TheArtistFormerlyKnownAs said:
Bluecat_Aggie94 said:
Do you watch news?
I was in Texas this past weekend and I had to explain to everyone that what you see on the news is localized to a very small area, an area where the vast majority of us don't live.
I wouldn't want to live in downtown Seattle either, but there are so many fantastic places to live I live in Issaquah in the mountains. I never run across any of the problems you see on the news, the only issue I have where I'm at is the smoke from wildfires down in Oregon.
When I got off the plane in Houston it was basically a punch to the face with heat and humidity. Why would anyone want to live in that hellish environment?
Wait. You're argument is...
"They're only rioting and burning down part of our city. It's fine!"
"We can't go outside because of the massive amounts of smoke from wildfires, but it's no big deal."
"Why would anyone live in heat or humidity when they can live in cool, rainy, sunless suicide weather!"
This is what you're going with?!?
Well Super!