23,000 Texans dead by end of August?

15,938 Views | 94 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by PJYoung
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BiochemAg97 said:

tysker said:

Old RV Ag said:

Aggies2009 said:

Old RV Ag said:

DeBoss said:

Can you help me understand how masks are working if deaths are spiking?
You're assuming everyone is wearing a mask. Kind of like a condom - having it stay in your wallet doesn't do any good.
Considering stores don't let people in without them, they're being enforced pretty hard.

Yet cases didn't drop.
But going to a party or gathering after without one. Kind of like wearing a condom with one girl and not wearing one with another and wondering why girl two is pregnant (or you've got an STD) - but I wore a condom!
There is no "safe" sex just like there is no covid risk-free "safe" interaction. Condoms are 99% effective only when used correctly. I've read that in realworld applications condoms are about 85-90% effective. Just like condoms, masks are a tool not a solution. The only real solution far stopping transmission is abstinence from in person interactions.
Abstinence only sex Ed leads to higher teen pregnancy rate. We as a society are very bad at abstinence.
Exactly. Abstinence, prohibition and mandates typically do not work and often lead to worse results than directed and educated allowance.
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PJYoung said:

I saw this stat this morning. It took the world 6 months to get to 10 million confirmed cases and only 6 weeks to get to 20 million.

This isn't a "stat". It's numbers without proper context. Which is to say, it's garbage, not any sort of insightful metric.

Adjust for testing levels and screening criteria.
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bigtruckguy3500 said:

Did y'all read the article?

This model is an automated model that is constantly changing projections based on data it pulls. On July 27th there was a reporting error in its source data that listed 1202 deaths, compared with 88 the day before and 223 the day after.

That erroneous spike caused the model to have such a high projection.

The author of the article is just using the number, which the creators of the model acknowledge is faulty, as click bait.

"At the beginning of August, the model actually had a more modest projected death toll of 7,176, compared to the real-world total of 7,471."

Any model/projection is only as good as the data that goes into it, and the data is constantly changing.
Sure, but why publicize it with that anomaly in it? Fear mongering is the only reason I can think of. Will another article come out in a few days that shows how the data normalized and now it's predicting 12-14k deaths like everywhere else? I have my doubts,
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beerad12man said:

bigtruckguy3500 said:

Did y'all read the article?

This model is an automated model that is constantly changing projections based on data it pulls. On July 27th there was a reporting error in its source data that listed 1202 deaths, compared with 88 the day before and 223 the day after.

That erroneous spike caused the model to have such a high projection.

The author of the article is just using the number, which the creators of the model acknowledge is faulty, as click bait.

"At the beginning of August, the model actually had a more modest projected death toll of 7,176, compared to the real-world total of 7,471."

Any model/projection is only as good as the data that goes into it, and the data is constantly changing.
Sure, but why publicize it with that anomaly in it? Fear mongering is the only reason I can think of. Will another article come out in a few days that shows how the data normalized and now it's predicting 12-14k deaths like everywhere else? I have my doubts,
If it does, it certainly won't get the media time.
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beerad12man said:

bigtruckguy3500 said:

Did y'all read the article?

This model is an automated model that is constantly changing projections based on data it pulls. On July 27th there was a reporting error in its source data that listed 1202 deaths, compared with 88 the day before and 223 the day after.

That erroneous spike caused the model to have such a high projection.

The author of the article is just using the number, which the creators of the model acknowledge is faulty, as click bait.

"At the beginning of August, the model actually had a more modest projected death toll of 7,176, compared to the real-world total of 7,471."

Any model/projection is only as good as the data that goes into it, and the data is constantly changing.
Sure, but why publicize it with that anomaly in it? Fear mongering is the only reason I can think of. Will another article come out in a few days that shows how the data normalized and now it's predicting 12-14k deaths like everywhere else? I have my doubts,
All the earlier posts appeared to go after the model and those creating it, not after the media for publicizing it. I don't think the the model creators were trying to draw attention to it, and in fact cautioned people from reading too much into it after it was published because they knew it had incorrect data feeding into it.

