Star Wars Discussion Thread

6,608,734 Views | 45375 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by jokershady
Brian Earl Spilner
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twilly said:

1.21 Jedi Watts

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TCTTS said:

jeffk said:

Old Mandalorian or old Imperial you think?

My gut guess would be some kind of loner who helps Mando for an episode or two, a la the character Nick Nolte voiced in season one. That said, a former Imperial officer would be pretty sweet too.

My guess is he's the love interest / boyfriend of the whacky lady / starfighter mechanic / Grogu babysitter on Tattooine ... those two would have some chemistry I think.
The Porkchop Express
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Quotes we need from Christopher Lloyd in Mando

"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 12 parsecs, you're gonna see some serious bantha poodoo."

Mando: "Whoa. Wait a minute, Doc. Are you trying to tell me that Ahsoka Tano has got the hots for me?"
Doc: "Precisely."
Mando: "Whoa. This is wizard."
Doc: "There's that word again. "Wizard." Why are things so wizard where you come from? Is there a race of mystic warrior-sorcerers drawing on an energy source created by all living things?"

Mando: "Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Doc. Ah... are you telling me that you built a time machine... out of a YT-1300 light freighter?"
Doc: "The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a starship, why not do it with some style?"

Doc: "Which one's your son?"
Mando: "That's him"
We see Grogu eating frogs.
Doc: "Maybe he was adopted."

Doc: "Oh my God. They found me. I don't know how, but they found me. Run for it, Mando!"
Mando: "Who? Who?"
Doc: "Who you think? The RODIANS!"

maroon barchetta
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SpreadsheetAg said:

TCTTS said:

jeffk said:

Old Mandalorian or old Imperial you think?

My gut guess would be some kind of loner who helps Mando for an episode or two, a la the character Nick Nolte voiced in season one. That said, a former Imperial officer would be pretty sweet too.

My guess is he's the love interest / boyfriend of the whacky lady / starfighter mechanic / Grogu babysitter on Tattooine ... those two would have some chemistry I think.
Keep. Her. Away. From. Star Wars.
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I didn't think Gina was that great on the show and I was one who questioned her ability to carry a show by herself. I just didn't see it happening. Frankly, she was too large and was physically unable to fulfill an action role especially considering she was supposed to be an elite warrior. There were scenes where she could barely move her fat ass enough to keep up with the cameras and stay par with the other characters.

Having said that, if she was let go because of her twitter stuff that is complete horse**** and hypocrisy of the highest order. Mark Hamill is a frequent social media poster of leftist beliefs and ridicules conservatives all of the time. If it's ok for him to post whatever the hell he wants to with zero pushback, then Gina should be able to do the same with her views.

And spare me "but it's Mark Hamill and he's SW royalty". Irrelevant. It's a double standard. And I say all of this as someone who follows him on Instagram. He's a great follow, but he's also very political at times.
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Where was Chewbacca in Rebels? I'm blanking on that.
Brian Earl Spilner
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maroon barchetta
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YouBet said:

I didn't think Gina was that great on the show and I was one who questioned her ability to carry a show by herself. I just didn't see it happening. Frankly, she was too large and was physically unable to fulfill an action role especially considering she was supposed to be an elite warrior. There were scenes where she could barely move her fat ass enough to keep up with the cameras and stay par with the other characters.

Having said that, if she was let go because of her twitter stuff that is complete horse**** and hypocrisy of the highest order. Mark Hamill is a frequent social media poster of leftist beliefs and ridicules conservatives all of the time. If it's ok for him to post whatever the hell he wants to with zero pushback, then Gina should be able to do the same with her views.

And spare me "but it's Mark Hamill and he's SW royalty". Irrelevant. It's a double standard. And I say all of this as someone who follows him on Instagram. He's a great follow, but he's also very political at times.

Please. Hollywood doesn't have a liberal problem. It's been covered here. There is totally not a liberal cabal that gets a free pass in Tinseltown.
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YouBet said:

Where was Chewbacca in Rebels? I'm blanking on that.
don't believe he ever was. There were other Wookiees I believe in a few episodes but I'm pretty sure we never see chewie
tk for tu juan
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That was great! What they did with the fire dance scene was hilarious
The Collective
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I could go for a scoop of Fanservice Ripple
The Porkchop Express
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tk for tu juan said:

God bless Auralnuts. I don't think I've ever laughed more than on the Dark Knight Returns one where Batman is playing the Mortal Kombat theme song in the Batwing and Bane goes, "Seriously?"
tk for tu juan
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The fight commentary video he put together for Obi vs Anakin was funny
Brian Earl Spilner
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So I figured since we'll probably have a month or so of little to no SW news in the lead up to Obi-Wan, we could have some discussion by doing different rankings/lists of random stuff throughout the series.

