I really enjoyed how violent it wasredline248 said:
You just reminded me that I have not watched Werewolf, still

I really enjoyed how violent it wasredline248 said:
You just reminded me that I have not watched Werewolf, still
Sex Panther said:
These reviews are a bummer. Hoping I'll enjoy it because I loved the first two Ant-Man's and I'd watch Paul Rudd read the phone book... but I was hoping this would be a return to form for Marvel. It pains me to say it, but Love and Thunder absolutely sucked, and most of phase 4 has been pretty mediocre
I don't even love the first two movies but it's undeniable that those Michael Peña plot recaps framing both of them were the one thing people remember the most. super charming and indicative of the tone/scale. talk about selling the soul of your series just to setup more Avengers https://t.co/wt0vgZMen8
— Houston Coley (@blockbustedpod) February 15, 2023
fig96 said:
I'm still mad we never got a Luis MCU timeline recap heading into Endgame.
Andyzipp said:
Is there going to be a Quantumania spoiler thread, or do we even care anymore?
oh, i'm sure people care and i wouldn't post spoilers on this threadAndyzipp said:
Is there going to be a Quantumania spoiler thread, or do we even care anymore?
Andyzipp said:
Is there going to be a Quantumania spoiler thread, or do we even care anymore?
Okay okay so like you know Thanos snapped and everybody blipped and I was like "damn where'd everybody go" and we're all like "oh no are there any Avengers left" and Captain America is like "Yo man I gotchu but I don't know what to do" and then Captain Marvel shows up and her haircut means business but she also has like this feminine energy but you know she can get the job done…maroon barchetta said:fig96 said:
I'm still mad we never got a Luis MCU timeline recap heading into Endgame.
When the rat blipped Scott back into the van, and then he had to take all of Hank's stuff from the storage business and was heading to find the Avengers, they should have had him bump into Luis and he then gives Scott a rundown of that last five years.
BowSowy said:
We need cbr and aTmAg to post in one before we can figure this out.
Frees up a few hours for you to watch Clone Wars!TCTTS said:
Reactions are so blah I'm seriously thinking of bailing on my Saturday night showing.
‘ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA’ is 1% away to tie with ‘ETERNALS’ and become the worst Marvel Studios movie on Rotten Tomatoes 🍅 pic.twitter.com/InhUrfPNCV
— The Hollywood Handle (@hollywoodhandle) February 17, 2023
TCTTS said:
Marvel feels like it's in the toilet right now. I've seen way too many "It should have ended with Endgame" tweets/sentiments the past couple of weeks.