The media is a different beast. It has become very apparent that honest headlines and non-sensational reporters don't bring in the money like the doom and gloom ones do.
Ag Natural
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Bumping because this was absurd when it was released. The only way we get anywhere close to this number is if a ton of diabetics are enrolling in schools right now.
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beerad12man said:

bigtruckguy3500 said:

Did y'all read the article?

This model is an automated model that is constantly changing projections based on data it pulls. On July 27th there was a reporting error in its source data that listed 1202 deaths, compared with 88 the day before and 223 the day after.

That erroneous spike caused the model to have such a high projection.

The author of the article is just using the number, which the creators of the model acknowledge is faulty, as click bait.

"At the beginning of August, the model actually had a more modest projected death toll of 7,176, compared to the real-world total of 7,471."

Any model/projection is only as good as the data that goes into it, and the data is constantly changing.
Sure, but why publicize it with that anomaly in it? Fear mongering is the only reason I can think of. Will another article come out in a few days that shows how the data normalized and now it's predicting 12-14k deaths like everywhere else? I have my doubts,
Looks like this is going to be the correct range just as you predicted. I guess you have your Phd too.
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Just following those that do

Looks like they updated it to say the new projected range is between 12,601-28,963 deaths by Sept. 8, with a current estimate of 15,790.

Still higher than any other graph, and to even throw out 28,963 is absurd. That would only happen if the entire state got together for an orgy tonight. That's 857 deaths per day for 21 straight days. Again, absurd to even have that upper range right now. We will see.
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beerad12man said:

Just following those that do

Looks like they updated it to say the new projected range is between 12,601-28,963 deaths by Sept. 8, with a current estimate of 15,790.

Still higher than any other graph, and to even throw out 28,963 is absurd. That would only happen if the entire state got together for an orgy tonight. That's 857 deaths per day for 21 straight days. Again, absurd to even have that upper range right now. We will see.
Two more weeks.

If they keep pushing a prediction out a few weeks at a time (end of Aug to Sept 8 this time), eventually they might get to the 23,000 this all started the media storm with,
Big Al 1992
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So when does CNN (or John Hopkins, worldometers etc for that matter) reset their death and case counter? December/January when the first deaths were reported? Never - keep the number growing? Imagine if we did that for other seasonal diseases.
Windy City Ag
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Dallas County reported 0 deaths today and only 98 new cases. I am not sure how that translates to state wide but it does seem to show this model is not tracking to the original prediction.
B-1 83
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DeBoss said:

Can you help me understand how masks are working if deaths are spiking?
Wearing masks at the HEBs and the Walmarts =/= wearing masks at your 2 year old niece's birthday pachanga or in your 3 generational household in Matamoros and coming across to the hospital in Brownsville.
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jeffdjohnson said:

Seems like a poor analysis. Detected cases are already starting to dip down. Deaths per day in Texas never even reached 300 per day at peak. Even if we hit ~300 per day (seems unlikely) that would only add ~6000 more total deaths by the end of August. That would still be way short of this projection.

Accurate models don't generate clicks or headlines.
Callate Donnie
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tysker said:

Old RV Ag said:

Aggies2009 said:

Old RV Ag said:

DeBoss said:

Can you help me understand how masks are working if deaths are spiking?
You're assuming everyone is wearing a mask. Kind of like a condom - having it stay in your wallet doesn't do any good.
Considering stores don't let people in without them, they're being enforced pretty hard.

