Bunk Moreland said:
LOL at these clowns on the broadcast....they don't know anything yet and this one guy is talking about how it's a great move and a veteran move... "she didn't want to be a distraction."
Bro...she is ON THE TEAM IN THE TEAM EVENT. Deciding to withdraw was the distraction. She hung her teammates out to dry. I wonder who girl #5 was that didn't get the chance to compete in the team event. I'm sure she's stoked to have not gotten that stage.
Everyone is going to circle the wagons to explain to the plebes how delicate she and others are and how this is actually a good thing.
I think pretty much any broadcast team in the world would react that way in the moment.
If she kept competing, and kept underperforming on the other apparatuses, that certainly would have been a distraction, too, like it already was coming off qualification. And a possible detriment to the team.
It's tough and I certainly have a mixed reaction to someone dropping out at that point due to mental health. Yes, I'm sure Jade Carey would have loved to have competed.