Star Wars Discussion Thread

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ABATTBQ11 said:

The Porkchop Express said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

It's not that a woman is directing a Star Wars movie, it's that this woman is directing a Star Wars movie. You keep confusing being anti-activist with being anti-women. They're not the same thing.

What has this woman done that upsets you

What has she done that makes you think she's a good fit for this instead of a DEI pick?

For all we know she could have given a killer pitch. Also, first-time live-action feature directors have knocked movies out of the park based on less experience than having directed a number of documentaries, animated films, and TV episodes.

The point is, A) we don't know yet, and B) just because she's proud to be the first woman to direct a Star Wars movie doesn't mean she's the wrong woman for the job. There are zero correlations between those two things. In the same way no one here can guarantee she'll be good, no one here can guarantee that she'll be bad either, based on an innocuous excerpt from an interview.

If Disney wants a female directing a Rey centric movie, after two men already had their shot, would I rather it be, say, Kathryne Bigalow, Gina Prince-Bythewood, Nia DaCosta, or Kari Skogland? Sure. But at this point, after so much disappointment and zero expectations, do I mind if they give Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy a shot? Absolutely not. Why anyone else does, to the degree of getting angry about it on the internet in the dumbest, most cliched way possible, is beyond me.
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I feel like the only argument needed is that South Park has already covered the woke / DEI part of Disney. Which of course means it's so over the top that it's true
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Bryce Dallas Howard would have been great. She did a pretty good job on Star Wars properties already.
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Agreed. It looks like she's getting back into acting consistently again, though, so maybe she either wasn't available or didn't want to do it. The appealing thing about dropping in to direct a TV episode here and there is that it isn't a massive, years-long time suck like a movie is.
Urban Ag
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redline248 said:

Hit Star Tours, Rise and Smuggler's Run today. Saw this guy (unfortunately didn't see Ahsoka).

I told Kylo Ren he'd never be as strong as Darth Vader and he ignored me.

Mando and Deadpool in the same shot. Nice.

maroon barchetta
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Brother Shamus
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TCTTS said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

The Porkchop Express said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

It's not that a woman is directing a Star Wars movie, it's that this woman is directing a Star Wars movie. You keep confusing being anti-activist with being anti-women. They're not the same thing.

What has this woman done that upsets you

What has she done that makes you think she's a good fit for this instead of a DEI pick?

For all we know she could have given a killer pitch. Also, first-time live-action feature directors have knocked movies out of the park based on less experience than having directed a number of documentaries, animated films, and TV episodes.

The point is, A) we don't know yet, and B) just because she's proud to be the first woman to direct a Star Wars movie doesn't mean she's the wrong woman for the job. There are zero correlations between those two things. In the same way no one here can guarantee she'll be good, no one here can guarantee that she'll be bad either, based on an innocuous excerpt from an interview.

If Disney wants a female directing a Rey centric movie, after two men already had their shot, would I rather it be, say, Kathryne Bigalow, Gina Prince-Bythewood, Nia DaCosta, or Kari Skogland? Sure. But at this point, after so much disappointment and zero expectations, do I mind if they give Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy a shot? Absolutely not. Why anyone else does, to the degree of getting angry about it on the internet in the dumbest, most cliched way possible, is beyond me.

Keep goaltending brah.
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Goaltending what, exactly?

Even though I asked point blank, not a single person here has cared to explain how "girl power"/wokeness has seriously or tangibly affected the franchise box office, or what, specifically, makes Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy the wrong woman for the job, outside of an innocuous quote. Instead, it's the same, tired bullsh*t and "lol"s from a handful of man babies who live to complain, virtue signal, and be offended on the internet.
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Oh I'll give it the benefit of the doubt because it's Star Wars. But the track record for the movies has been **** since TFA. I am simply not hopeful anything has changed and fear it will get worse.

Did some mention this lady directed a Ms. Marvel? Oh boy. Good luck, I Guess.
The Porkchop Express
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ABATTBQ11 said:

The Porkchop Express said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

It's not that a woman is directing a Star Wars movie, it's that this woman is directing a Star Wars movie. You keep confusing being anti-activist with being anti-women. They're not the same thing.

What has this woman done that upsets you

What has she done that makes you think she's a good fit for this instead of a DEI pick?
i have no idea. I'm not in the industry. I also had no idea who Tony Gilroy was before Rogue One. I also don't know what DEI is. I answered your question, will you answer mine?
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SpreadsheetAg said:

Did some mention this lady directed a Ms. Marvel? Oh boy. Good luck, I Guess.

She directed a couple episodes of the Ms Marvel series. I think they were pretty strong episodes.