Yet cases didn't drop.
But going to a party or gathering after without one. Kind of like wearing a condom with one girl and not wearing one with another and wondering why girl two is pregnant (or you've got an STD) - but I wore a condom!
There is no "safe" sex just like there is no covid risk-free "safe" interaction. Condoms are 99% effective only when used correctly. I've read that in realworld applications condoms are about 85-90% effective. Just like condoms, masks are a tool not a solution. The only real solution far stopping transmission is abstinence from in person interactions.
I'm just here for the conversation related to tools, solutions, and condoms.
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Keegan99 said:

PJYoung said:

I saw this stat this morning. It took the world 6 months to get to 10 million confirmed cases and only 6 weeks to get to 20 million.

This isn't a "stat". It's numbers without proper context. Which is to say, it's garbage, not any sort of insightful metric.

Adjust for testing levels and screening criteria.
So. The virus isn't spreading faster due to increased community spread? Or am I misunderstanding your thinking? What is your point exactly? Testing finds more cases? Okay? So. . .what are you suggesting.

Now explain increased hospitalizations and deaths. I guess these are a result of more testing, too? Since April, I've wondered what your motive and agenda are in regards to your dismissing of "stats" and your charts and your graphs. I still don't know what your end game is. You share all this data with us like you are the resident expert, but you rarely provide any analysis.

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Keegan provides studies and information from the studies, what you do with them is up to you. Case positives is a useless metric to determine the danger of a virus that is very dangerous to a very small amount of the population. Now that the CDC says only get tested if you have symptoms and with viruses mutating weaker testing positive is just that. If people are not getting hospitalized or dying then it is not worth shutting down the large sections of the economy. There is evidence of herd immunity that slows down cases so that means we need to focus mostly on deaths and ICU hospitalizations.

Several counties have changed their opening up metric several times, Harris county is a good example. Deaths, total cases, ICU capacity, hospitalization, and now case positive. Going by new CDC guidelines you would expect case positive cases to go up if they do not suggest people to get tested. I believe their positive rate before opening up is 5%, unless you have a bunch of jobs that require testing (like my company when in contact with someone) than you will likely have a higher positive rate with only people being truly sick getting tested.
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Anyone ever see a case study on % positive asymptomatic flu cases? Of course not, because people don't get tested for the flu just for the hell of it. They get tested when they have symptoms.

Do you ask your doctor to test you for strep because you were around someone who had it? Nope.

CDC finally woke up and is suggesting to stop getting tested if you don't have symptoms. There are far too many false positives that are the reason our world is falling apart.
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Swing and a miss
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P.U.T.U said:

Keegan provides studies and information from the studies, what you do with them is up to you.
I think there is a responsibility on this board to address what conclusions can be gleaned from the data he provides. What exactly is he trying to prove by contradicting stats? I can understand cases rising alone is not informative. However, positivity rate has been an important stat that health officials have used to determine when to open schools, bars, etc. If he believes positivity rate is also worthless (which he has criticized often), what exactly should be the metric health officials use to guide reopening strategies?

I sense an underlying agenda rather than a honest discussion. Your opinion of the severity of the virus does not change how health officials have treated this. Argue out the number of excess deaths that have occurred above the 5 year average for this time in the year to convince health officials to treat this virus differently.

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A much better metric to use would be syndromic survey data for CLI.

It's very near real-time and is strongly predictive of hospitalizations and fatalities.
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Positivity rate seems to be flawed in that it always hinges on the number of tests given and changes daily. Days with small test numbers usually have high positivity rate, implying only people with symptoms were getting tested that day. Of course that will skew the rate high.

Since there is such a wide range of symptoms and immune responses, people have looked to deaths and hospitalizations as the way leaders should be making decisions.
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Positivity rate is also hindered by delays in reporting. The statewide figure has been effectively useless for all of August as the state has worked through a background of over a million tests.
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Correct. If there were no backlogs and sites were testing the exact same amount of people every day since April, then it'd be a good metric. But neither of those things are happening.
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astros4545 said:

Swing and a miss

More like swings and misses. They are both countless at this point.
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Keegan99 said:

Positivity rate is also hindered by delays in reporting. The statewide figure has been effectively useless for all of August as the state has worked through a background of over a million tests.
So health officials that use positivity rates to inform decisions are idiots?
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rojo_ag said:

Keegan99 said:

Positivity rate is also hindered by delays in reporting. The statewide figure has been effectively useless for all of August as the state has worked through a background of over a million tests.
So health officials that use positivity rates to inform decisions are idiots?
Some are, some aren't but they all know it's not a perfect measure. It's just another stat and stats can be misleading if they are not properly developed and contextualized. Surely you understand this don't you?

