I had covid December 2020, minimal to mild symptoms. Husband and I both loss smell/taste.
Smell still affected. Very attenuated (used to be very sensitive, could smell things way sooner than others). Also I habituate to smells very quickly.
TMI related story - one dog had intestinal difficulties while we were gone. I didn't notice anything amiss at all, husband found the living room accident. Took care of the nasty poop (easier to clean, didn't smell anything the whole time). Spent a normal evening watching tv. hours later time for dogs to go to bed, that one refused to get in her kennel. Turns out she had an accident in there as well overnight the previous night. We went ALL DAY without knowing that. To this day I am still reluctant to have anyone visit because really I have no idea what my house smells like....
Also discovered that tears from onions don't depend on smell. I was happy to cut onions without smelling them, but turns out the oil is what causes the tears, no smell needed.
I still can't smell the cat litter like I used to. Again, reluctant to have people in the house.