swag
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Suicide Squad legit made me angry. I've never left a movie before and felt more cheated. It was a disjointed narrative mess and what they did to the Joker is unforgivable. The way the 80s rock music was pidgeon-holed into spots, killer croc was turned into some inner-city stereotype, Katana?!, and Captain Boomerang legitimately missed every single time with his boomerang....it was all terrible. And I hate WB for it. I love Batman and DC heroes...but **** these guys. They aren't getting anymore of my money.
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Can we not all agree that this looks like the greatest Batman movie ever?
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GiveEmHellBill said:

Can we not all agree that this looks like the greatest Batman movie ever?

I was looking at the release schedule earlier and wondering if this will outgross WW.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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GiveEmHellBill said:

Can we not all agree that this looks like the greatest Batman movie ever?
Nope. That distinction belongs to Batman Begins + The Dark Knight + The Dark Knight Rises.

Having said that, the Lego Batman Movie looks like it will be a lot of fun.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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FL_Ag1998 said:

As silly as it may seem, I do end up placing a lot of stock in the "reviews" here on Texags when it comes to movies like this. The movies where I'm on the fence, where I really want the movie to be worth seeing in the theater but something about it is putting off a bad vibe.

I think the general vibe here on Texags about a Movie is a much better gauge for whether I'll like it or not, compared to "official" reviews.

I'll be checking the Texags temperature closely on WW and Justice League.
Often I will see what the folks here say about a particular type of movie, ie, not one that I am looking forward to because I have read the book, seen the original if it is a sequel/prequel, or some big-budget kind of blockbuster.

For instance, had I been in a coma the last 20 years and just now awakened and read everything stated on here about the Star Wars prequels, I would certainly want to avoid those movies because apparently they are the worst things ever put to film and George Lucas should be gutted like a pig for ruining everyone's childhoods. People are certainly entitled to their opinions, and I have been told that there is some provable theorem about what makes a good movie or not (I disagree with that thinking, it is a movie, it is not a proof in Geometry or a chemical equation that needs to be balanced or 1+1 = 2). So for movies like the prequels or these DC movies, I will go see it regardless of any reviews I may read prior to heading out to the theater.

There are a lot of problems with all of these DC movies since Man of Steel. I acknowledge that, but that has not prevented me from deriving some level of enjoyment out of all of these movies. I really liked Man of Steel. Batman vs Superman - I enjoyed it upon initial viewing at the theater but had zero desire to see it again (contrast that with Captain America Civil War, which I saw 3 times in the theater); but I have since watched BvS many times on BluRay and will say that the movie has grown on me. It is simply not as bad as regularly portrayed to be. Suicide Squad - I almost did not go to see it because I never really found it to be that interesting. I eventually snuck out to see it at the theater and found it mildly entertaining, mostly due to Harley and Deadshot. The plot was forgettable and all of the other characters were virtually worthless. Still, my daughter loves that movie, so I find it difficult to totally ignore SS.
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Sex Panther said:

dave94 said:

Vander said:


I am curious as to how feminists will react to Wonder Woman though. I am pretty positive that they will react very negatively towards it because Wonder Woman is very attractive and fit, which are both very problematic and ableist to them. "Why couldn't Wonder Woman be a fierce wymyn of size and color!"

Wonder Woman has always been attractive and fit, why do you think anyone will now make an issue of it? I don't know why this even comes to mind when talking about the movie.

Well there was an uproar from SJW's complaining that Iron Fist is played by a blonde haired, white guy and they should make him Asian... Even though Iron Fist is a blonde haired, white guy.

I think that the uproar will be similar to the Ghostbusters remake.' If you don't like it, you're sexist.'
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Both sides of the whole Ghostbusters controversy thing was dumb. People who got mad at the idea of an all female Ghostbusters were dumb. People who got mad at people for not liking the trailer (it was a bad trailer) were dumb. People who kept harassing Leslie Jones are dumb (I don't care about your opinion on her, but no one deserves that).

But back to DC.. Let's go down the hypothetical that both WW and JL fail financially and critically. What's next for DC movies? Reboot? Just keep pushing?
M.C. Swag
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TajMaballer said:

Both sides of the whole Ghostbusters controversy thing was dumb. People who got mad at the idea of an all female Ghostbusters were dumb. People who got mad at people for not liking the trailer (it was a bad trailer) were dumb. People who kept harassing Leslie Jones are dumb (I don't care about your opinion on her, but no one deserves that).

But back to DC.. Let's go down the hypothetical that both WW and JL fail financially and critically. What's next for DC movies? Reboot? Just keep pushing?
Depends. Does WB have some sort of licensing issue where they have to produce X amount of DC films in X amount of years in order to retain the film rights? (a la Sony and their former Spider Man license)
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TajMaballer said:

Both sides of the whole Ghostbusters controversy thing was dumb. People who got mad at the idea of an all female Ghostbusters were dumb. People who got mad at people for not liking the trailer (it was a bad trailer) were dumb. People who kept harassing Leslie Jones are dumb (I don't care about your opinion on her, but no one deserves that).

But back to DC.. Let's go down the hypothetical that both WW and JL fail financially and critically. What's next for DC movies? Reboot? Just keep pushing?

I kinda think we might get the worst case for DC. WW gets ripped and underperforms at the box office. Justice League is no good but makes money. Flash gets pushed out and replaced by what turns out to be a really good Batman movie.

The struggle then is, did Batman save the DCEU? Or is it too little too late?
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Time Warner owns DC
M.C. Swag
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AliasMan02 said:

Time Warner owns DC
Gtocha. Then i'd assume they would step back from the hero franchise for a bit, but who knows. If JL makes a profit, they may just keep on chugging, regardless of criticism and poor reviews.
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Cinco Ranch Aggie said:

GiveEmHellBill said:

Can we not all agree that this looks like the greatest Batman movie ever?
Nope. That distinction belongs to Batman Begins + The Dark Knight + The Dark Knight Rises.

Having said that, the Lego Batman Movie looks like it will be a lot of fun.
I'm betting on Lego Batman. The Nolan films were great movies but I didn't love them as Batman movies.
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FL_Ag1998 said:

fig96 said:

I think people also get some aspects of being a fan of these characters mixed up with objectivity.

As in, people can't bring themselves to stop being a fan of the character long enough to not see the movies?

I imagine that's true in a lot of cases.
That, but also that they can't see past their fandom to admit that something just wasn't a good movie.

We can call it "The Episode One Effect". Though that appears to have been treatable for most.
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the second divergent and maze runner films were meh.
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