I feel sick to my stomach and its not the terrible service at this restaurant in Asheville . Brazier has been so much fun to watch the last few years and for that to be the race we're it all goes wrong is gut renching
I don't get the Ally Watt reference.taylorswift13 said:
Him and Ally Watt in tears
it's insane! You have to feel for the guy after 2016 now this! It must hurt! He's a world champion and record holder, but just can't get this one Olympic berthSodadude said:
The Olympic Trials hate Donovan Brazier.
From Craig Engel's Instagram story earlier... Brazier with the crutches and a boot. Not sure what the medical diagnosis is but for him to have to walk around like that... he just have raced in extreme pain and fought to run out there, you have to give props to him! That's how an Aggie fights... I hope he has a speedy recovery!AG75FYL said:
It better be a broken leg.
that's awesome! I'm expecting you to drop a 45 running around the stadium haha! Enjoy the meet and cheer our Aggies on down the homestretch!mullokmotx said:
The concourse on the top of the first level here is a track surface rather than concrete.