I'll try to come up with something every week, but feel free to throw out your own ideas.

Here's one to start:

Rank your favorite individual scene from each movie. You can do one scene per movie. I figure this can generate some positive discussion even from the movies we don't like.

1. Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul (TPM)
For my money, the best part of the best fight in the saga. Amazing choreo, and love that little moment of Obi-Wan amping himself up right before the door opens.

2. Han saves the day and Luke blows up the DS (ANH)
A close one, ahead of Binary Sunset. The main reason I love this scene is John Wiliam's amazing score. The way it gets your anxiety going, then it fades into the Force Theme as Obi-Wan's voice comes in, then Han saving the day. It's kind of perfect tension-building and then the release as the DS blows up. Very much reminds me of the Clock Tower scene in BTTF. These two scenes are perfect climaxes imo.

3. Luke and Leia delivered to their new homes (ROTS)
Obi-Wan vs Anakin was the obvious choice, and it was close for me. But I just absolutely love this moment, Leia's Theme coupled with our first glimpse of Alderaan, then ending with the callback to the Binary Sunset scene. A perfect bookend to the saga. (At the time.)

4. Vader slaughters the rebels (RO)
This is my single most re-visited scene in the series. The only reason it's not higher is because there's not as much emotional resonance or importance as the ones above it.

5. I am your father (ESB)
No explanation needed, but I will say my two runners up were right behind it. (Yoda lifting the X-Wing, and Han's "I know".) But due to the importance and iconic-ness of Vader's line, this has to win for me.

6. Rey arrives on Ach-To (TFA)
Everything from the moment she lands on the island, to Luke turning around and removing his hood. Awesome visuals coupled with Williams' epic track. Seeing Luke for the first time in decades didn't hurt.

7. Holdo light speed maneuver (TLJ)
While the throne room fight scene was awesome, this was such a badass moment. Got a huge gasp in the theater both times I saw it.

8. Luke sees the force ghosts (ROTJ)
This always felt like it tied the trilogies together so perfectly for me. (Yes, the version with Hayden.) I only ever owned the DVD's, so it was always cathartic to see Luke finally see a redeemed Anakin together with Yoda and Obi-Wan.

9. Yoda vs Dooku (AOTC)
I admit it looks a bit silly now, but this moment got me so hyped in the theater at 14 years old, and it still gets me excited seeing Yoda force pull his lightsaber from his robe. (This edged out the Imperial March + Clone Army scene for me.)

10. Rey vs Kylo (TROS)
I had my problems with the movie, but this fight was not one of them. The crashing waves, the emotion behind it, and Leia sacrificing herself to save Rey / redeem Ben. This was the best moment of the movie by far.

11. Han shoots first (Solo)
Not my favorite movie, but it was cool to see him develop to this point, to the scoundrel we knew and loved. Admittedly I don't think his character arc was all that strong in this movie, but I did enjoy this scene.
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You covered a lot of mine. Some others:

Luke in Mando
I'm breaking your rules right off the bat but the scene that has probably had the most impact for me since the OT. Sorry, I had to include that because I literally jumped off my couch and screamed like a little school girl when the robots stopped, the music changed, everyone got confused, and then you see that X-wing slowly glide in outside.

Vader Kills the Emperor (original)
You can see it coming but it's still so impactful.

Han Leaving Hoth Base to find Luke
Shows how important the friendship has become in one scene. "Then I'll see you in hell!!!"

Han Being Frozen
"I love you." "I know."
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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1. Battle of Hoth (The Empire Strikes Back) - so much energy in this entire sequence, and the fact that it was live-action interspersed against miniatures and matte paintings and looks, well, real, even today, is amazing.

2. Battle of Yavin (Star Wars) - being a WWII aviation nut from a very early age, this entire sequence grabbed me. I recognized in it the same kind of maneuvers I'd seen in plenty of black-and-white films from actual combat (confirmed afterward when Lucas showed he'd mapped out this battle using a lot of WWII footage). Upon seeing this the first time in 1977, my first response after returning home was to construct a fleet of X-Wings and TIE Fighters out of cardboard. Loved the upgrades to the sequence in the 1997 special edition.

