Not sure if this is the correct forum, but I have a suggestion.
To show solidarity with all our neighbors and businesses who are "sheltering in place" during this COVID-19 crisis, what if we tied a red ribbon around a tree out front? Or if unable to do that, display the American flag (or both). It would be a visible sign that we're all in this together. (As I realize most of the colors of ribbons for causes have been taken, I hope the choice of red doesn't offend anyone).
Since I have limited social media exposure for starting something grass-roots, if you think this is a good idea, please spread the word. Thanks.
To show solidarity with all our neighbors and businesses who are "sheltering in place" during this COVID-19 crisis, what if we tied a red ribbon around a tree out front? Or if unable to do that, display the American flag (or both). It would be a visible sign that we're all in this together. (As I realize most of the colors of ribbons for causes have been taken, I hope the choice of red doesn't offend anyone).
Since I have limited social media exposure for starting something grass-roots, if you think this is a good idea, please spread the word. Thanks.