And why do you think "health officials" are so much smarter than anyone else or incapable of making poor decisions? Every profession or trade has people that make mistakes in spite of their education, experience or wisdom.
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Rubble said:

Anyone ever see a case study on % positive asymptomatic flu cases? Of course not, because people don't get tested for the flu just for the hell of it. They get tested when they have symptoms.

Do you ask your doctor to test you for strep because you were around someone who had it? Nope.

CDC finally woke up and is suggesting to stop getting tested if you don't have symptoms. There are far too many false positives that are the reason our world is falling apart.
They had it right when this first started and would only test people with actual symptoms. Then the hypochondriacs autistic screeching about Drumpf's "lack of testing" furthered by the media came in and all hell broke loose.

I wouldnt be surprised if the false positive rating was higher than 30% for actual COVID-19 and people were really testing positive for seasonal cold viruses.

Now they are giving away free yankees merch for randos to walk in from anywhere and get tested, symptoms or no to keep driving the case counts higher:

I know I ain't leavin' you like I know He ain't leavin' us
I know we believe in God and I know God believes in us
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AggieBiker said:

rojo_ag said:

Keegan99 said:

Positivity rate is also hindered by delays in reporting. The statewide figure has been effectively useless for all of August as the state has worked through a background of over a million tests.
So health officials that use positivity rates to inform decisions are idiots?
Some are, some aren't but they all know it's not a perfect measure. It's just another stat and stats can be misleading if they are not properly developed and contextualized. Surely you understand this don't you?

And why do you think "health officials" are so much smarter than anyone else or incapable of making poor decisions? Every profession or trade has people that make mistakes in spite of their education, experience or wisdom.

If that is the case, there are an awful lot of county health officials who are bad at their job. Maybe as a society we need to find out why these incapable and ineffective people are getting such influential positions. Hard to believe so many idiots have so much authority. And the governors too. The ones who are using positivity rates to make important decisions about people's livelihood..

I'm no doctor. I stay in my lane. A lot of super smart people on this board with all of the answers. Wish people would wake up and start listening to the infinite wisdom of TexAgs. We might be done with this **** sandwich already.
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Probably because politicians are scared of any backlash they may get if their numbers are a little higher than average, even though it's what is best for a the population as a whole.

Even the guy at Sweden is taking heat even though their country is doing well.
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rojo_ag said:

AggieBiker said:

rojo_ag said:

Keegan99 said:

Positivity rate is also hindered by delays in reporting. The statewide figure has been effectively useless for all of August as the state has worked through a background of over a million tests.
So health officials that use positivity rates to inform decisions are idiots?
Some are, some aren't but they all know it's not a perfect measure. It's just another stat and stats can be misleading if they are not properly developed and contextualized. Surely you understand this don't you?

And why do you think "health officials" are so much smarter than anyone else or incapable of making poor decisions? Every profession or trade has people that make mistakes in spite of their education, experience or wisdom.

If that is the case, there are an awful lot of county health officials who are bad at their job. Maybe as a society we need to find out why these incapable and ineffective people are getting such influential positions. Hard to believe so many idiots have so much authority. And the governors too. The ones who are using positivity rates to make important decisions about people's livelihood..

