Covid-19 Update Aggie Physician

1,307,752 Views | 3660 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by tamc91
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The unclear, mixed messages on the masks early on really made a mess of that situation. Physics alone dictate that even a bandanna will do something to slow the spread of particles, but then the N95's were touted as the "only" thing that would work. It only went downhill from there. Strong resemblance to the panic buying I see in South Florida for each Hurricane.
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3rd Generation Ag said:

Rev, the problem with that is that many of us who are over 70 are still working members of society. We really can't lock ourselves totally away for a year or so. That is why social distancing and people wearing masks really help us survive. I know that view is not popular here. But to me it is reality. I wear my mask but it does not help as much as you wearing yours.

I am not saying shut down, but I don't get the total anti mask mentality or the people who simply don't care that they are putting me and others like me at risk.

We are so good as school right now. All wearing masks and enough families opting for at home that I can socially distance the kids away from my desk.

To me there has to be a middle ground. Not go out and live your life without thought for others.

I have not been in a store since March. I pay to have my groceries delivered, but these pay shoppers are not as good as seeing the shelves for myself. Oh to be able to buy groceries. I don't eat out. And for things like Mothers day or my birthday, the kids took me to patio type places. Winter will make that harder. I have bought gas three times since March. I just drive to school and back. But the elderly, and I HATE that term are at very high risk. People I know have survived but with a much reduced quality of life afterwards.

My poor dog has terribly long toenails. Basset nails are too tough for me to cut. The ONE time I took her to the groomer to have them ground down, the place was not enforcing masks or socially distancing so no more Petsmart. That was my only venture and while they were supposed to be at 25 percent. I have not been able to find a come to the house groomer who will do large dogs.

I have not been inside a church since March. I don't know how much more I can do on my part.

I know that this is long, the people who say it is EASY to isolate those over 70 picture us all living in some sort of assisted living place instead of in homes and apartments and still an active part of the workforce.
Wear the damn masks.
If you are over 70 work on your risk factors. First we know that having a vitamin D level greater then 55 reduced the chance of contracting Covid-19 over 50% in a study of over 191,000 people. So start taking that and get your vitamin D level checked.

If you are overweight than focus on getting weight down. If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes than get these measures under good control.

In addition if you are worried when you go out than use an N95 mask they are much better at protecting the person wearing the mask. Us healthcare workers are face to face with Covid-19 patients all the time and we examine them without their mask but we have ours on. If you want to go get groceries yourself then go at a time when very little people are in the store such as early mornings. If you want to go out to eat go at 4:30 when the restaurant is almost empty and ask to sit far away from others. Avoid close contact with others when you are out. Stay away from smokers and vaping as this can potentially. If you are worried about the social distancing at the pet groomers have someone else take your dog for you. Avoid close contact with anyone for more than 10 minutes as this minimizes chances of contraction. You can't control others actions but you can control your own.

Both of my parents are over 70 and we have taken them out to eat but we did so at times when others were not likely to be in the restaurant. We were leaving when most people just started showing up. We have them over and sit outside frequently or sit 10 feet apart in the living room. They will be over for Thanksgiving and Christmas too.

Remember that just because you are over 70 does not mean you will die if you get Covid-19.. Quit the opposite actually, the death rate over age 70 is around 4% which is high but that still means 96 out of 100 survived. If you control the risk factors and take some of the supplements so can hopefully minimize your risks even more.
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JJMt said:


Get some N95 masks and wear them when you are out. It will do a lot more to protect you.
Although this may be true in principle, where can you find N95 masks? All I've been able to find are "K95 masks" which apparently are made in China and not verified.
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"Look what they're wearing when treating COVID positive patients" is about as apples and oranges as you can get.

No one thinks the general populace wearing masks is 100% effective. But it helps, and combine that with social distancing and not gathering in big groups and it absolutely makes a difference. We can look at all the mask wearing Asian countries who have practically eliminated this.

It's such a simple thing to just be considerate to others, even if you don't personally believe it has a huge effect.
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fig96 said:

"Look what they're wearing when treating COVID positive patients" is about as apples and oranges as you can get.

No one thinks the general populace wearing masks is 100% effective. But it helps, and combine that with social distancing and not gathering in big groups and it absolutely makes a difference. We can look at all the mask wearing Asian countries who have practically eliminated this.

