Swerved season 2 sucks. At least the first episodes. Wrestlers pranking random people is not cool.
So I don't know why this thought popped into my brain, but I was thinking about how to get some serious heat from the fans on a heel. Has anyone ever come out to the wrong music? I'm not talking about impersonating another wrestler, but just to get the fans hopes up?
I can just picture the start of Raw when everyone is waiting to see who the first person to come out is and "IF YOU SMELLLLLLLL....WHAT THE ROCK....IS COOKING!!!" comes on. The place would be going nuts! Everyone at home watching would be up out of there chairs. But then Heel#1 comes out and says on the mic, "did you seriously think he was here? wow what idiots." And then continue on with whatever promo he had. The fans would absolutely hate him.
Has this ever happened? Is that even a good idea or something that only works in my head? Can any wrestler out there now pull this off?