**Official Game of Thrones: Season 5 Thread (BOOK READERS/SPOILERS ALLOWED)**

344,827 Views | 2543 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by Al Bula
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Sounds pretty damn perfect.

What with the red lady sacrificing Shireen to raise Stannis and Jon wakes up.
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SIAP -- What if Melisandre tells Stannis that they need to sacrifice someone of royal blood to the red god before Stannis heads south to Winterfell. The only one that fits is Shireen. Maybe not though...

Melisandre knows Stannis is devoted to his daughter and that he would never agree to her sacrifice. Maybe she also knows Jon Snow is of royal blood. So she and Stannis get the rest of the KW brothers to betray Jon and stab him, thus setting up for his sacrifice to favor Stannis' march south. However, end of the season shows Jon arising from the fire.

Just a ridiculous thought...
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My theory is that Melisandre will raise Ygrette from the dead and take her and Jon's body to Mereen where they meet up with Daenerys. Melisandre will perform a ritual call, "The Orgy of Fire" which will cause Jon to rise.
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I hate cliff hangers, but if the end of this season shows Jon surviving or coming back to life after he gets stabbed.... I'm gonna be SO PISSED!
Definitely Not A Cop
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Agreed, GRRM needs to let us know what's going to happen to Jon before the show. Hopefully it's released before season 6
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The show is great, but there is something about being able to read it and then make up the story in your head.

Sadly, all the characters are now shaped like the show characters (looks and all).
Definitely Not A Cop
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I read the books after watching the show, but I understand. Same thing happened to me with Harry Potter
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Ya, exactly.

This will just piss me off because that fat SOB can't write fast enough to get out his 2nd to last book.

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My theory is that Melisandre will raise Ygrette from the dead and take her and Jon's body to Mereen where they meet up with Daenerys. Melisandre will perform a ritual call, "The Orgy of Fire" which will cause Jon to rise.
W.C. Griffin '09
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My theory is that Melisandre will raise Ygrette from the dead and take her and Jon's body to Mereen where they meet up with Daenerys. Melisandre will perform a ritual call, "The Orgy of Fire" which will cause Jon to rise.
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I hate cliff hangers, but if the end of this season shows Jon surviving or coming back to life after he gets stabbed.... I'm gonna be SO PISSED!

There will be literally no way to hide him filming for Season 6, so I doubt it ends on a cliffhanger. We will know he's alive/revived.
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Do you think this season ends in his death?
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Lots to like in this episode
R+L= J references
Melisandre seducing
Sansa looking good
Dany looking good on balcony, but not having to deal with her for several scenes

Definitely some kind of setup for a Shireen sacrifice
I'm not seeing Stannis deciding to sacrifice his daughter after hugging it out with her.

My (completely unsubstantiated theory: Stannis is killed by Brienne during the siege of Winterfell at the same time Jon is killed by his brothers. Melisandra sacrifices Shireen in an attempt to "raise Azor Ahai." Stannis stays dead, and amid her distraught and confusion, Jon's eyes open.
I'm starting to worry that you got leaked scripts or something. You have some cool ideas.
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Ok so if anyone wants to join in I'm going to start a thread within this thread since we often get off topic. Thread title and what it may mean...

The rest of this seasons episodes are titled

Ep. 5 - Kill the Boy ? have no clue what this means... any indications from the previews? IMDB says, [The episode title refers to the advice Maester Aemon gave Jon Snow about growing into a man of the Night's Watch, how he must mature into it and make selfless decisions. This is the same advice he gave many years ago to his own brother Aegon V Targaryen when he was crowned king: "Kill the boy, and let the man be born."]

Ep. 6 - Unbowed, Unbroken, Unbent - the words of house Martell (Dorne)... more sandsnakes, perhaps we meet Deathstalker or whatever his name is?

Ep. 7 - The Gift ??????????????? IMDB says, [The episode title refers to "The Gift", the region of land stretching fifty leagues south of the Wall, that was granted by House Stark to the Night's Watch when the Wall was constructed, in order to support the Night's Watch with food and provisions.]

