dermdoc said:
Pumpkinhead said:
dermdoc said:
So instead of looking at Italy or Spain, I look at Seattle and Washington as they seem to be where we will be in a week. Take away the 20 nursing home deaths and it is very encouraging.
The cases you are see today is what was actually happening a week or more ago.
That is the danger with the spread of this virus. The data you have for today is actually what was happening in the past. You won't know what is really happening TODAY until several days from now, and if there were exponential growth rates then the number of cases have been doubling approximately every 2 days.
With an exponential curve, at first you are doubling small numbers so the increase is gradual. But once the curve takes off, the spread gets really extensive really fast.
I get it. But the first reported case in Washington State was 1/21. First in Italy was the first week of February.
Why the apparent disparity in severity?
And fwiw, I trust info from Seattle a lot more than from Italy.
I know one thing that happened in Italy was the first hospital or one of the first, didn't follow protocols and significant spread happened in the hospital. And then they lost control of it as people were walking around infected.
That Washington nursing home situation was actually lucky, because sure a bunch of people got infected in that nursing home but think about it...most of those people were not healthy enough to be moving around so the infection stayed mostly clustered. Awful for the residents of that nursing home, but for The surrounding area lucky it was a nursing home.
A far far worse scenario than a nursing home would have been say like a college dorm of 20 students got hit, they'd have some fever maybe but perhaps no idea they were infected, out still doing all their active regular routine and hitting the bars and clubs.
This virus, the elderly and compromised are at the most risk to die, but it is the younger, healthy people who are the most risk to be carriers and explode the spread.