fig96 said:
The Porkchop Express said:
Combine the texts with her refusing to comply to press charges or serve as a witness and he's not going to get charged or tried. Just like what happened to Chris Beard.
Then things get really uncomfortable for Marvel, because you're either firing someone who didn't get convicted or you're not firing someone who everyone thinks is guilty. You'll probably wind up with him doing an Oprah interview about where his rage comes from and winding up opneing some center for battered women with Kamala Harris and doing a bunch of press so they don't have to change it to Avengers: The MODOK Dynasty in 2026.
In both cases, the lack of charges being filed doesn't negate the other obvious conclusions we can draw from the facts known. I'd be surprised if he's retained at this point.
Like Porkchop, I had completely forgot about the
Loki season two of it all, and I wonder how heavily that will affect Marvel's decision. Originally, I was thinking Majors hadn't filmed anything more beyond
Quantumania, so it'd be easier to cut him loose. But given that he's apparently a big part of
Loki season two, given how much that season must have cost, how damn near impossible it would be to reshoot any time soon, and that it drops in September, Marvel's decision is potentially even tougher than I realized.
That said, whether he's charged or not, yeah, it's beyond apparent now that Majors assaulted this woman. And if Marvel retains him, they're going to hear about it from a loud, angry contingent for YEARS (and justifiably so). Majors won't be able to do a single bit of press for the remainder of his stint, and certain filmmakers/cast members may even refuse to work with him. So there's all that to deal with as well.
At this point, if I had to guess, I don't know that Marvel has any other choice but to can him and scrap the second season of
Loki. Then
maybe try to reshoot it in a year or so? I don't know. Then again, perhaps they see
The Flash as the blueprint, and they try and ignore their way out of it. If so, I think people would to be WAY more vocal about Majors than Miller, fairly or unfairly, depending on how you look at it. Either way, what a sh*tty, unwindable conundrum.