Outside of that, she's a very accomplished documentary film maker… just not well-known here in the US.
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jeffk said:

SpreadsheetAg said:

Did some mention this lady directed a Ms. Marvel? Oh boy. Good luck, I Guess.

She directed a couple episodes of the Ms Marvel series. I think they were pretty strong episodes.

Outside of that, she's a very accomplished documentary film maker… just not well-known here in the US.

This. I'm of Pakistani origin. She's done some big documentaries on social problems back in the old country.

Ms Marvel was also a lovely show. A little cringe at times but enjoyable. I think most viewers in that thread were pleasantly surprised.
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The issue is, there are two different conversations that one side is trying to conflate and make the same.

Based on past Disney/Lucasfilm efforts, does the Rey movie have more than a 50% chance of sucking? Absolutely. But that's because of an impossible mandate (one movie every year starting in 2015) placed on the franchise early in the Disney era, and the history of poor stewardship and bad writing that stemmed from that "original sin."

None of which had anything to do with "girl power" or wokeness.

The Last Jedi didn't sour the franchise because it was woke. The Last Jedi soured the franchise because it felt like a f/ck you, thematically, to its immediate predecessor, and featured some really dumb ideas.

The Rise of Skywalker didn't kill the franchise, theatrically, for the time being, because it was woke. It killed the franchise because it was an incoherent, multi-McGuffin-driven over-reaction to The Last Jedi backlash... and also featured some really dumb ideas.

The Book of Boba Fett wasn't bad because it was woke. It was bad because it was a dumb, f/cked concept from the jump, executed in clownish fashion.

The third season of The Mandalorian wasn't bad because it was woke. It was bad because there was no story left to tell after the season two finale. Or, rather, the story they chose to tell was the wrong one.

I could go on and on, but the point is, none of the worst entries of the Disney era were bad because they featured female leads or pushed diversity or made anyone gay.

They were bad because they were bad.

That's it and that's all.

And if the Rey movie is bad too it won't be because a female feature film director was proud to be the first female to direct a Star Wars feature film. It'll be bad because Lucasfilm may still very well lack direction, planning, and leadership. The one advantage they have this go around is time. At the very least, they're finally taking their time to hopefully get this one right. In other words, they're addressing the original sin of rushing a bunch of movies out the door, which, once more for the cheap seats, had nothing to do with "girl power" or being woke.
i is smart
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It's a Star Wars project, there will likely be 3 more directors named before filming starts.
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The Bomb Awakens
tk for tu juan
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Oscar winning director of a documentary about:

The extraordinary story of a young Pakistani woman who lived to tell of her narrow escape from an attempted "honor" killing by her father and uncle. Told through the lens of a true love story, the film tells the story of Saba who was shot and left for dead after marrying a man once promised to her. The result is a scathing examination of the contradictions between modernism and tradition within Pakistani society.

Producer of a documentary about:

Ladies First tells the story of Deepika Kumari who was born on the roadside to abject poverty in rural India, ventured out on her own at age 12 in search of food and shelter, and stumbled upon archery. Learning that team members were given a meal a day and a roof over their heads, Deepika, who'd never heard of the sport, asked for a tryout. Within four years she became the number one archer in the world, and represented India at two Olympics. We document Deepika's path to the Rio 2016 Olympics. Having to overcome the obstacles of a repressive system, she strives to achieve her dream of becoming the first Indian woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal. Talent in every country is evenly distributed amongst gender; but opportunities are unfortunately not. In India, we have squandered the unrealized talents of millions of young girls. We hope Deepika's story can help shatter India's tragedy of small expectations for girls and put LADIES FIRST

I wonder how she will have any past work experience to continue a story about a women that pulled herself out of childhood poverty using a specialized skill set, and later survived a murder attempt by her father.
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So, for the group, is Palpatine Rey's father or grandfather? The canon uses the term grandfather, but Rey's father is some kind of hand wavy Palpatine clone. So, I could see an argument for father being more accurate.

That being said, the mess of a story that gave rise to Rey, should be swept aside and Rey's new story should be about her future and the future of the franchise. I think dwelling on her past would be a narrative mistake as that story is largely a mess between what was shown in the movies and the extended universe material trying to weave it into a coherent story.

Could a story that focuses on Rey trauma be good? Absolutely. Could a story that clarifies and retells her origin be good? Absolutely.

But I am not sure that it is best way to start a new trilogy and set up a new conflict.

Star Wars needs a new big idea, not continuing to labor under the burden of its old narratives and themes.
Murder Hornet
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The problem with that is if it is focused on Rey. Rey has been Mary Sued already.

How do they a) reverse her back to the orphaned scavenger we see in TFA OR b) give her any perspective to train a new Jedi?

