KidDoc said:
GenericAggie said:
ORAggieFan said:
GenericAggie said:
Aston94 said:
These: "I got vaccinated and got Covid, was really just like a cold, so vaccine didn't work" posts really crack me up.
The vaccine is designed to lessen your chances of getting covid, but more importantly it is designed to lessen your symptoms if you get covid.
So if you contracted covid after getting the vaccine, and had a minor case, then the vaccine worked! Would you have had a minor case without the vaccine? Maybe. Did you have a minor case with the vaccine? yes.
The vaccine lessens your chances of getting if covid? Ummm… no. You get the virus regardless. How your body reacts to having the virus is a different topic. It helps lessen the sickness, which is great.
This vaccine is a therapeutic.
This is not true. Unvaccinated are about 5x more likely to get it. Quit spreading misinformation like this.
It is not hard to find, there is abundant data that vaccine lowers risk of infection significantly just not to 0.
Vaccinated vs. unvaccinated Covid case data: Your questions on breakthrough cases, answered - VTDigger
All this for mortality of " A lower percentage of deaths (0.2%, 24) occurred among fully vaccinated persons than among partially vaccinated (0.5%, seven) and unvaccinated (0.6%, 176) persons (p<0.001".
200 of 100,000 vaccinated died. 600 of 100,000 unvaccinated died.
And 25% of those numbers - from people with HIV, cancer and liver transplants.
" Death investigations determined that six of the 24 fully vaccinated persons who died had immunocompromising conditions, including HIV infection, cancer (i.e., prostate, pancreatic, lung, or leukemia), and liver transplantation"
What's the 3 year mortality rate for pancreatic cancer patients? What about liver transplant patients?
The governments' messaging and course of action has been negligent, irresponsible and horrific - including the Trump administration.