It's such a simple thing to just be considerate to others, even if you don't personally believe it has a huge effect.
Want a real apples and oranges comparison... look at mask usage in the US vs all those Asian countries who have practically eliminated this. From what I've seen here in the US, about a quarter aren't covering their nose and mouth. Fair number just cover the mouth, and some have it so low on their face it only covers their bottom lip when they open their mouth to talk. About 50% are wearing some random piece of cloth with who knows how it was made, how many layers, and what quality of material. Not to mention, who knows how often people are actually washing/sterilizing their reusable masks. Now, take a look at those Asian countries where mask use has been effective. Everyone is wearing surgical masks or the like and wearing them properly. The reality is that in the US you can't rely on others wearing a proper mask correctly because Americans suck at wearing masks. That is just the reality. Sure it would be great if everyone was wearing a proper mask and wearing it properly, but that isn't happening.

At no point did I say or suggest don't wear a mask or that other people shouldn't wear a mask. I simply challenged the assertion that you wearing a mask was more beneficial to me than me wearing my own mask. And if we are taking a targeted approach to protecting the most high risk, then putting them in quality masks that are good enough to protect healthcare workers in a hospital setting is probably more effective than the current situation with poor usage of masks by much of the population.

If you disagree, by all means present some evidence that other people wearing a crap mask in a half ass way is going to do more to protect me than if I wear an N95 myself.
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What advice do you have for a family's isolation procedures when one member has tested positive? Should the positive family member remain in her room at all times? What about the need for exercise and movement that I've been reading about? How does that happen if the sick (actual symptoms, not just a test) person remains completely isolated?
Thanks for any advice.
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N95 would certainly be more effective but I never argued otherwise, the point is that doing something is better than nothing and if we'd all just make an attempt we'd be far better off. Probably 9 of 10 people I see are wearing their masks just fine which goes a long way.

Anyway, not the place for a debate.
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cc_ag92 said:

What advice do you have for a family's isolation procedures when one member has tested positive? Should the positive family member remain in her room at all times? What about the need for exercise and movement that I've been reading about? How does that happen if the sick (actual symptoms, not just a test) person remains completely isolated?
Thanks for any advice.

Unfortunately that is the best scenario if she is the only one positive.
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Reveille said:

cc_ag92 said:

What advice do you have for a family's isolation procedures when one member has tested positive? Should the positive family member remain in her room at all times? What about the need for exercise and movement that I've been reading about? How does that happen if the sick (actual symptoms, not just a test) person remains completely isolated?
Thanks for any advice.

Unfortunately that is the best scenario if she is the only one positive.
Our family has discussed this a few times and decided that isolating a family member in their own house isn't realistic. If one of us gets it, we're going to be there for the other one. If that means the rest of us get it, too bad.
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What we've landed on is that she stays in her room and bathroom with a small table and a chair for meals and school. College classes don't stop for Covid.
I'm dropping off food and beverages at the door while wearing an N95. Then I'm returning to pick them up with gloves and a mask and Lysoling the hell out of anything I touch. It may be an overreaction, but I prefer that to finding out that we didn't react enough.
I dropped off a week's worth of Reveille supplements in a pillbox, too.

We're going to work on setting up our Alexas so that we can communicate between rooms, but haven't done it yet. We're currently texting when we communicate or I'm standing down the hall from her room.

She's 19. I'm 50 with asthma and overweight (and before anyone asks if I'm doing something about that, I've lost twenty-five pounds since March, so, yes, I am working on it), so we know she's more likely to have a mild case than I am.

As far as symptoms, it hit her pretty hard, at least in relation to what I hear about "most college students." Toward the end of her restaurant shift yesterday, she started feeling tired and achy. By the time she got to her dorm, she had a 101 degree fever, a sore throat, a headache and gastrointestinal issues along with the aches. It took us almost an hour to find a rapid test place that wasn't over capacity for the day, but we did. She tested positive, picked up her things and came home as we had already been exposed to her the two days before. Day 2 and her Pulse Ox is 99. Temp is hovering around 100. Hopefully it passes quickly.

Anyway, I know you didn't ask for a book, but this is what we're doing in an effort to take care of her and protect us the best we can.
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Stay safe and thanks for the update. Hope your daughter gets well soon. Does the restaurant know?
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Hope she gets better quickly!
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They do. She immediately contacted her manager, her roommate and the three friends she had seen the day before, as well as UNT's Covid hotline.
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Thank you!! She's actually starting to perk up a bit tonight after two days worth of supplements, lots of sleep and some food. She definitely has age on her side!
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Hope she continues to get better and the rest of you stay virus-free!
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Today's update!
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Got a question about indoor dining for ya Doc...

