Hope Kang can pull it together.
The Porkchop Express said:Sorry I didn't see your message. That's a deal. If you want to back out, please consider that Kamala Khan is Marvel's first-ever Muslim superhero, and there are 1.9 billion Muslims on this planet.TCTTS said:The Porkchop Express said:how about $570 million worldwide?TCTTS said:The Porkchop Express said:$100 to the charity of the winner's choice.TCTTS said:The Porkchop Express said:
I'd bet you just about anything that The Marvels ends up being one of the MCU's lowest total box office earners.
Here's the list of MCU box office all-time global takes. I'm not sure what you mean by "one of the lowest" exactly, but the 10th-lowest is Antman and the Wasp at $623 million worldwide.
All said and done, The Marvels will definitely be below Ant-Man and the Wasp / $623M worldwide. I'm going to say it'll make more than Thor ($449M ww), but somewhere under Ant-Man and the Wasp. I don't know how, exactly, you want to define the bet, but whatever it is, I'll likely take it.
$585M and you have a deal. That's Iron Man's worldwide. I say The Marvels will do less than that.
Do it right.TCTTS said:The Porkchop Express said:Sorry I didn't see your message. That's a deal. If you want to back out, please consider that Kamala Khan is Marvel's first-ever Muslim superhero, and there are 1.9 billion Muslims on this planet.TCTTS said:The Porkchop Express said:how about $570 million worldwide?TCTTS said:The Porkchop Express said:$100 to the charity of the winner's choice.TCTTS said:The Porkchop Express said:
I'd bet you just about anything that The Marvels ends up being one of the MCU's lowest total box office earners.
Here's the list of MCU box office all-time global takes. I'm not sure what you mean by "one of the lowest" exactly, but the 10th-lowest is Antman and the Wasp at $623 million worldwide.
All said and done, The Marvels will definitely be below Ant-Man and the Wasp / $623M worldwide. I'm going to say it'll make more than Thor ($449M ww), but somewhere under Ant-Man and the Wasp. I don't know how, exactly, you want to define the bet, but whatever it is, I'll likely take it.
$585M and you have a deal. That's Iron Man's worldwide. I say The Marvels will do less than that.
And yet hardly any of them watched Ms. Marvel.
Phat32 said:
Infinity War on TV earlier and it's still 100x better than anything in Phase 4 except NWH.
Hope Kang can pull it together.
EXCLU: After facing off with aliens in NOPE and zombies in THE WALKING DEAD, Steven Yeun is now ready to face off against some superheroes in the MCU as he has joined Marvel's THUNDERBOLTS pic in a secret role expected to be significant in future films https://t.co/6XjI6vHtPj
— Justin Kroll (@krolljvar) February 23, 2023
AliasMan02 said:
Nobody jumped to mind, but maybe Radioactive Man?
Seeing some speculation he could be Amadeus Cho, one of the newer Hulks. That could make sense if he was basically cast as the next gen Hulk for future Avengers tesmups.
Hoping the higher ups learn the right lessons from this. The Marvels getting delayed and the Disney + shows getting spread out does give me hope. https://t.co/YhDxPALIr9
— oficialy Verfied🍥 (@heavyspoilers) February 25, 2023
I legitimately cannot believe Phase 4 was so pointless. I remember early on, around when Shang-Chi came out there were already discussions about how uncohesive things felt. But I think a lot of us figured NWH and/or MoM would get things rocking with the multiverse. I don't think any of us would've guessed that the entirety of phase 4 would drift by without an on-screen introduction from the next big bad guy.C@LAg said:
phase 4 was utterly pointless, and if they are able to rearrange Phase 5 so much already at this point (delays, sifting projects, etc), it is doubtful they have a plan to really right the ship at this time.
I get what you're saying and I'd agree 100% if it was any other property (even Star Wars falls under this idea).AliasMan02 said:
It goes back to a discussion in another thread, but it's about risk. The bar is so high and making movies that meet expectations (star power, visuals, etc.) is so expensive the reaction is to play it safe and grind. Because no matter how badly it underperforms, Quantumania isn't going to be such a bust that it sinks the MCU or Marvel Studios. It's going to make money.
Now if Marvel were to decide their next phase is going to revolve around a newly created character, or really bet big on a great script for a Doc Samson movie with some unknown in the role, it could be a surprise hit but it could also lose hundreds of millions. They're not gonna do that.
They have shareholders to think of. Selling Kang, Secret Invaders, Captain Marvel, etc. as the tentpoles is easy to justify in a financial analysis. And that's not to say those things aren't or won't be great... they're just less risky than some of the alternatives.
It's also super easy to sell financials of doing MORE vs doing less. Doing 4 formulaic movies a year that all clear $150 million in profit sounds a lot better than doing 1 really great movie that clears $500 million, I'm sure.
MaroonStain said:
Marvel has no heroes left that are showcase talents. Disney may continue to bathe in the revenue but to most, the universe has jumped the shark.
We all forget that Iron Man was NOT a hugely popular character in marvel before that movie came out.MaroonStain said:
Marvel has no heroes left that are showcase talents. Disney may continue to bathe in the revenue but to most, the universe has jumped the shark.
MaroonStain said:
Marvel has no heroes left that are showcase talents. Disney may continue to bathe in the revenue but to most, the universe has jumped the shark.
I'm late but I *loved* Ang Lee's HULK, a bizarro, green-tinged psychodrama about fathers and sons and actually dramatizes Banner's freudian anger and it's origin. It's also a visual marvel, with more stylistic, comic-book invention than most superhero movies combined. Incredible. pic.twitter.com/TLpuIeM6hn
— Brendan Hodges (@metaplexmovies) February 27, 2023
People drag "mutant poodles" and lime-green CGI, but Lee tried to seriously integrate classic monster-movies (Frankenstein, Jekyll & Hyde), psychoanalaytic drama and comic aesthetics into an ambitious whole, vastly preferable to the flat, flippant irony of most comic-book movies. pic.twitter.com/i4cFNmrF4K
— Brendan Hodges (@metaplexmovies) February 27, 2023