Kelly in to pitch.
this bullpen is trash, just like the coachingAntman92 said:
Bullpen does it again
Sea Pony 07 said:DGrimesAg92 said:
Does no one update scoring on this thread anymore?
You're welcome to do it
bullpen was crushing it until Earley decided he needed to play for the walkoff and do matchup gamesAntman92 said:
Bullpen does it again
Leander - Ag said:
Honestly never witnessed sloss do stupid s like this
And here I thought the PH Bear for Galloway was the dumbest I've ever seen, but nope. Earley outdoes himself in the 9th.Fquin said:
Fight all the way back only to be undone by your rookie head coach.
Evanhue said:this bullpen is trash, just like the coachingAntman92 said:
Bullpen does it again
The Marksman said:
I think Coach Earley finally just lost me this inning
CrottyKid said:
Boys and girls.
Our coach is not a good coach.
Call a spade a spade.
Time to move on.
Bunk Moreland said:Aggies2009 said:
Earley is just Childress with worse pitching decisions.
RC left everyone in too long, ME yanks em too early.