Ep. 8 - Hardhome - Can't remember what happens in the books here but do remember it is something...

Ep. 9 - The Lady in the Hood - ?????

Ep. 10 - The Blind Cat - Arya becomes blind in this episode? Sort of a long time to wait, compared to where her story is now.???
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Kill the Boy seems to be the only one that would go with Jon getting murdered. And I can't imagine it happens in the next episode.

Are we sure he is going to die this season? I can't really remember what all happens before he is murdered. I know Stannis leaves and he gets a note that he's been routed by Bolton. What else has to happen before they betray him?
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Ep. 5 - Kill the Boy ? have no clue what this means... any indications from the previews?

Maester Aemon's advice when his brother became King Aegon V (and his advice to Jon Snow when becoming Lord Commander) was that it takes a man to rule, not a boy -- "Kill the boy, and let the man be born."

Had to double-check and make sure I was on the right thread, and not to be tarred and feathered by the TV-Only thread.
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Ep. 5 - Kill the Boy ? have no clue what this means... any indications from the previews?
Maester Aemon's advice when his brother became King Aegon V (and his advice to Jon Snow when becoming Lord Commander) was that it takes a man to rule, not a boy -- "Kill the boy, and let the man be born."

Had to double-check and make sure I was on the right thread, and not to be tarred and feathered by the TV-Only thread.
Seems even more that Jon is going to die next episode. Literally "kill the boy" and he is reborn a man?

If that's the case, then I could see "The Gift" being his resurrection episode.
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The is a synposis, on the "Futon Critic" that says Jon is going to lead a ranging to Hardhome but gets a letter than changes his mind and he sends Turmond in his place. So I don't think that Jon will die this early.

The Gift refers to the land just south of the wall. Probably moving the wildlings there.
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No way Jon dies next episode. That would make no sense, hell Stannis is still there and he has yet to send Maester Aemon and Sam away.

Of course who knows with all the deviations they are taking. Could mean Tommen gets killed by the Sparrows for being a ******* for all we know.
Al Bula
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Danerys' great-grandfather (Aegon V) married a Blackwood, meaning that his children (Dany's grandparents) were half-Blackwood. When they married and reproduced, THEIR children (Dany's parents) were also half-Blackwood.

So, Damerys herself is (genetically) half Blackwood and half Targaryen.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way. Dany, Viserys and Rhaegar are more than half Targaryen and less than half Blackwood even if no other bloodlines were introduced.

First of all you have to suspend knowledge of any previous Targaryen history if you assume Egg is full Targaryen.

Egg's kids (Jaehaerys II and Shaera) would be half Blackwood and half Targaryen. Jaehaerys II and Shaera had two kids from incest, Aerys II and Rhaella. They would both be 3/4 Targaryen and 1/4 Blackwood, and they mated as well.

Dany, Viserys and Rhaegar should be more like 7/8 Targaryen and 1/8 Blackwood each because the Blackwood genes would be diluted by repeated incest.

Still, that doesn't work out because we know various families intermarried with the Targaryens. I took a quick look at the Targaryen family tree. If I read correctly, Egg's mother (Dayne), grandmother (Penrose) and great-grandmother (Martell) were not Targaryens.

In summary, Dany has lots more Targaryen blood in her than just half (but I am not a geneticist, LOL).
Definitely Not A Cop
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Kill the boy means he has to stop acting childish, and be prepared to make hard decisions. In the book Jon is like what, 15 or 16? That's why Aemon gives him the advice. The Gift is the land between the wall and the North (it is actually south of the wall, north meaning winter fell) the land was given to the Nights watch by some old King, and if I remember correctly Jon gives it to the wildlings to live on, causing dissent in the troops.
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I believe you're spot on.
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Are you sure about those last two? I think they've only released 1-8.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Oh and isn't hardhome where the wildlings come from that have been attacked, so Jon sends patrols to rescue them?
Urban Ag
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Hardhome is a wildling village by Eastwatch. In book 5, John dispatches Rangers with some of Sandahorn's (sp) ships to rescue the wildlings there. Some old wildling woman apparently was gathering survivors that fled from Stannis to Hardhome only to come under attack by the Others.