I'm no doctor. I stay in my lane. A lot of super smart people on this board with all of the answers. Wish people would wake up and start listening to the infinite wisdom of TexAgs. We might be done with this **** sandwich already.
Maybe that is something we need to do. Maybe we should start with the nation's leading expert on infectious diseases and determine why he was in position in March to say we didn't need to wear a mask to help stop the spread of an airborne virus that infects primarily through the respiratory system and now says we need to wear them around others because they may be sick or you may be sick. Let's start there and work our way down to those county health officials since they probably just follow the leadership above them anyway.
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You seem to be an intelligent individual, so do I really need to explain to you why Fauci and the WHO initially discouraged us not to wear masks? I know you know why.
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rojo_ag said:

AggieBiker said:

rojo_ag said:

Keegan99 said:

Positivity rate is also hindered by delays in reporting. The statewide figure has been effectively useless for all of August as the state has worked through a background of over a million tests.
So health officials that use positivity rates to inform decisions are idiots?
Some are, some aren't but they all know it's not a perfect measure. It's just another stat and stats can be misleading if they are not properly developed and contextualized. Surely you understand this don't you?

And why do you think "health officials" are so much smarter than anyone else or incapable of making poor decisions? Every profession or trade has people that make mistakes in spite of their education, experience or wisdom.

If that is the case, there are an awful lot of county health officials who are bad at their job. Maybe as a society we need to find out why these incapable and ineffective people are getting such influential positions. Hard to believe so many idiots have so much authority. And the governors too. The ones who are using positivity rates to make important decisions about people's livelihood..

I'm no doctor. I stay in my lane. A lot of super smart people on this board with all of the answers. Wish people would wake up and start listening to the infinite wisdom of TexAgs. We might be done with this **** sandwich already.

In regards to the "we have a lot incapable and ineffective people in high positions". They are in government or academia both have a large problem with perspective of the "real world" they start in those spheres and never leave.
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Whiser09 said:

rojo_ag said:

AggieBiker said:

rojo_ag said:

Keegan99 said:

Positivity rate is also hindered by delays in reporting. The statewide figure has been effectively useless for all of August as the state has worked through a background of over a million tests.
So health officials that use positivity rates to inform decisions are idiots?
Some are, some aren't but they all know it's not a perfect measure. It's just another stat and stats can be misleading if they are not properly developed and contextualized. Surely you understand this don't you?

And why do you think "health officials" are so much smarter than anyone else or incapable of making poor decisions? Every profession or trade has people that make mistakes in spite of their education, experience or wisdom.

If that is the case, there are an awful lot of county health officials who are bad at their job. Maybe as a society we need to find out why these incapable and ineffective people are getting such influential positions. Hard to believe so many idiots have so much authority. And the governors too. The ones who are using positivity rates to make important decisions about people's livelihood..

I'm no doctor. I stay in my lane. A lot of super smart people on this board with all of the answers. Wish people would wake up and start listening to the infinite wisdom of TexAgs. We might be done with this **** sandwich already.

In regards to the "we have a lot incapable and ineffective people in high positions". They are in government or academia both have a large problem with perspective of the "real world" they start in those spheres and never leave.
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Given we appear to be at half of that these next 5 days are starting to look pretty grim.
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Keegan99 said:

Positivity rate is also hindered by delays in reporting. The statewide figure has been effectively useless for all of August as the state has worked through a background of over a million tests.
Article in the Statesman last night was talking about how Williamson County wanted more people to get tested because the positivity rate was too low. And provided a link to the free testing. Only, to get the free testing, you need exposure or symptoms, which makes sense. But, then falling testing numbers suggest fewer people are qualifying for the free test, that is fewer people have symptoms.

Interestingly, if you look at positivity of the flu test during flu season, it starts out very low ~10%, climbs to ~60%, and then falls again. But I have never seen anyone panic and demand people get more testing because the positivity is ~60%. Since we only test people who have flu like illness, the % is not a direct reflection of how prevalent the flu is in the population, but rather a reflection of how prevalent the flu is compared to everything else that causes flu like illness. That is what percent of the symptomatic patients have flu vs something else.
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