Don't overcomplicate it. At the end of Infinity War have someone go through the dead bodies to find out that one of the heroes was a Skrull. Boom, we just kicked off the next 22 movie arc.
Interesting theory, but the Skrulls are part of the Fantastic Four universe and therefore Marvel doesn't have the rights to them. Same with Doctor Doom and the Silver Surfer.
Interesting theory, but the Skrulls are part of the Fantastic Four universe and therefore Marvel doesn't have the rights to them. Same with Doctor Doom and the Silver Surfer.
Not saying you are wrong, but I don't know why the Skrulls would have been included in the FF package. They arent at all on the level of Doom/Surfer/Galactus as far as importance to that franchise. And the Kree are in the MCU, so I don't know why the Skrulls wouldn't be as well.
Interesting theory, but the Skrulls are part of the Fantastic Four universe and therefore Marvel doesn't have the rights to them. Same with Doctor Doom and the Silver Surfer.
Interesting theory, but the Skrulls are part of the Fantastic Four universe and therefore Marvel doesn't have the rights to them. Same with Doctor Doom and the Silver Surfer.
It's similar to The Watcher situation. Marvel has the rights to The Watchers, as a group, but not Uatu The Watcher
That makes more sense to me. Kl'rt the Super Skrull as a villain is more specific to the FF and I think you could include him without really referencing the Skrulls specifically. It's more about appearance and powers.
Everything about Medusa looks not only wrong, but horrible. Wrong actress, cheap looking wardrobe and wig, cheesy special effects when her hair moves....just a complete turnoff.
What would it take for Marvel to pull the plug on this and never show it? At least not in theaters and on network TV? How bad would the test audiences have to hate it?
Here's what little is known about the other upcoming Marvel Netflix series:
Punisher solo series should be out by the end of the year. SDCC showed him in multiple places outside NYC, which I think is great.
Supposedly Jessica Jones season 2 comes after that. Villain is rumored to be Typhoid Mary. This started filming right after the Defenders finished up.
Luke Cage season 2 is presumably next. Same showrunner. Villains seem to be Bushmaster and Nightshade.
They haven't started production yet but Daredevil season 3 was announced long ago, and presumably would be next. Will supposedly again feature Kingpin.
And then finally, last night Iron Fist season 2 was announced. Please Lord don't bring back the same showrunner and writers. (The showrunner is currently ruining the Inhumans)