Streetfighter 02
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I believe slavers were taking them on board under the guise of rescue as well.
Urban Ag
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per wiki you are correct

and Jon did send Tormund. Thus taking the story down another rabbit hole that more than likely will lead to absolutely nothing in the greater scheme of things
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In the season previews there were clips with Tormund (and maybe Jon, too) getting ready to defend against an attack. Has to be Hardhome. So Jon will be alive at that point. If he dies before the final episode, I'll be surprised.
The Dog Lord
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In the season previews there were clips with Tormund (and maybe Jon, too) getting ready to defend against an attack. Has to be Hardhome. So Jon will be alive at that point. If he dies before the final episode, I'll be surprised.
Didn't Stannis give the wildilings the Gift in exchange for their loyalty? Stannis made the Watch give him the Gift along with some of the abandoned castles on the Wall?

I don't know if the distinction matters much as either way it is part of the justification of the Watch turning on Jon.
Both of these definitely show that Jon will not die soon. It makes much more sense for the NW to become fed up with his decisions over time (risking NW lives rescuing wildlings, settling them on the Gift, deciding to go south, etc.). I could definitely see it happening the last episode though. If it does happen, I too hope that it leaves it at that giving us the chance to learn his fate before the tv show tells us.
The Dog Lord
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Lots to like in this episode
R+L= J references
Melisandre seducing
Sansa looking good
Dany looking good on balcony, but not having to deal with her for several scenes

Definitely some kind of setup for a Shireen sacrifice
I'm not seeing Stannis deciding to sacrifice his daughter after hugging it out with her.

My (completely unsubstantiated theory: Stannis is killed by Brienne during the siege of Winterfell at the same time Jon is killed by his brothers. Melisandra sacrifices Shireen in an attempt to "raise Azor Ahai." Stannis stays dead, and amid her distraught and confusion, Jon's eyes open.
Would be pretty great.
W.C. Griffin '09
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Danerys' great-grandfather (Aegon V) married a Blackwood, meaning that his children (Dany's grandparents) were half-Blackwood. When they married and reproduced, THEIR children (Dany's parents) were also half-Blackwood.

So, Damerys herself is (genetically) half Blackwood and half Targaryen.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way. Dany, Viserys and Rhaegar are more than half Targaryen and less than half Blackwood even if no other bloodlines were introduced.

First of all you have to suspend knowledge of any previous Targaryen history if you assume Egg is full Targaryen.

Egg's kids (Jaehaerys II and Shaera) would be half Blackwood and half Targaryen. Jaehaerys II and Shaera had two kids from incest, Aerys II and Rhaella. They would both be 3/4 Targaryen and 1/4 Blackwood, and they mated as well.

Dany, Viserys and Rhaegar should be more like 7/8 Targaryen and 1/8 Blackwood each because the Blackwood genes would be diluted by repeated incest.

Still, that doesn't work out because we know various families intermarried with the Targaryens. I took a quick look at the Targaryen family tree. If I read correctly, Egg's mother (Dayne), grandmother (Penrose) and great-grandmother (Martell) were not Targaryens.

In summary, Dany has lots more Targaryen blood in her than just half (but I am not a geneticist, LOL).

Actually, if Egg's kids were each half Targaryen and half Blackwood, their children would also be half Targaryen and half Blackwood. They couldn't become more Targaryen unless one parent was more than half Targaryen. If you have 2 mixing bowls, each filled with half sugar and half flour uniformly mixed, and you take half of each bowl and place it in a third bowl, the third bowl is still half sugar and half flour. The mixture is 1/4 flour from bowl A, 1/4 flour from bowl B, 1/4 sugar from bowl A, 1/4 sugar from bowl B, and thus half sugar and half flour.
W.C. Griffin '09
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I hit quote instead of edit but basically I was oversimplifying gametogenesis when you take half of each bowl. There would be a doubling phase and such but that isn't important
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I know we all read this uber fantasy about dragons and zombies, but y'all some nerds.
W.C. Griffin '09
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I know we all read this uber fantasy about dragons and zombies, but y'all some nerds.

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