I'm in MN and despite the good Lord's favor this week with 72 degree temps, patio season is pretty much done. I've been under the impression that as long as you're properly spaced from others in a restaurant you should be fine, but my wife has a doctor friend who is in her ear about eating inside in a restaurant is about the worst thing you could do.

Is there concern for the virus to be circulated by HVAC systems at restaurants? I was under the impression that it's not, but we're at a crossroads where myself and my 69 year old mom who lives with us don't care and aren't bother by it but my wife is pretty much terrified and also can't stand shouldering the burden if we get my mom sick (even though she's fine doing so).
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Hi 3-G - for pet stuff see if places are offering curbside - that is, see if they will pick up and drop off the pup while you stay in car. Many places have switched to offering that, both at mom and pop and big box. Also see if vet will do this for you. Our vet is still entirely curbside service.
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Today's update!
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Reveille said:

Today's update!

Doc, what are your thoughts on the timing. Still need human testing to get EUA.

Given the announcements from Pfizer, Moderna, and AZ recently about being ready to submit vaccine data for approval soon, we should start seeing vaccine availability in a month or so. While ramp up to dose the world will take time, there doesn't seem to be much of a window for this nasal spray to get approved and go to market. I guess there are always the vaccine fearful that can use a nasal spray.
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BiochemAg97 said:

Reveille said:

Today's update!

Doc, what are your thoughts on the timing. Still need human testing to get EUA.

Given the announcements from Pfizer, Moderna, and AZ recently about being ready to submit vaccine data for approval soon, we should start seeing vaccine availability in a month or so. While ramp up to dose the world will take time, there doesn't seem to be much of a window for this nasal spray to get approved and go to market. I guess there are always the vaccine fearful that can use a nasal spray.

I agree completely there will be very limited market since a vaccine should be readily available soon. In there paper they mention areas of the world where economics play a role as this will likely be very inexpensive. Also people who for some reason that cannot be vaccinated or possibly do not develop immunity could benefit from the spray. If they are severely immunosuppressed this could be an option. Finally, those like you said that are fearful of a nasal spray.
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JJMt said:

Thanks. However, I have to admit that I'm a bit skeptical of any company that uses "Honest" in their name.
I only ordered a small package from them because I was also skeptical. I was further triggered when they arrived because the labeling was in both Chinese and English.

But I looked up ways to test them and they passed with flying colors. Namely, they quite literally hold water (which was pretty much case-closed for me - they're clearly better than cloth or disposables). They're quite breathable, but when you're wearing one, you can't blow out a candle no matter how hard you try (which was another efficacy test).
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what are your thoughts on Europe? Their deaths seem to be spiking as well as cases.
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Today's update!
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Today's update!
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Dr. Rev,

Would you mind posting what brands/versions/size/etc of the supplements? There seem to be all types of brands and such on amazon, and it is hard to know which are quality and which are not.
Stringfellow Hawke
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shalackin said:

Dr. Rev,

Would you mind posting what brands/versions/size/etc of the supplements? There seem to be all types of brands and such on amazon, and it is hard to know which are quality and which are not.

Highly recommend this site.
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Anything to this, or is it just hope till a vaccine? Thanks.

Whistle Jock
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Since NovaVax looks like it will not be the successful vaccine will the facility at Texas A&M be able to produce the
Pfizer or Modera vaccine?
"They exchanged their lives in a hope for this future we now inhabit. Though the fight took place many years ago and even today, each of us remains as a living part of it."

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Whistle Jock said:

Since NovaVax looks like it will not be the successful vaccine will the facility at Texas A&M be able to produce the
Pfizer or Modera vaccine?
Not really. NovaVax is a protein in a nano particle. Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA. The mRNA is synthesized, so you would need the equipment for synthesizing large quantities of mRNA. That isn't the same equipment as making large quantities of protein.

But where do you see anything to suggest NovaVax isn't going to be successful? I haven't seen where they have announced any sort of result, but I did see they were recently granted fast track status by FDA.

If that is simply based on Moderna and Pfizer being ahead in the game, we will likely need as many vaccines as possible to supply demand.
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That would be nice if true. The quercetin that I've been taking has bromelain too.
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Today's update!
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Reveille said:

Today's update!

The Mrna treatments seem really awesome. I think most people remember movies like "I Am Legend" and have a little apprehension as medicine continues to develop into areas that make us nervous.
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