AgRebel08 said:
Its a weird virus affects all differently it seems and no one can explain that.
A lot of positive vaxx stories so ill share mine.
3 nurses all vaxxed all pregnant all lost their babies.
Was it the vax who knows.
I just have to say, THIS ^^^ is, imho, the worst kind of Fear Porn there is.
There is ZERO proof that there is any kind of connection between the vaccination and the miscarriages. You don't even tell us how long after vaccination the miscarriages occurred. Within 24 hours? Two weeks? Two months?
Miscarriages happen all the time for all kinds of reasons.
I have one friend who has lost five babies, and she doesn't believe in vaccination or modern medicine at all.
This is like saying that a black cat crossed your path and then you stubbed your toe so those two things must be connected. It's ridiculous, imho.
I'm very sorry those ladies have suffered the loss of a child, and I completely understand the strong desire to find something to blame, but this is not at all like people pointing out the very real and *obviously connected* stories of those who are sick with covid losing their lives and/or the lives of their babies. One is totally conjecture, one is certainly connected.
If you want to argue percentages for chances of death, that's different, but to at all equate three vague stories of miscarriage which just happened to come after someone was vaccinated some time in the past is ridiculous.
If I’m posting, it’s actually Mrs GeographyAg.
Mr. GeographyAg is a dedicated lurker.