The Porkchop Express said:
Please enlighten me.
Look man, its right there for all to see. You were unprompted and came in complaining about PoC being used in films for no reason other than to check boxes without thinking that these might just be the stories PoC's who are finally getting the chance to tell stories important to them want to tell.
No one asked people to come in and show their bias in the most obvious way and yet you did for some unbeknownst reason. I can't possibly convey to you how awful it is that your first reaction to PoC in starring roles is to write it off as some affirmative action nonsense and not instead assume they deserve to be there. Its not an unfamiliar narrative for those of us with melanin to hear that we are diversity hires.
If it was me typing these things, I might try being a bit introspective and try thinking about why my first reaction to these characters is to assume they're not there because of the writers/actors merit but rather because of some corporates policy (as if casting mostly white men and telling mostly white men's stories hasn't been a corporate stable of Hollywood since, forever?). But that's just me.
There's no need for you to keep derailing this thread in this way, though.