Just be sure to give them your email, username, and login info and they can keep purchasing them like you're still alive. Not sure the 12th MF would even notice12th Man Ag said:Same as aTm 99 above. We have 4 kids, but there has rarely been a time when we needed 6 tickets. Even less pressure now with one graduated from A&M, 2 current students who can get student tickets, and 1 high schooler.TexDill15 said:12th Man Ag said:
Correct. They didn't take away any seats from those who had more than 4, but no one is able to have more than 4 now. Not sure if that will change with the new stadium in 2027 or not.
What does a family of 5 do? I mean it's not that rare to have 3 kids. Or do they expect most of ticket holders to be on the back stage of parenting and empty nesters?
I will encourage my graduates and current students to get tickets in the new stadium though so they can start the process of moving and improving over the years.
Do they allow the transfer of tickets to your children in baseball like they do in football?