I think this decision is clearly unethical. I also have a hard time believing there are that many doctors who will draw that line in the sand. Certainly no one in my group is! I have no problem dismissing patients when necessary- abusive behavior to staff, noncompliance (that makes a therapeutic relationship impossible), and serial nonpayment are much larger concerns in my office.
Disease exists. It will never be eradicated. I could unintentionally give someone the flu or whatever before I knew to stay home, vaccinated or not. If that happens, I'm sorry it did but that's life. My patients could return the favor. So what? There's no way of ensuring everyone's safety 100% of the time. The idea that you could is absurd.
Disease exists. It will never be eradicated. I could unintentionally give someone the flu or whatever before I knew to stay home, vaccinated or not. If that happens, I'm sorry it did but that's life. My patients could return the favor. So what? There's no way of ensuring everyone's safety 100% of the time. The idea that you could is absurd.