3. Anakin duels Obi-Wan Kenobi (Revenge of the Sith) - this was the moment the prequels had built to, and it was a moment that I'd looked forward to from the small snippets of information available in the late 70s, in the Star Wars novelization, dialogue in the first movie, and some of the Marvel comics. So well done.

4. Darth Vader takes out the rebel soldiers (Rogue One) - probably the biggest failure in my book of the PT and Revenge of the Sith in particular is not getting to see DARTH VADER be Darth Vader. This short sequence makes up for that.

5. Pure hate, pure evil in a human face (Return of the Jedi) - I truly believe the casting of Ian McDiarmid was the best decision Lucas ever made. That guy can certainly portray ill intent just with his eyes and a wry grin. For the sequence, I'm looking at the conclusion of the battle between DV and LS aboard Death Star II at the point where Palps joins in and begins Force lightening LS to death. "And now, you will die ..."

6. Rey takes the lightsabre from Kylo Ren (The Force Awakens) - it was more about the music, the same cue from Star Wars when Luke returns to the homestead to find his aunt & uncle dead. Damn that was a great piece of music (in a vast library of great music), and damn if the emotion of that moment was never fully realized in the remainder of the sequel trilogy.

7. The Republic fleet takes flight (Attack of the Clones) - seeing Palpatine and his cohorts standing on a balcony like Hitler or Mussolini observing as the fleet of Republic cruisers lifts into the sky, with the knowledge that this was the birth of the Imperial fleet that we'd all seen in the original trilogy, was joyous for me.

8. Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul (The Phantom Menace) - arguably the best choreographed fight of the saga, but what really makes it stand out for me was the depiction of how close Obi-Wan came toward embracing the Dark Side.

9. Chewie's reaction to Leia's death (The Rise of Skywalker) - this movie was a mess largely because of the previous film, but there were lots of fan service moments sprinkled throughout. While those fan service moments were great upon first viewing but later became more eye-rolling, that was not the case with Chewie when he learned that Leia had died. If that doesn't hit you in the feels, then you have no soul.

10. Han shoots first (Solo) - gotta agree, best part of this movie

11. Hyperspace attack (The Last Jedi) - visually awesome, but I think it was really the lack of sound for a moment that really seals the deal on this sequence.
tk for tu juan
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(Work in progress will try to rank when done)
TRoS: Rey laying on the ground looking up as Palpatine is destroying the resistance spacecraft. She rises up and eventually kills him. The cheesy voiceovers needed some work

AotC: The fighting pit and Padme's outfit
The Collective
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1. Bitter, crazy Luke

2. Ewoks save the day

3. Jar Jar's dark deeds

4. Han's loneliness revealed

5. Jabba's big reveal

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You forgot "Greedo shot first"

Brian Earl Spilner
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And "Maklunkey!"
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BenTheGoodAg said:

You forgot "Greedo shot first"

And Padme dying from a broken heart...

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tk for tu juan said:

(Work in progress will try to rank when done)
TRoS: Rey laying on the ground looking up as Palpatine is destroying the resistance spacecraft. She rises up and eventually kills him. The cheesy voiceovers needed some work

AotC: The fighting pit and Padme's outfit
I think we all agree Padme's outfit is the best thing of AotC

and this one
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So bad
Brian Earl Spilner
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A close second.

The Collective
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Alright, let's stop with the Padme pics guys. I'm trying to work and texags over here. That is distraction level 10.
The Porkchop Express
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So far I've put in about 5 hours of work into my list of top moments. Unfortunately work keeps getting in the way.
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Brian Earl Spilner
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helloimustbegoing said:

So far I've put in about 5 hours of work into my list of top moments. Unfortunately work keeps getting in the way.
The Collective
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helloimustbegoing said:

So far I've put in about 5 hours of work into my list of top moments. Unfortunately work keeps getting in the way.

Brian Earl Spilner
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Damn, you win.
Brian Earl Spilner
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9. Chewie's reaction to Leia's death (The Rise of Skywalker) - this movie was a mess largely because of the previous film, but there were lots of fan service moments sprinkled throughout. While those fan service moments were great upon first viewing but later became more eye-rolling, that was not the case with Chewie when he learned that Leia had died. If that doesn't hit you in the feels, then you have no soul.
This is a solid #2 for me behind Rey vs Kylo.
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The Chewbacca reaction to Leia's death is an over correction to having him walk right past her after returning from Starkiller base after Han died in Force Awakens.
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redline248 said:

The Chewbacca reaction to Leia's death is an over correction to having him walk right past her after returning from Starkiller base after Han died in Force Awakens.

Because the entire movie was written based on Internet beefs and theories.
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