gunan01 said:
Or pass it on to an adult?
Who. Cares.
Then they will get Covid from my kid. Oh well. A parent's only responsibility is to their own kid. Tell them to cover their mouth when they sneeze and don't pick your nose, wash your hands etc. Outside of that, it's not our responsibility to make sure our kids don't get adults sick. **** happens and that is just part of life.
We have got to stop the narrative that we "must" do something many are not ready to do to "protect" rando people. These people that are at risk have options available to them to lesson or even negate their risk factors. Yet they don't. So I am done with the whole "what about your fellow man" narrative. Once enough is known about the vaccines in the future, our kids will most likely get it. Yes, this will become like the flu and with a vaccine available each season most likely. But right now isn't that time. AND if we want more shots in arms, end this "its the right thing to do" "it's for other people" narrative and lecture series. People hate being talked down to or forced to d something it that as much as anything is why people have dug their heals in and not gotten vaccinated. From the start there has been a sense that the ones pushing this so hard (whether its the vaccine, masks, closures etc) were NEVER after our best interests but instead had very different agendas. That is why the hospitals filled with the unvaccinated and the death rate spiked. That is why the door opened to produce a swell in anti-covid vaccine rhetoric.