Rey didn't have to learn to use the force, she was doing mind tricks, force pull, and could fight with a light saber all before meeting a single Jedi master.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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TCTTS said:

Goaltending what, exactly?

Even though I asked point blank, not a single person here has cared to explain how "girl power"/wokeness has seriously or tangibly affected the franchise box office, or what, specifically, makes Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy the wrong woman for the job, outside of an innocuous quote. Instead, it's the same, tired bullsh*t and "lol"s from a handful of man babies who live to complain, virtue signal, and be offended on the internet.
Regarding girl power, I will point out Rey's arc vs Luke's.

We first meet them on desert planets. They are essentially nobodies. Each acquires a lightsabre in their first episodes. By the end of Luke's first, he "could almost see the remote" and then was able to guide those proton torpedoes into an impossible shot down the ventilation shaft to destroy the Death Star.

By the end of Rey's first, she has pulled a Jedi mind trip on James Bond, and then engaged and defeated a trained Jedi/Sith/whatever Kylo Renn was the first time she wields a lightsabre in combat.

Looks like "girl power" to me. I liked her character just fine, but where was her struggle? In his second episode, Luke displays doubts about the Force "you work the impossible" but by the end of Rey's second, she has assisted Kylo Renn in taking out Snoke and somehow managed to Force project herself across the galaxy. Luke loses a hand to his dad snd barely escapes Cloud City alive.

Luke's immaturity and struggles pays off in the third episode. We have seen the challenges he has faced over the course of time in two movies, so we can believe that he is now ready and able to face his dad as an equal. Rey never got that type of development. She was just suddenly the bad ass Jedi that Luke only became by the end of his third episode.

As for this woman directing a new SW movie, the issue that I see is not that she is a woman. One of my favorites, Zero Dark Thirty, was directed by a woman. No, the issue is the statement you are calling innocuous. It is perfectly fine for her to be proud to be the first woman to direct a SW movie, but with that being her first statement, that calls into question her focus? She should be far more concerned with story and characters and not this unimportant checkbox that she is filling in.

I watched Ms. Marvel but could not tell you anything about it. So I am unfamiliar with anything she has done. She may very well make a great SW movie, but that win't happen if she does not focus on what will make it great.
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Mary Sue?
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I agree 100% with every one of your character/story critiques. But again, that's just bad writing. Plain and simple.

A girl being given powers she hasn't earned doesn't equal "girl power" in the way we're talking about. Clearly, the woke brand of "girl power" implies man-hating feminist propaganda, a stated aim to replace the patriarchy with women, etc, and there's just not a shred of any of that in the sequel trilogy.

Also, TFA was written by two men, one of whom literally wrote a significant chunk of the Luke arc you're referring to (not to mention the arcs of Han Solo and Indiana Jones). So what's more likely? Lawrence Kasdan became a raging feminist hell bent on "girl power" - or - 35 years later, under an impossible deadline, he simply didn't have his fastball anymore, and Rey's corner-cutting arc is what we ended up with?

As for Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, can you prove that she's NOT "concerned with story and characters?" All this gnashing of teeth over a two-line excerpt from a random interview that in no way implies she isn't working her ass off behind the scenes to also be making a great movie.

I'm not saying you, specifically, are doing this to the same degree as others, but overall it's just so f/cking weird to me how desperately some people need for there to be some grand woke agenda to rail against, making never-ending mountains out of mole hills in the process.
Murder Hornet
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ChipFTAC01 said:

Mary Sue?
a female character that can do no wrong, has nothing to learn, is overpowered from the start.
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Murder Hornet said:

ChipFTAC01 said:

Mary Sue?
a female character that can do no wrong, has nothing to learn, is overpowered from the start.

I will say that these type of students/players usually make lousy teachers/coaches, so maybe that's the direction the show takes.
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Murder Hornet said:

ChipFTAC01 said:

Mary Sue?
a female character that can do no wrong, has nothing to learn, is overpowered from the start.

Thank you. Where does that reference come from?
Murder Hornet
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Not exactly sure. It's been used on here before so I had to go to the google machine to look up what it means
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You keep separating bad writing and girl power themes, as if they aren't tied together. They might not be hand in hand, but it sure looks like the goal was girl power and the writing was shoehorned around that.

The Last Jedi is probably the most guilty of this. Rey scolding Luke, Holdo vs Poe, Rose vs greed. The argument can easily be made that the goal was to preach, and the story was built around that. Rise suffers from trying to salvage the mess, and attempted to have Rey struggle with her emotions. It's not a stretch, imo, to say those bad decisions on TLJ affected both 8 and 9 (and possibly Solo's chances).

When compared to Rogue One, which I think also intended to push girl power, it wasn't the focal point and the story stands on its own.

