I'd bet many who got vaccinated (myself included) are much the same way. The only thing I occasionally take is allergy medication.planoaggie123 said:
This may sound crazy....some people in life just don't prefer to jump to medicine the first sign of a sniffle.
If you go to my house....we have VERY little medicine. What we have might actually be expired and is kid medicine. We mainly keep band-aids and sunscreen. Anything else is on a need-to-buy basis and usually we just "tough it out".
As far as "prefer contracting vs vaccine".....i think you can be neither> I 'prefer' to not catch COVID (just as I prefer to not get the vaccine) and I take some basic precautions to avoid catching it it but if I were to contract it I am comfortable, based on the scientific numbers using age and health profile, that I am likely to survive.
In the case of the COVID vaccine it's been extensively tested and issued an EUA just like lots of other treatments. With my age and health I'd have pretty good odds to be fine, but as the vaccine pretty much guarantees a negligible outcome and made it easier to get back to living life in general it was a pretty easy decision for me to take it.