Jabin said:
If this is true, why are vaccines needed?
Interesting that people seem to be more willing to take a pill than a vaccine. I wonder if it's the actual jab that bothers many?
To provide my lay person's answer, the pill still hasn't been approved, even under an EUA, and there are limited supplies available. Early supposition is that the pill may not be made available to those who have been vaccinated. But, even when adequate supplies are available, my question is why not do both?
Where are the double blind randomized peer-reviewed tests showing this new pfizer drug is better than ivermectin?
I don't know if they're publicly available yet, but Pfizer had to have such studies done and has submitted them with its application for approval. All new drugs have to go through that process.
If there's a therapeutic that is safe and works, a vaccine is not necessary. But with billions to be made from vaccine sales, pfizer would never say this.
I'm not afraid of a jab, I've given blood more times than i can count. I'm afraid of myocarditis, blood clots, system failure, cytokine storm and death.
If the studies are not available, how can anyone say the pfizer pill works? Where's the evidence? Mention ivermectin, a proven VERY safe drug, and no study or evidence is enough, even though thousands of doctors are using it with positive outcomes. Mention this new pfizer drug, and the same people demanding double blind studies for ivermectin are saying it works, no evidence or studies available yet, but just trust pfizer and take this brand new drug,
They did the same with Remdesivir, which Fauci pushed hospitals to use and does not work.