It will be interesting to see the reaction to The Acolyte, which I suspect could be rather girl power heavy.
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ChipFTAC01 said:

Mary Sue?


... let's define this "Mary Sue" label ... The term first appeared from a fanzine of another popular sci-fi franchise, Star Trek. Menagerie was a Star Trek fanzine created by Paula Smith and Sharon Ferraro that received countless fan-written stories that had a pattern of including a self-insert female characters that were consistently so perfect that all the other characters would fawn over them. Seeing this pattern led to the naming of Mary Sue, both to describe the character archetype and the types of stories she was in. Over time, the term has evolved into a character archetype attributed to female characters that are essentially too good to be true -- characters that seemed to be unexplainably talented, unreasonably attractive, and lacked flaws or weaknesses that made them compelling characters. Common criticisms of characters that were labeled as Mary Sues were that they felt poorly written and more self-insert wish fulfillment than genuinely compelling characters. The widespread use of the term has led to evolution of similar labels that apply to other types of characters, such as the "Gary Stu" for male characters or the "Manic Pixie Dream Girl," which is another entirely complicated archetype for female characters. However, the Mary Sue identification still remains prominent in the cultural zeitgeist

Essentially, its a character that is immediately good at everything with no explanation (can pilot a star fighter / freighter, can weild a lightsaber, etc. with no training). It makes the character unbelievable because they fit the need of the plot / writers too perfectly without any backstory, development, or achievements.

It's the character personification of the common trope in movies where a spy is hacking into some villians computer system and guesses the right password within 2-3 tries; usually by reading a book title on the desk. "Hey, we need to hack this CPU within 30 seconds (and progress the movie along quickly) so it's obvious this badass spy will be able to guess the password on the 2nd try". It's that, rolled into a character.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Nobody has posted the Cartman /Kathleen Kennedy gif yet?
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Girl power, like a young girl whose parents are somehow tied to the Empire growing up to become part of an effort to find a way to destroy said Empire's threat to the galaxy?

That sounds like it would make for a terrible movie, you're right.
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I used "girl power" to stay consistent in the post, but yes, Rogue One is not quite the same as in TLJ, or 20 secs of End Game for example.

But the idea was to have the hero be a woman that doesn't go along with society's plan, so to speak. The makers of that movie pulled it off successfully, because - in my opinion - it wasn't the ultimate goal of the movie.
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I'm fine if they keep dropping bombs at the box office. Call it "girl power", or "bad writing" or whatever you want to call it.
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TCTTS said:

Dekker_Lentz said:

The biggest problem the Rey movie will have is coming up with a good villain.

What I still don't really understand is why Disney didn't take the new/old EU material and create a bunch on animated stand alone projects. Like the DC animated movies.

This will obviously be the first movie presumably without either the Empire, The First Order, or Palpatine pulling the strings. So they're going to have to come up with something completely new, which could be a blessing or a curse. Either way, for the first time, I hope we get an actual villain origin story. That's something that could really set this movie apart.
Would you prefer that or some form of that combined with an inner battle with Rey being a palpatine….maybe this evil being knows this (or would be even better if they didn't) and maybe even better Rey has kept this a secret out of fear (which leads to…things) because of what happened to Luke in TLJ and perhaps we even get some cool in depth look at what that dang random Rey double lightsaber deal was in TRoS….
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redline248 said:

I used "girl power" to stay consistent in the post, but yes, Rogue One is not quite the same as in TLJ, or 20 secs of End Game for example.

But the idea was to have the hero be a woman that doesn't go along with society's plan, so to speak. The makers of that movie pulled it off successfully, because - in my opinion - it wasn't the ultimate goal of the movie.
I think we hit on the key point here.

They had some similar themes. One was a well made, well written movie. The other wasn't. Those were choices the creators made, not some outside agenda.
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I think the 'gnashing of the teeth' is we want a good story first. We've been burned by Disney's failure to tell a coherent and thought out story. So when interviewed and the first thing she says is it's going to be centered around a woman, I get that same feeling of here we go again with a messy story because it wasn't the primary focus.
I sincerely hope it was just poor emphasis on her part and that the driver is the story and not the gender of who will play the hero.

In contrast, Patty Jenkins Rogue Squadron announcement was spot on. Talked about the story and the direction it was going to take. She didn't start off by saying 'we're going to have female x-wing pilots'. At the time, it was a very exciting pitch (that is until WW84 came out).
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Murder Hornet said:

ChipFTAC01 said:

Mary Sue?
a female character that can do no wrong, has nothing to learn, is overpowered from the start.
honestly the best example of this was the remake of Mulan….way worse than anything with Rey in Star Wars and that's saying something…..
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